Summary: Hands-on step-by-step guide that shows how to set up a federated chat server based on Prosody 0.11 configured for security, mobile messaging, rich features and ease of use.
This is a guide to set up a modern XMPP server focused on security and mobile messaging. The whole guide assumes Debian stable running on the server, the fact that you will end up hosting a few of your friends and that you have some basic skills working on a linux command line.
Please note that if you've followed this guide in the past you might need to have a look at [the update considerations](#attention-upgrading-from-previous-versions)
Set up firewall and DNS
To make your server communicate make sure following ports are open in your firewall:
5000 (for proxying large file transfers between clients)
5222 (for client to server)
5269 (server to server)
5281 (default https port for prosody)
Additionally make sure you have set up a domain name and have A-records for the following subdomains:
Pick an authentication method that [best fits your situation]( If you don't have a webserver running, using the 'standalone' option works well.
Should you succeed, you will be able to read something like:
Make a backup of the default prosody configuration and install [the one by the](
-- iOS typically end the connection when an app runs in the background and requires use of Apple's Push servers to wake up and receive a message. Enabling this module allows your server to do that for your contacts on iOS.
-- However we leave it commented out as it is another example of vertically integrated cloud platforms at odds with federation, with all the meta-data-based surveillance consequences that that might have.
"server_contact_info"; --add contact info in the case of issues with the server
allow_registration = false; -- Enable to allow people to register accounts on your server from their clients, for more information see
Alternatively you can change `allow_registration = false;` to `allow_registration = true;` in the config (line 35) to allow users to register accounts on your server via their clients.
Now you can try connecting to your own server by using a client like Gajim or Conversations. Login with the above configured username and password.
If you have questions about Prosody, the project's [documentation]( is quite good. If you can't find answers there, try contacting prosody developers and users directly via [the Prosody XMPP chatroom](
This guide is a companion to our article [Have You Considered The Alternative?]( on instant messaging. Also check out our guide on [XMPP clients](
Previous versions of this guide[^1] included instructions how to set up a MySQL/MariaDB database back-end. That is because earlier versions of prosody had SQL as a dependency for message archiving. This is no longer the case. The new guide is lighter and leaves out MySQL/MariaDB in favor of the inbuilt file-based storage. This should be sufficient for hundreds of users.
[^1]: Previous articles descibed how to set up [Prosody 0.9]( and [Prosody 0.10](