*Etherpump* is a fork of [*etherdump*](https://gitlab.constantvzw.org/aa/etherdump), a command line tool written by [Michael Murtaugh](http://automatist.org/) that converts etherpad pages to files. This fork is made out of curiosities in the tool, a wish to study it and shared sparks of enthusiasm to use it in different situations within Varia.
Etherpump is a stretched version of etherdump. It introduces features to the initial tool that diffuse actions of *dumping* into *pumping*. Etherpump will allow one to use etherpads to edit and structure content for various modes of publishing.
Etherpump is a stretched version of etherdump. It introduces features to the initial tool that diffuse actions of *dumping* into *pumping*. Etherpump is most of all a work-in-progress, exploring potential uses of etherpads to edit, structure and publish various types of content.