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Dear Participants,<br><br>
we hereby send you an update on the OPENCOIL roaming (low-)speedshow. We have exciting news and a couple of questions:<br>
First of all, a big thanks to everyone for participating and sending in works!<br>
The hardware is in, the molds are molded and the last hand is being laid on the website that will display the position of your works on a map (in realtime(TM)) --> see mockup https://opencoil.show/map.html<br>
Some relevant data:<br><br>
- Deadline submitting works: 14th October 2020<br>
- Soft-Opening: October 16th @ Berlin Zentrum der Netz Kunst, 7pm<br>
- Showcase: October 17th @ KO Markt, Haus der Statistik, 2pm-8pm<br>
- Puplic roaming Speedshow in the wild: October 26th - 1st November<br><br>
We have been hard at work to apply for some funding, this means there will be a small compensation for you when we get it!<br><br>
Questions to you:<br>
- What is the title of your work? This will be the SSIDs being broadcasted by the scooter<br>
- We would like to have a one line description of your work for the map marker (opencoil.show/map.html)<br><br>
We have made a html invitation to send to your friends ---> https://opencoil.show/invite<br>
Feel free to invite whom ever you like.<br><br>
See you soon!<br>
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