Browse Source

adding the professionalisation documents to the website

manetta 5 years ago
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@ -1,45 +1,28 @@
Title: about
Date: 2017-04-09
Category: about
Slug: about
lang: en
# initiative
*varia* is a Rotterdam based initiative focused on working with, on and through technology. At its core the initiative aims to be a social infrastructure from which to collaboratively facilitate critical understandings on the technologies that surround us. The initiative is a membership-based organisation striving to become a space for questions, opinions, modifications, help and action.
# About
# <a id="offline">space</a>
Gouwstraat 3 <br>
3082 BA, Rotterdam
![floorplan of the space](/images/varia.jpg)
# <a id="contact">contact</a>
Varia is a Rotterdam based initiative, which started in 2017 from the need to open up their members' practices and organise ad-hoc public or semi-public moments among different configurations; at its core it aims at developing critical understandings of the technologies that surround us. Varia experiments with tools for building [**physical and digital infrastructures in a collective way**](/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html).
subscribe to mailinglist: [](
Our ways of being together as a collective-space are mediated through the following documents: our **Code of Conduct** <!-- [**code of conduct**](/en/pages/code-of-conduct.html) --> which describes shared values and expected behaviour, a [**collective statement**](/en/pages/collective-statement.html) which contextualizes our situation, and [**membership guidelines**](/en/pages/membership-guidelines.html) where you can read about our membership model.
# resources
# Stay in touch
* [Rotterdam Electronica Depot](/red-en.html) - a communal depot for electronic parts and workbench
* Printing facilities
## Address
## <a id="online">online resources</a>
*varia* hosts [git repositories](, [books]( w/o login in Varia itself), [etherpad]( and a [calender](
In addition to the above web services *varia* hosts a server for the federated chat protocol XMPP, supporting all the latest features.
<a href=';type=client'>
<img src='' alt='IM observatory score' />
Gouwstraat 3 <br>
3082 BA <br>
Rotterdam (Charlois)
<a href=''><img src=''></a>
Subscribe to our RSS feeds, available in [Dutch]( and [English](
## Mailing List
You can subscribe to our [mailing list]( to be kept up to date with what's going on.
<a href=""><img src="/images/valid-rss-rogers.png" alt="[Valid RSS]" title="Validate my RSS feed" /></a>
## RSS
Another way to stay in touch with Varia is by subscribing to our RSS feeds.
# Random varia impressions:
<a href=""><img src="/images/valid-rss-rogers.png" alt="[Valid RSS]" title="Validate my RSS feed" /></a>


@ -1,46 +1,28 @@
Title: about
Date: 2017-04-09
Category: about
Slug: about
lang: nl
# initiatief
*varia* is een collectief initiatief met een ruimte in Rotterdam dat zich richt op werk aan, met en door technologie. In de kern wil dit initiatief een sociale infrastructuur vormen van waaruit men gezamelijk een kritische relatie tot de technologie van alledag aangaat. Op basis van een lidmaatschapsmodel wil ze een ruimte bieden voor vragen, meningen, ingrepen, hulp en actie.
# About
# <a id="offline">ruimte</a>
Gouwstraat 3<br>
3082 BA<br>
![de ruimte](/images/varia.jpg)
# <a id="contact">contact</contact>
mail: [](
Varia is een Rotterdams initiatief dat in 2017 is ontstaan vanuit de behoefte om de praktijken van de leden open te stellen en ad hoc publieke of semi-publieke momenten te organiseren in verschillende configuraties. In de kern is Varia gericht op het ontwikkelen van kritische inzichten in de technologieën om ons heen. Varia experimenteert met verschillende intrumenten en *tools* om op een [**collectieve manier fysieke en digitale infrastructuren**](/pages/collective-infrastructures.html) te ontwikkelen.
abboneer je op de mailinglijst: [](
Onze manier om samen te zijn als een collectieve ruimte wordt omschreven in de volgende documenten: onze **Code of Conduct** [**Code of Conduct**](/pages/code-of-conduct.html) die onze gedeelde waarden en gedragsregels beschrijft, ons [**collectieve statement**](/pages/collective-statement.html) die de positie van Varia contextualiseert, en [**lidmaatschapsrichtlijnen**](/pages/membership-guidelines.html) waar u meer kunt lezen over ons ledenmodel.
