To keep the API interface simple: what about only using the option "opt_in=True" #13

opened 2020-11-26 17:24:21 +01:00 by mb · 2 comments

(API thoughts that boiled up in a conversation @

(API thoughts that boiled up in a conversation @

Another suggestion is to also add the folder="FOLDERNAME".

Another suggestion is to also add the folder="FOLDERNAME".

One idea is take all command line arguments as they stand on the command line and thread them through via the magic word API interface. So if you use --publish-opt-in on the CLI you pass publish_opt_in=True in the function definition.

Then the other idea was that the command line interface is confusing so we should make it easier to use when writing th script. But of course, we're just making new conventions and running into new confusions with that :)

Anyway, just writing before I forget.

One idea is take all command line arguments as they stand on the command line and thread them through via the magic word API interface. So if you use `--publish-opt-in` on the CLI you pass `publish_opt_in=True` in the function definition. Then the other idea was that the command line interface is confusing so we should make it easier to use when writing th script. But of course, we're just making new conventions and running into new confusions with that :) Anyway, just writing before I forget.
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Reference: varia/etherpump#13
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