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added icons for dead battery scooters (no battery) and damaged/maintenance ones

user 4 years ago
  1. 41


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $scooters = array(
array('', 'Martin Howse', 'wok_the_cables', 'Adventure game for psychogeophysical divination of portals, realtime instructions to follow #wokthecables'), array('', 'Martin Howse', 'wok_the_cables', 'Adventure game for psychogeophysical divination of portals, realtime instructions to follow #wokthecables'),
array('', 'Sofya Aleynikova', 'followers', 'Eine weibliche Protagonistin manifestiert sich als Meme im Web und stellt die richtigen Fragen.'), array('', 'Sofya Aleynikova', 'followers', 'Eine weibliche Protagonistin manifestiert sich als Meme im Web und stellt die richtigen Fragen.'),
array('', 'JODI', '#4b38$R0ut.IDx', '██████████████████████████████████████████████████▒▒'), array('', 'JODI', '#4b38$R0ut.IDx', '██████████████████████████████████████████████████▒▒'),
array('', 'Rosa Menkman', 'Ariane', 'Ariane is a famous Shutterstock model. She also worries about getting older.'), array('', 'Rosa Menkmann', 'Ariane', 'Ariane is a famous Shutterstock model. She also worries about getting older.'),
array('', 'Sarah Grant', 'Plague Rave 2020', 'Take a katamari style tour with corona through the vibrant Berlin club scene. Download a souvenir photo at the end of the trip!'), array('', 'Sarah Grant', 'Plague Rave 2020', 'Take a katamari style tour with corona through the vibrant Berlin club scene. Download a souvenir photo at the end of the trip!'),
array('', 'Danja Vasiliev', 'need4speed', 'A situationist game in public space adapted for the micro-mobility sector. Rent a scooter, ride while making continuous and sharp turns and find l00t!'), array('', 'Danja Vasiliev', 'need4speed', 'A situationist game in public space adapted for the micro-mobility sector. Rent a scooter, ride while making continuous and sharp turns and find l00t!'),
array('', 'Constant Dullaart', 'constant time', 'Your network, your home, as temporary as seconds on the clock. Reconnect.'), array('', 'Constant Dullaart', 'constant time', 'Your network, your home, as temporary as seconds on the clock. Reconnect.'),
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ global $scooters; //"import" the global variable into the function's scope
$pos = $lat.', '.$lng; // construct lat/lon for use in leafet $pos = $lat.', '.$lng; // construct lat/lon for use in leafet
$lst = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["lastLocationUpdate"]; // get time of last position $lst = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["lastLocationUpdate"]; // get time of last position
$rnt = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["isRentable"]; // check if scooter is rentable, $rnt = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["isRentable"]; // check if scooter is rentable,
$act = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["state"]; // check if scooter is ACTIVE or MAINTAINANCE $act = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["state"]; // check if scooter is: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, MAINTAINANCE, DAMAGED
$bat = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["batteryLevel"]; // battery level 0-100
// access values from the multidimensional $scooters array // access values from the multidimensional $scooters array
$nam = $scooters[$id][1]; // get the artist name $nam = $scooters[$id][1]; // get the artist name
$tit = $scooters[$id][2]; // get the works title $tit = $scooters[$id][2]; // get the works title
@ -67,7 +68,8 @@ function makeMarker(int $id){ // generate appropriate markers based on latest JS
$pos = $arr[$id]["lastPos"]; // get last known position $pos = $arr[$id]["lastPos"]; // get last known position
$lst = $arr[$id]["lastLocationUpdate"]; // get time of last position $lst = $arr[$id]["lastLocationUpdate"]; // get time of last position
$rnt = $arr[$id]["isRentable"]; // check if scooter is rentable, $rnt = $arr[$id]["isRentable"]; // check if scooter is rentable,
$act = $arr[$id]["state"]; // check if scooter is ACTIVE or MAINTAINANCE $act = $arr[$id]["state"]; // check if scooter is: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, MAINTAINANCE, DAMAGED
$bat = $arr[$id]["batteryLevel"]; // battery level 0-100
// access values from the multidimensional $scooters array // access values from the multidimensional $scooters array
$nam = $arr[$id]["name"]; // get the artist name $nam = $arr[$id]["name"]; // get the artist name
$tit = $arr[$id]["title"]; // get the works title $tit = $arr[$id]["title"]; // get the works title
@ -80,22 +82,39 @@ function makeMarker(int $id){ // generate appropriate markers based on latest JS
//check if scooter is rentable //check if scooter is rentable
if($rnt == true && $act === 'ACTIVE'){ if($rnt == true && $act === 'ACTIVE'){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map) $marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: rentable, gallery online") .bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: rentable, gallery available")
.bindTooltip("'.$nam.'").setIcon(availableIcon);'; .bindTooltip("'.$nam.'").setIcon(availableIcon);';
} elseif ($rnt == false && $act === 'ACTIVE') { //check if scooter is rented out
if ($rnt == false && $act === 'ACTIVE') {
$marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map) $marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: rented out, gallery on the move") .bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: rented out, gallery on the move")
.bindTooltip("'.$nam.'").setIcon(isRentedIcon);'; .bindTooltip("'.$nam.'").setIcon(isRentedIcon);';
}; };
//check if scooter is in maintenace //check if scooter battery is low
if($act !== "ACTIVE"){ if($act === "INACTIVE" && $bat > 0){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map) $marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: battery low, gallery online") .bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: battery low, gallery online")
//check if scooters battery is dead
if($act === "INACTIVE" && $bat == 0){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: battery dead, gallery unavailable")
//check if scooters is dead
if($act === "DAMAGED" || $act === "MAINTAINANCE"){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$id.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$tit.'</b><br>'.$des.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'<br>Status: scooter in maintenance, gallery unavailable")
.bindTooltip("'.$nam.'").setIcon(isMaintenanceIcon);'; .bindTooltip("'.$nam.'").setIcon(isMaintenanceIcon);';
}; };
return $marker; return $marker;
@ -420,9 +439,15 @@ function callAPI($url){
var isRentedIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon( var isRentedIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "hourglass-half", "iconColor": "white", "spin": "true", "markerColor": "pink", "prefix": "fa"} {"icon": "hourglass-half", "iconColor": "white", "spin": "true", "markerColor": "pink", "prefix": "fa"}
); );
var isMaintenanceIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon( var lowBatIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "battery-1", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "pink", "prefix": "fa"} {"icon": "battery-1", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "pink", "prefix": "fa"}
); );
var noBatIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "battery-empty", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "black", "prefix": "fa"}
var isMaintenanceIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "wrench", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "black", "prefix": "fa"}
var map ='map', { zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false }).setView([52.516190, 13.377693], 11.5); var map ='map', { zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false }).setView([52.516190, 13.377693], 11.5);