# voorzieningen
# Blijf op de hoogte
* [Rotterdam Electronica Depot](/red-nl.html) - een gemeenschappelijk depot voor electronische onderdelen en werktafel.
* Apparaten voor print- en drukwerk
## Adres
## <a id="online">online diensten</a>
We hosten [git repositories](, [een online bibliotheek]( login te gebruiken in de ruimte zelf), [etherpad]( en een [calender](
Naast de bovenstaande webdiensten host *varia* ook een server voor het gefedereerde chat protocol XMPP en ondersteunt daarbij de nieuwste mogelijkheden die het te bieden heeft.
<a href=';type=client'>
<img src='' alt='IM observatory score' />
Gouwstraat 3<br>
3082 BA<br>
Rotterdam (Charlois)
<a href=''><img src=''></a>
## Mailing List
U kunt zich inschrijven op onze [mailinglijst]( om op de hoogte te blijven van al wat er gaande is.
### RSS
Volg de updates op deze site door je te abonneren op onze RSS feeds. Er zijn twee feeds beschikbaar: [Nederlands]( en [Engels](
## RSS
Een andere manier om in contact te blijven met Varia is door u te abonneren op onze RSS-feeds.
<a href=""><img src="/images/valid-rss-rogers.png" alt="[Valid RSS]" title="Validate my RSS feed" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="/images/valid-rss-rogers.png" alt="[Geldige RSS]" title="Valideren van mijn RSS feed" /></a>.
# Vrijwel willekeurige indrukken van varia:


@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
Title: Code of Conduct
Slug: code-of-conduct
lang: en
# Varia's Code of Conduct
## About this document
The code of conduct is a set of guidelines that help establish shared values and ensure that behaviour that may harm participants is avoided.
This document equally applies to Varia's members, visitors and contributors, including organizers of events in the space. The document also applies to users and contributors to Varia's on-line channels. When the word "we" is used in this document, it applies to all of the above.
We acknowledge that we come from different backgrounds and all have certain biases and privileges. Therefore, this Code of Conduct cannot account for all the ways that people might feel excluded, unsafe or uncomfortable. We commit to open dialogues, and as such this Code of Conduct is never finished and should change whenever needed. We amend this document over time so it reflects the priorities and sensitivities of Varia as it changes. It is a collective responsibility for all of us to enact the behaviour described in this document, and bring it to the physical and digital space of Varia.
## Why a Code of Conduct?
Varia is a complex collective-space. We are a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary group. At Varia we mostly speak English and Dutch. We recognize that most members and visitors are not native speakers of these languages. We also recognize that there are multiple ways of speaking and interacting (words, gestures, acts, etc.), depending on cultural backgrounds, educations and practices. As such, we recognize that situations might arise where misunderstandings or conflicts happen. We strive to overcome these misunderstandings through a commitment to open dialogue: we prefer to assume good faith, and ask members, participants or visitors to express their concerns directly to each other when possible. When this is not an option, this Code of Coduct can be consulted for further actions.
Varia is a learning environment. It accommodates a whole range of practices. Working together means bridging gaps: between different practices, levels of technical expertise, personal preferences and political or ethical orientations. We strive to create an environment for participants with different ranges of experience, while allowing complex topics to be discussed.
We want Varia to be a space where all members can develop their practices in a collective setting and people feel safe and comfortable to participate, to express themselves, to learn and to work together. The vulnerable nature of collective work means that uncomfortable situations will occur. These situations ask for mutual respect and care. We hope that everyone participating in Varia is respectful, feels able to be vulnerable and exercises care. In the interest of making an inclusive environment, we will not tolerate harassment, exclusion or any other harmful behaviour.
