Pumping pads as files into publishing frameworks!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
844 B

from __future__ import print_function
import re, sys
def strip_tags (text):
return re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", text)
def urlify (t, ext=".html"):
return t.replace(" ", "_") + ext
def filename_to_padid (t):
t = t.replace("_", " ")
t = re.sub(r"\.html$", "", t)
return t
def linkify (src, urlify=urlify):
collect = []
def s (m):
contents = strip_tags(m.group(1))
link = urlify(contents)
# link = link.split("?", 1)[0]
return "[[<a class=\"wikilink\" href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>]]".format(link, contents)
# src = re.sub(r"\[\[([\w_\- ,]+?)\]\]", s, src)
## question marks are ignored by etherpad, so split/strip it
src = re.sub(r"\[\[(.+?)(\?.*)?\]\]", s, src)
return (src, collect)
if __name__ == "__main__":
src = sys.stdin.read()
src, links = linkify(src)
for l in links:
print (l)
print (src)