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Title: Magiun magazine & Fizz club launch Date: 2020-09-19 Category: event slug: magiun-fizz-club-launch lang: en Event_start: 2020-09-18 17:00 event_duration: 2h featured_image: /images/magiun_gimp.gif summary: Join us for an afternoon of food! Alice Strete presents the new food magazine Magiun and Varia announces the start of a new open membership food and fermentation club. Expect Kombucha, sourdough bread, ASCII art and other tasty treats.

Magiun is an online and print magazine about everyday food. It publishes stories, poems, essays, recipes, photos and illustrations.

Fizz club is the start of a new collective experiment for food and fermentation enthusiasts at Varia. Anyone can join. It is inspired by the recent Escuela de Garaje by Laagencia at Rib.