## Expected behaviour
We expect each other to ...
be considerate
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">of each other, the space we enter, the people at Varia and the practices it houses.</div>
be open and generous
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">while trying not to make assumptions about others. This can include assumptions about identity, knowledge, experiences or preferred pronouns. Be generous with our time and our abilities, when we are able to. Help others, but ask first. There are many ways to contribute to a collective practice, which may differ from our individual ways.</div>
be respectful
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">of different viewpoints and experiences. Respect physical and emotional boundaries. Be respectful of each others' limited time and energy. Take each other and each other's practices seriously. Acknowledge that this might lead to disagreement. However, disagreement is no excuse for poor manners.</div>
be responsible
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">for the promises we make, meaning that we follow up on our commitments. We take responsibility for the good things we do, but also for the bad ones. We listen to and act upon respectful feedback. We correct ourselves when necessary, keeping in mind that the impact of our words and actions on other people doesn't always match our intent.</div>
be dedicated
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">which means not letting the group happen to us, but making the group together. We participate in the group with self-respect and don't exhaust ourselves. This might mean saying how we feel, setting boundaries, being clear about our expectations. Nobody is expected to be perfect in this community. Asking questions early avoids problems later. Those who are asked should be responsive and helpful.</div>
be empathetic,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">by actively listening to others and not dominating discussions. We give each other the chance to improve and let each other step up into positions of responsibility. We make room for others. We are aware of each other's feelings, provide support where necessary, and know when to step back. One's idea of caring may differ from how others want to be cared for. We ask to make sure that our actions are wanted.</div>
foster an inclusive environment
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">by trying to create opportunities for others to express views, share skills and make other contributions. Being together is something we actively work on and requires negotiation. We recognize that not everyone has the same opportunities, therefore we must be sensitive to the context we operate in. There are implicit hierarchies that we can challenge, and we should strive to do so. When we organize something (projects, events, etc.), we think about how we can consider degrees of privilege, account for the needs of others, promote an activist stance and support other voices.</div>
## Unacceptable behaviour
No structural or personal discrimination,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">attitudes or comments promoting or reinforcing the oppression of any groups or people based on gender, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, personal appearance, physical appearance, body size, age, or class. Do not claim “reverse-isms”, for example “reverse racism”.</div>
No harrassment,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">neither public nor private. Also no deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disruption of events, aggressive, slanderous, derogatory, or threatening comments online or in person and unwanted physical or electronic contact or sexual attention. No posting or disseminating libel, slander, or other disinformation.</div>
No violation of privacy,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">namely publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission. Do not take or publish photos or recordings of others without their consent. Delete recordings if asked.</div>
No unwelcome sexual conduct,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">including unwanted sexual language, imagery, actions, attention or advances.</div>
No destructive behaviour,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">or any other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate. This includes (but is not exclusive to) depictions of violence without content warnings, consistently and purposely derailing or disrupting conversations, or other behaviour that persistently disrupts the ability of others to engage in the group or space.</div>
## Intervention procedure
**Immediate intervention (help is needed now!)**
If you are feeling unsafe, you can immediately contact the Varia members who are tasked with making sure the code of conduct is respected. These contact people are members of Varia who will do their best to help, or to find the correct assistance if relevant/necessary.
PERSON 1 -- tel #; email <br>
PERSON 2 -- tel #; email
For example, something happened during a still-ongoing event and needs to be acted upon right away. Action is taken immediately when this violation of the code of conduct is reported. This could involve removing an attendee from an event.
**Non-immediate intervention (a situation that requires more time)**
Other violations need to be considered and consulted upon with more people or in a more measured way. For example: If you experience an ongoing pattern of harrassment; if you witness structurally unacceptable behaviour; if somebody keeps "accidentally" using discriminatory language, after being asked to stop.
If you feel comfortable or able, discuss the issues with the involved parties before consulting a mediator. We prefer to constructively resolve disagreements together and work to right the wrong, when it is possible and safe to do so. However, if the problems still persist, those who are responsible for enforcing the code of conduct can help you deal with these kinds of problems. Contact the members listed above. Information will be handled with sensitivity.


@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Title: Code of Conduct
Slug: code-of-conduct
lang: nl
# Varia's Code of Conduct
## About this document
The code of conduct is a set of guidelines that help establish shared values and ensure that behaviour that may harm participants is avoided.
This document equally applies to Varia's members, visitors and contributors, including organizers of events in the space. The document also applies to users and contributors to Varia's on-line channels. When the word "we" is used in this document, it applies to all of the above.
We acknowledge that we come from different backgrounds and all have certain biases and privileges. Therefore, this Code of Conduct cannot account for all the ways that people might feel excluded, unsafe or uncomfortable. We commit to open dialogues, and as such this Code of Conduct is never finished and should change whenever needed. We amend this document over time so it reflects the priorities and sensitivities of Varia as it changes. It is a collective responsibility for all of us to enact the behaviour described in this document, and bring it to the physical and digital space of Varia.
## Why a Code of Conduct?
Varia is a complex collective-space. We are a multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary group. At Varia we mostly speak English and Dutch. We recognize that most members and visitors are not native speakers of these languages. We also recognize that there are multiple ways of speaking and interacting (words, gestures, acts, etc.), depending on cultural backgrounds, educations and practices. As such, we recognize that situations might arise where misunderstandings or conflicts happen. We strive to overcome these misunderstandings through a commitment to open dialogue: we prefer to assume good faith, and ask members, participants or visitors to express their concerns directly to each other when possible. When this is not an option, this Code of Coduct can be consulted for further actions.
Varia is a learning environment. It accommodates a whole range of practices. Working together means bridging gaps: between different practices, levels of technical expertise, personal preferences and political or ethical orientations. We strive to create an environment for participants with different ranges of experience, while allowing complex topics to be discussed.
We want Varia to be a space where all members can develop their practices in a collective setting and people feel safe and comfortable to participate, to express themselves, to learn and to work together. The vulnerable nature of collective work means that uncomfortable situations will occur. These situations ask for mutual respect and care. We hope that everyone participating in Varia is respectful, feels able to be vulnerable and exercises care. In the interest of making an inclusive environment, we will not tolerate harassment, exclusion or any other harmful behaviour.
## Expected behaviour
We expect each other to ...
be considerate
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">of each other, the space we enter, the people at Varia and the practices it houses.</div>
be open and generous
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">while trying not to make assumptions about others. This can include assumptions about identity, knowledge, experiences or preferred pronouns. Be generous with our time and our abilities, when we are able to. Help others, but ask first. There are many ways to contribute to a collective practice, which may differ from our individual ways.</div>
be respectful
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">of different viewpoints and experiences. Respect physical and emotional boundaries. Be respectful of each others' limited time and energy. Take each other and each other's practices seriously. Acknowledge that this might lead to disagreement. However, disagreement is no excuse for poor manners.</div>
be responsible
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">for the promises we make, meaning that we follow up on our commitments. We take responsibility for the good things we do, but also for the bad ones. We listen to and act upon respectful feedback. We correct ourselves when necessary, keeping in mind that the impact of our words and actions on other people doesn't always match our intent.</div>
be dedicated
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">which means not letting the group happen to us, but making the group together. We participate in the group with self-respect and don't exhaust ourselves. This might mean saying how we feel, setting boundaries, being clear about our expectations. Nobody is expected to be perfect in this community. Asking questions early avoids problems later. Those who are asked should be responsive and helpful.</div>
be empathetic,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">by actively listening to others and not dominating discussions. We give each other the chance to improve and let each other step up into positions of responsibility. We make room for others. We are aware of each other's feelings, provide support where necessary, and know when to step back. One's idea of caring may differ from how others want to be cared for. We ask to make sure that our actions are wanted.</div>
foster an inclusive environment
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">by trying to create opportunities for others to express views, share skills and make other contributions. Being together is something we actively work on and requires negotiation. We recognize that not everyone has the same opportunities, therefore we must be sensitive to the context we operate in. There are implicit hierarchies that we can challenge, and we should strive to do so. When we organize something (projects, events, etc.), we think about how we can consider degrees of privilege, account for the needs of others, promote an activist stance and support other voices.</div>
## Unacceptable behaviour
No structural or personal discrimination,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">attitudes or comments promoting or reinforcing the oppression of any groups or people based on gender, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, mental illness, neurodiversity, personal appearance, physical appearance, body size, age, or class. Do not claim “reverse-isms”, for example “reverse racism”.</div>
No harrassment,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">neither public nor private. Also no deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disruption of events, aggressive, slanderous, derogatory, or threatening comments online or in person and unwanted physical or electronic contact or sexual attention. No posting or disseminating libel, slander, or other disinformation.</div>
No violation of privacy,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">namely publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission. Do not take or publish photos or recordings of others without their consent. Delete recordings if asked.</div>
No unwelcome sexual conduct,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">including unwanted sexual language, imagery, actions, attention or advances.</div>
No destructive behaviour,
<div style="padding:0 0 1em 2em;">or any other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate. This includes (but is not exclusive to) depictions of violence without content warnings, consistently and purposely derailing or disrupting conversations, or other behaviour that persistently disrupts the ability of others to engage in the group or space.</div>
## Intervention procedure
**Immediate intervention (help is needed now!)**
If you are feeling unsafe, you can immediately contact the Varia members who are tasked with making sure the code of conduct is respected. These contact people are members of Varia who will do their best to help, or to find the correct assistance if relevant/necessary.
PERSON 1 -- tel #; email <br>
PERSON 2 -- tel #; email
For example, something happened during a still-ongoing event and needs to be acted upon right away. Action is taken immediately when this violation of the code of conduct is reported. This could involve removing an attendee from an event.
**Non-immediate intervention (a situation that requires more time)**
Other violations need to be considered and consulted upon with more people or in a more measured way. For example: If you experience an ongoing pattern of harrassment; if you witness structurally unacceptable behaviour; if somebody keeps "accidentally" using discriminatory language, after being asked to stop.
If you feel comfortable or able, discuss the issues with the involved parties before consulting a mediator. We prefer to constructively resolve disagreements together and work to right the wrong, when it is possible and safe to do so. However, if the problems still persist, those who are responsible for enforcing the code of conduct can help you deal with these kinds of problems. Contact the members listed above. Information will be handled with sensitivity.


@ -1,51 +1,26 @@
Title: collective infrastructures
Title: Varia - Collective Infrastructures
Date: 2019-10-25
Slug: collective-infrastructures
lang: en
# Collective Infrastructures
Varia is a Rotterdam based initiative, which started in 2017 from the need to open up their members' practices and organise ad-hoc public or semi-public moments among different configurations; at its core it aims at developing critical understandings of the technologies that surround us. Varia experiments with tools for building physical and digital infrastructures of affinity in a collective way.
# Collective Infrastructures
Being considerate about the channels that we use to communicate, we negotiate our on-line dependencies by self-hosting our digital infrastructure. Varia members are involved in the use and development of federated networks like XMPP group chats and Mastodon instances, RSS feeds, available in [Dutch]( and [English](, or the [mailing list]( Find more about our [**Online Hosting tools**](#online-hosting) below.
Similarly, the space itself can host collective moments and has resources like an electronic parts depot, tools and workbenches, as well as printing facilities. Find more about our [**Physical Hosting**](#physical-hosting) below.
