67 lines
2.6 KiB
67 lines
2.6 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import json, sys
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
import requests
LIMIT_BYTES = 100*1000
def main(args):
p = ArgumentParser("calls the setHTML API function for the given padid")
p.add_argument("padid", help="the padid")
p.add_argument("--html", default=None, help="html, default: read from stdin")
p.add_argument("--padinfo", default=".etherdump/settings.json", help="settings, default: .etherdump/settings.json")
p.add_argument("--showurl", default=False, action="store_true")
# p.add_argument("--format", default="text", help="output format, can be: text, json; default: text")
p.add_argument("--create", default=False, action="store_true", help="flag to create pad if necessary")
p.add_argument("--limit", default=False, action="store_true", help="limit text to 100k (etherpad limit)")
args = p.parse_args(args)
with open(args.padinfo) as f:
info = json.load(f)
apiurl = info.get("apiurl")
# apiurl = "{0[protocol]}://{0[hostname]}:{0[port]}{0[apiurl]}{0[apiversion]}/".format(info)
# data = {}
# data['apikey'] = info['apikey']
# data['padID'] = args.padid # is utf-8 encoded
createPad = False
if args.create:
# check if it's in fact necessary
requesturl = apiurl+'getRevisionsCount?'+urlencode({'apikey': info['apikey'], 'padID': args.padid})
results = json.load(urlopen(requesturl))
print (json.dumps(results, indent=2), file=sys.stderr)
if results['code'] != 0:
createPad = True
if args.html:
html = args.html
html = sys.stdin.read()
params = {}
params['apikey'] = info['apikey']
params['padID'] = args.padid
if createPad:
requesturl = apiurl+'createPad'
if args.showurl:
print (requesturl)
results = requests.post(requesturl, params=params, data={'text': ''}) # json.load(urlopen(requesturl))
results = json.loads(results.text)
print (json.dumps(results, indent=2))
if len(html) > LIMIT_BYTES and args.limit:
print ("limiting", len(text), LIMIT_BYTES, file=sys.stderr)
html = html[:LIMIT_BYTES]
requesturl = apiurl+'setHTML'
if args.showurl:
print (requesturl)
# params['html'] = html
results = requests.post(requesturl, params={'apikey': info['apikey']}, data={'apikey': info['apikey'], 'padID': args.padid, 'html': html}) # json.load(urlopen(requesturl))
results = json.loads(results.text)
print (json.dumps(results, indent=2))