handle exceptions
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,171 +101,176 @@ while len(todo) > 0:
except OSError:
# _
# _ __ ___ ___| |_ __ _
# | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` |
# | | | | | | __/ || (_| |
# |_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|
meta_out = "{0}/{1}".format(args.path, urlify(padid, ext=".json"))
if not args.hidepaths:
print (meta_out, file=sys.stderr)
if not args.pretend:
meta = {}
meta['padid'] = padid
revisions_url = apiurl+'getRevisionsCount?'+urlencode(data)
# _
# _ __ ___ ___| |_ __ _
# | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _` |
# | | | | | | __/ || (_| |
# |_| |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|
meta_out = "{0}/{1}".format(args.path, urlify(padid, ext=".json"))
if not args.hidepaths:
print (meta_out, file=sys.stderr)
if not args.pretend:
meta = {}
meta['padid'] = padid
revisions_url = apiurl+'getRevisionsCount?'+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (revisions_url, file=sys.stderr)
meta['total_revisions'] = json.load(urlopen(revisions_url))['data']['revisions']
lastedited_url = apiurl+'getLastEdited?'+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (lastedited_url, file=sys.stderr)
lastedited_raw = json.load(urlopen(lastedited_url))['data']['lastEdited']
meta['lastedited_raw'] = lastedited_raw
meta['lastedited'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(lastedited_raw)/1000).isoformat()
# author_ids (unfortunately, this is a list of internal etherpad author ids -- not the names ppl type)
authors_url = apiurl+'listAuthorsOfPad?'+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (authors_url, file=sys.stderr)
meta['author_ids'] = json.load(urlopen(authors_url))['data']['authorIDs']
with open(meta_out, "w") as f:
json.dump(meta, f)
# _ __ __ ___ __
# | '__/ _` \ \ /\ / /
# | | | (_| |\ V V /
# |_| \__,_| \_/\_/
raw_out = "{0}/{1}".format(args.path, urlify(padid, ext=".txt"))
if not args.hidepaths:
print (raw_out, file=sys.stderr)
text_url = apiurl+"getText?"+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (revisions_url, file=sys.stderr)
meta['total_revisions'] = json.load(urlopen(revisions_url))['data']['revisions']
print (text_url, file=sys.stderr)
if not args.pretend:
rawText = json.load(urlopen(text_url))['data']['text']
with open(raw_out, "w") as f:
lastedited_url = apiurl+'getLastEdited?'+urlencode(data)
# _ _ _
# | |__ | |_ _ __ ___ | |
# | '_ \| __| '_ ` _ \| |
# | | | | |_| | | | | | |
# |_| |_|\__|_| |_| |_|_|
# todo ? -- regular HTML output
# _
# ___ ___ | | ___ _ __ ___
# / __/ _ \| |/ _ \| '__/ __|
# | (_| (_) | | (_) | | \__ \
# \___\___/|_|\___/|_| |___/
colors_out = "{0}/{1}".format(args.path, urlify(padid, ext=".html"))
if not args.hidepaths:
print (colors_out, file=sys.stderr)
data['startRev'] = "0"
colors_url = apiurl+'createDiffHTML?'+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (lastedited_url, file=sys.stderr)
lastedited_raw = json.load(urlopen(lastedited_url))['data']['lastEdited']
meta['lastedited_raw'] = lastedited_raw
meta['lastedited'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(lastedited_raw)/1000).isoformat()
print (colors_url, file=sys.stderr)
html = json.load(urlopen(colors_url))['data']['html']
t = html5lib.parse(html, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
html = ET.tostring(t, method="html")
# author_ids (unfortunately, this is a list of internal etherpad author ids -- not the names ppl type)
authors_url = apiurl+'listAuthorsOfPad?'+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (authors_url, file=sys.stderr)
meta['author_ids'] = json.load(urlopen(authors_url))['data']['authorIDs']
with open(meta_out, "w") as f:
json.dump(meta, f)
# _ __ __ ___ __
# | '__/ _` \ \ /\ / /
# | | | (_| |\ V V /
# |_| \__,_| \_/\_/
raw_out = "{0}/{1}".format(args.path, urlify(padid, ext=".txt"))
if not args.hidepaths:
print (raw_out, file=sys.stderr)
text_url = apiurl+"getText?"+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (text_url, file=sys.stderr)
if not args.pretend:
rawText = json.load(urlopen(text_url))['data']['text']
with open(raw_out, "w") as f:
# _ _ _
# | |__ | |_ _ __ ___ | |
# | '_ \| __| '_ ` _ \| |
# | | | | |_| | | | | | |
# |_| |_|\__|_| |_| |_|_|
# todo ? -- regular HTML output
# _
# ___ ___ | | ___ _ __ ___
# / __/ _ \| |/ _ \| '__/ __|
# | (_| (_) | | (_) | | \__ \
# \___\___/|_|\___/|_| |___/
colors_out = "{0}/{1}".format(args.path, urlify(padid, ext=".html"))
if not args.hidepaths:
print (colors_out, file=sys.stderr)
data['startRev'] = "0"
colors_url = apiurl+'createDiffHTML?'+urlencode(data)
if args.showurls:
print (colors_url, file=sys.stderr)
html = json.load(urlopen(colors_url))['data']['html']
t = html5lib.parse(html, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
html = ET.tostring(t, method="html")
# Stage 1: Process as text
# Process [[wikilink]] style links
# and (optionally) add linked page names to spider todo list
html, links = linkify(html)
if args.spider:
for l in links:
if l not in todo and l not in done:
if l.startswith("http://") or l.startswith("https://"):
print ("Ignoring absolute URL in [[ link ]] form", file=sys.stderr)
