Pumping pads as files into publishing frameworks!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

127 lines
5.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys, json, re, os
from datetime import datetime
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from common import *
Update meta data files for those that have changed.
Check for changed pads by looking at revisions & comparing to existing
def main (args):
p = ArgumentParser("Check for pads that have changed since last sync (according to .meta.json)")
p.add_argument("padid", nargs="*", default=[])
p.add_argument("--padinfo", default=".etherdump/settings.json", help="settings, default: .etherdump/settings.json")
p.add_argument("--zerorevs", default=False, action="store_true", help="include pads with zero revisions, default: False (i.e. pads with no revisions are skipped)")
p.add_argument("--pub", default=".", help="folder to store files for public pads, default: pub")
p.add_argument("--group", default="g", help="folder to store files for group pads, default: g")
p.add_argument("--skip", default=None, type=int, help="skip this many items, default: None")
p.add_argument("--meta", default=False, action="store_true", help="download meta to PADID.meta.json, default: False")
p.add_argument("--text", default=False, action="store_true", help="download text to PADID.txt, default: False")
p.add_argument("--html", default=False, action="store_true", help="download html to PADID.html, default: False")
p.add_argument("--dhtml", default=False, action="store_true", help="download dhtml to PADID.dhtml, default: False")
p.add_argument("--all", default=False, action="store_true", help="download all files (meta, text, html, dhtml), default: False")
args = p.parse_args(args)
info = loadpadinfo(args.padinfo)
data = {}
data['apikey'] = info['apikey']
if args.padid:
padids = args.padid
padids = getjson(info['apiurl']+'listAllPads?'+urlencode(data))['data']['padIDs']
numpads = len(padids)
# maxmsglen = 0
count = 0
for i, padid in enumerate(padids):
if args.skip != None and i<args.skip:
progressbar(i, numpads, padid)
data['padID'] = padid.encode("utf-8")
p = padpath(padid, args.pub, args.group)
metapath = p + ".meta.json"
revisions = None
tries = 1
skip = False
while True:
if os.path.exists(metapath):
with open(metapath) as f:
meta = json.load(f)
revisions = getjson(info['apiurl']+'getRevisionsCount?'+urlencode(data))['data']['revisions']
if meta['revisions'] == revisions:
meta = {'padid': padid.encode("utf-8")}
if revisions == None:
meta['revisions'] = getjson(info['apiurl']+'getRevisionsCount?'+urlencode(data))['data']['revisions']
meta['revisions' ] = revisions
if (meta['revisions'] == 0) and (not args.zerorevs):
# print("Skipping zero revs", file=sys.stderr)
# todo: load more metadata!
meta['pad'], meta['group'] = splitpadname(padid)
meta['pathbase'] = p
meta['lastedited_raw'] = int(getjson(info['apiurl']+'getLastEdited?'+urlencode(data))['data']['lastEdited'])
meta['lastedited_iso'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(meta['lastedited_raw'])/1000).isoformat()
meta['author_ids'] = getjson(info['apiurl']+'listAuthorsOfPad?'+urlencode(data))['data']['authorIDs']
except HTTPError as e:
tries += 1
if tries > 3:
print ("Too many failures ({0}), skipping".format(padid).encode("utf-8"), file=sys.stderr)
if skip:
count += 1
print (padid.encode("utf-8"))
if args.all or (args.meta or args.text or args.html or args.dhtml):
except OSError:
if args.all or args.meta:
with open(metapath, "w") as f:
json.dump(meta, f)
# Process text, html, dhtml, all options
if args.all or args.text:
text = getjson(info['apiurl']+'getText?'+urlencode(data))
text = text['data']['text']
with open(p+".txt", "w") as f:
if args.all or args.html:
html = getjson(info['apiurl']+'getHTML?'+urlencode(data))
html = html['data']['html']
with open(p+".html", "w") as f:
if args.all or args.dhtml:
data['startRev'] = "0"
html = getjson(info['apiurl']+'createDiffHTML?'+urlencode(data))
html = html['data']['html']
with open(p+".diff.html", "w") as f:
print("\n{0} pad(s) changed".format(count), file=sys.stderr)