Distribusi is a content management system for the web that produces static pages based on the file system.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

153 lines
4.9 KiB

import base64
import os
from io import BytesIO
import magic
from distribusi.page_template import html_footer, html_head
from PIL import Image
import subprocess
'image': '<figure><img class="image" src="{}">{}</figure>',
'pdf': (
'<object data="{}" class="pdf" type="application/pdf">'
'<embed src="{}" type="application/pdf" /></object>'
'text': '<a href="{}" class="text">{}</a>',
'video': (
'<video class="video" controls>'
'<source src="{}"></source></video>'
'audio': (
'<audio controls class="audio">'
'<source src="{}"></source></audio>'
MIME_TYPE = magic.Magic(mime=True)
def caption(image):
process = subprocess.Popen(['exiftool', '-Comment', image], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = process.communicate()
caption = out.decode("utf-8").split(": ", 1)[1]
caption = ''
return caption
def thumbnail(image, name, args):
size = (450, 450)
im = Image.open(image)
output = BytesIO()
im.save(output, format='JPEG')
im_data = output.getvalue()
data_url = base64.b64encode(im_data).decode()
cap = caption(image)
if cap and args.captions:
cap = "<figcaption>{}</figcaption>".format(cap)
cap = ''
return (
"<figure><a href='{}'><img class='thumbnail' src='data:image/jpg;base64,{}'></a>{}</figure>"
).format(name, data_url, cap)
def div(args, mime, tag, *values):
id_name = values[0].split('.')[0].replace(' ', '_')
if not args.no_filenames:
filename = '<br><span class="filename">{}</span>'
filename = ''
if 'image' in mime:
html = '<div id="{}">{}' + filename + '</div>'
elif 'pdf' in mime:
html = '<div id="{}">{}' + filename + '</div>'
html = '<div id="{}">{}</div>'
return html.format(id_name, tag, values[0])
def distribusify(args, directory): # noqa
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
html = []
if args.verbose:
print('Listing', root)
for name in files:
if args.verbose:
print('Adding', name)
if 'index.html' not in name:
full_path = os.path.join(root, name)
mime = MIME_TYPE.from_file(full_path)
mime, format = mime.split('/') # example: plain text
if args.verbose:
print(mime, format)
if mime in FILE_TYPES:
# expansion for different kind of textfiles
if mime == 'text':
if name.endswith('.html') or name.endswith('.txt'):
# what types of text files to expand
a = open(full_path).read()
elif format in CODE_TYPES:
# if the plain text is code,
# which types do we wrap in pre-tags?
a = "<pre>"+open(full_path).read()+"</pre>"
a = FILE_TYPES[mime]
if mime == 'image' and args.thumbnail:
a = thumbnail(full_path, name, args)
cap = caption(full_path)
if cap and args.captions:
cap = "<figcaption>{}</figcaption>".format(cap)
cap = ''
a = FILE_TYPES[mime].format(full_path, cap)
if format in FILE_TYPES:
a = FILE_TYPES[format]
if mime not in FILE_TYPES and format not in FILE_TYPES:
# catch exceptions not defined in FILE_TYPES before
a = "<a href='{}'>{}</a>"
if args.verbose:
message = 'mime-type not in list, adding as href: \n'
print(message, mime, format, name)
a = a.replace('{}', name)
html.append(div(args, mime, a, name))
if root != directory:
html.append('<a href="../">../</a>')
for name in dirs:
a = "<a href='{}' class='dir'>{}/</a>".replace('{}', name)
html.append(div(args, 'dir', a, 'folder'))
with open(os.path.join(root, 'index.html'), 'w') as f:
if not args.no_template:
if args.style:
fs = open(os.path.join(root, args.style), "r")
style = fs.read()
styled_html_head = html_head % style
styled_html_head = html_head % ''
for line in html:
if not args.no_template: