a set of script to predict passes and make automated recordings of satellites. Intended to be run headless on an SoC. Original forked from https://github.com/va7eex/Pi_WXRX Improvements made for https://keet.space
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
780 B

#Satellite we want to plan to record. ex: NOAA-19
#current unix time
TIEMSTAMP=$(date +%s)
#make a file
rm reschd-$SAT.txt
#from here out we generate a bash script to be executed at the time of a satellite pass
echo "#!/bin/bash" > $FILENAME
#meat and potatoes of the program
python satpredict.py
python satschedule.py $SAT >> $FILENAME
#regenerate the bash script for the next pass afterwards
echo "sleep 30" >> $FILENAME
echo "echo bash sats.sh ${SAT} > reschd-${SAT}.txt" >> $FILENAME
echo "at now + 30 minutes -q z -M -f reschd-${SAT}.txt" >> $FILENAME
echo "rm ${FILENAME}" >> $FILENAME
echo $TIEM
#commit to the action
at -M -m $TIEM < $FILENAME
rm "${SAT}_sched.txt"