# if args.verbose:
# print (" link: {0}".format(l), file=sys.stderr)
# Stage 2: Process as ElementTree
t = html5lib.parse(html, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
# apply linkpats
for a in t.findall(".//a"):
href = a.attrib.get("href")
original_href = href
if href:
# if args.verbose:
# print ("searching for PADLINK: {0}".format(href))
for pat in padlinkpats:
if re.search(pat, href) != None:
# Stage 1: Process as text
# Process [[wikilink]] style links
# and (optionally) add linked page names to spider todo list
html, links = linkify(html)
if args.spider:
for l in links:
if l not in todo and l not in done:
if l.startswith("http://") or l.startswith("https://"):
if args.verbose:
print ("Ignoring absolute URL in [[ link ]] form", file=sys.stderr)
# if args.verbose:
# print (" found PADLINK: {0}".format(href))
href = re.sub(pat, "\\1.html", href)
padid = filename_to_padid(href)
set_text_contents(a, "[[{0}]]".format(padid))
if padid not in todo and padid not in done:
if args.verbose:
print (" link: {0}".format(padid), file=sys.stderr)
# apply linkpats
for s, r in linkpats:
href = re.sub(s, r, href)
if href != original_href:
old_contents = text_contents(a)
# print ("OLD_CONTENTS {0}".format(old_contents))
if old_contents == original_href:
if args.verbose:
print (" Updating href IN TEXT", file=sys.stderr)
set_text_contents(a, href)
# print (" link: {0}".format(l), file=sys.stderr)
if original_href != href:
if args.verbose:
print (" Changed href from {0} to {1}".format(original_href, href), file=sys.stderr)
a.attrib['href'] = href
# Stage 2: Process as ElementTree
t = html5lib.parse(html, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
# apply linkpats
for a in t.findall(".//a"):
href = a.attrib.get("href")
original_href = href
if href:
# if args.verbose:
# print ("searching for PADLINK: {0}".format(href))
for pat in padlinkpats:
if re.search(pat, href) != None:
# if args.verbose:
# print (" found PADLINK: {0}".format(href))
href = re.sub(pat, "\\1.html", href)
padid = filename_to_padid(href)
set_text_contents(a, "[[{0}]]".format(padid))
if padid not in todo and padid not in done:
if args.verbose:
print (" link: {0}".format(padid), file=sys.stderr)
# apply linkpats
for s, r in linkpats:
href = re.sub(s, r, href)
if href != original_href:
old_contents = text_contents(a)
# print ("OLD_CONTENTS {0}".format(old_contents))
if old_contents == original_href:
if args.verbose:
print (" Updating href IN TEXT", file=sys.stderr)
set_text_contents(a, href)
# SHOWIMAGES : inject img tag for (local) images
if args.add_images:
ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lower().lstrip(".")
if ext in ("png", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg"):
# ap = _parent(a)
print ("Adding img '{0}'".format(href), file=sys.stderr)
img = ET.SubElement(a, "img")
br = ET.SubElement(a, "br")
a.remove(img); a.insert(0, img)
a.remove(br); a.insert(1, br)
img.attrib['src'] = href
if original_href != href:
if args.verbose:
print (" Changed href from {0} to {1}".format(original_href, href), file=sys.stderr)
a.attrib['href'] = href
# extract the style tag (with authorship colors)
style = t.find(".//style")
if style != None:
style = ET.tostring(style, method="html")
style = ""
# and extract the contents of the body
html = contents(t.find(".//body"))
# SHOWIMAGES : inject img tag for (local) images
if args.add_images:
ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lower().lstrip(".")
if ext in ("png", "gif", "jpeg", "jpg"):
# ap = _parent(a)
print ("Adding img '{0}'".format(href), file=sys.stderr)
img = ET.SubElement(a, "img")
br = ET.SubElement(a, "br")
a.remove(img); a.insert(0, img)
a.remove(br); a.insert(1, br)
img.attrib['src'] = href
if not args.pretend:
with open(colors_out, "w") as f:
# f.write(html.encode("utf-8"))
html = html,
style = style,
revision = meta['total_revisions'],
padid = padid,
timestamp = datetime.now()
# extract the style tag (with authorship colors)
style = t.find(".//style")
if style != None:
style = ET.tostring(style, method="html")
style = ""
# and extract the contents of the body
html = contents(t.find(".//body"))
# _
# | | ___ ___ _ __
# | |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \
# | | (_) | (_) | |_) |
# |_|\___/ \___/| .__/
# |_|
if not args.pretend:
with open(colors_out, "w") as f:
# f.write(html.encode("utf-8"))
html = html,
style = style,
revision = meta['total_revisions'],
padid = padid,
timestamp = datetime.now()
count += 1
if args.limit and count >= args.limit:
# _
# | | ___ ___ _ __
# | |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \
# | | (_) | (_) | |_) |
# |_|\___/ \___/| .__/
# |_|
count += 1
if args.limit and count >= args.limit:
except TypeError:
print ("ERROR, skipping!", file=sys.stderr)
@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ def linkify (src, urlify=urlify):
# src = re.sub(r"\[\[([\w_\- ,]+?)\]\]", s, src)
## question marks are ignored by etherpad, so split/strip it
src = re.sub(r"\[\[(.+?)(\?.*)?\]\]", s, src)
## strip slashes as well!! (/timeslider)
src = re.sub(r"\[\[(.+?)(\/.*)?(\?.*)?\]\]", s, src)
return (src, collect)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user