This is a guide to set up server-side support for audio/video calls over XMPP. To do this we will first install and configure [Coturn]( It is a libre STUN/TURN server that helps establish peer connections across firewalls for media streams such as calls. Additionally we will configure Prosody to talk to `coturn`.
Like the other guides, this one assumes Debian stable running on the server, the fact that you will end up hosting a few of your friends and that you have some basic skills working on a linux command line.
Furthermore it assumes you have already installed and configured Prosody. If you haven't, take a look at our guide ['Configuring an XMPP server for secure, mobile instant messaging']({filename}instant-messaging/ first.
Take note of it because we will need this secret later.
Finally, edit the paths to the Let's Encrypt certificates to whatever you've set in ['Configuring an XMPP server for secure, mobile instant messaging']({filename}instant-messaging/