<!-- Our ways of being together as a collective-space are mediated through the following documents: our [**code of conduct**](/en/pages/code-of-conduct.html) which describes shared values and expected behaviour, a [**collective-space statement**](/en/pages/collective-space-statement.html) which contextualizes our situation, and [**membership guidelines**](/en/pages/membership-guidelines.html) where you can read about our membership model. -->
# Stay in touch
## Address
Gouwstraat 3 <br>
3082 BA <br>
Rotterdam (Charlois)
## Public Programme
## Mailing List
You can subscribe to our [mailing list]( to be kept up to date with what's going on.
## RSS
Another way to stay in touch with Varia is by subscribing to our RSS feeds.
<a href=""><img src="/images/valid-rss-rogers.png" alt="[Valid RSS]" title="Validate my RSS feed" /></a>
# Getting together
## Events
From the different constellations that the members organise themselves as, [various events emerge](
From the different constellations that the members organise themselves as, [various public events emerge](
## Work Groups
*varia*s like to meet up and look at things together; we call these smaller formations work groups. There are often days or evenings in which interested parties gather to study, discuss or work on a specific subject. Depending on the work group, they can be open to the public.
The current work groups we have are the [](, the Varia Library group, Riso Group, and [Rotterdams Electronica Depot](
<!-- Find [here]( further links to workgroups. -->
## Curriculum
As a way to share skills which we have among the group, and at the same time to reach towards a more sustainable model, *varia* members offer a *curriculum*, shaped and reshaped by the occupations and preoccupations of the members.
As a way to share skills which we have among the group, *varia* members offer a *curriculum*, shaped and reshaped by the occupations and preoccupations of the members.
Find more information [here](
@ -62,7 +37,7 @@ There is a modest physical library in the space, which can be consulted whenever
Members have access to different printing tools:
* Riso automatic A3
* A0 roll inkjet plotter
* A0 roll inkjet plotter
* A0 roll pen plotter
* A4 greyscale laser printer
* A4 dot matrix printer
@ -70,8 +45,6 @@ Members have access to different printing tools:
## Rotterdams Electronica Depot
Since many of the independent electronics stores in Rotterdam have permanently closed their doors, it has become nearly impossible to hop on a bike and quickly get some parts. In response to this *varia* started the Rotterdam Electronics Depot, a community resource where members can purchase common parts parts at cost.
Get in touch with us if you are in need.
# Online Hosting
One of the core interests of *varia* is to relate to technology by installing or making it ourselves. We host multiple services on the Varia server. They are free to use for anyone passing through, however, please keep in mind that the purpose of these tools is to experiment, they are possibly unstable.
@ -94,4 +67,4 @@ We work with [Etherdump]( to turn a collaborat
As part of our practices, *varia* members write situated software that we make public on our [gitea instance]( This website, for example, is fully available to be copied and multiplied or studied and reimplemented.
# License
Practices of copying, appropriation, piracy and sharing are messy in different ways: politically, legally, culturally and economically. We are in the process of (re)considering our license policy. Copyright is not always the answer, open licenses are neither always ideal. Opinions might vary in the group and different situations ask for different publishing conditions. All our content is therefore published under copyright at this moment, unless mentioned otherwise.
Practices of copying, appropriation, piracy and sharing are messy in different ways: politically, legally, culturally and economically. We are in the process of (re)considering our license policy. Copyright is not always the answer, open licenses are neither always ideal. Opinions might vary in the group and different situations ask for different publishing conditions. All our content is therefore published under copyright at this moment, unless mentioned otherwise.


@ -3,3 +3,78 @@ Date: 2019-10-25
Slug: collective-infrastructures
lang: nl
# Collectieve infrastructuren
We ondervragen vormen van digitale afhankelijkheid door onze digitale infrastructuur zelf te hosten. De leden van Varia zijn betrokken bij het gebruik en de ontwikkeling van gefedereerde netwerken zoals XMPP-groepschats en Mastodon-instanties, RSS-feeds, beschikbaar in [Nederlands]( en [Engels](, of de [mailinglijst]( Meer informatie over onze [Online Hosting tools](#online-hosting) vindt je hieronder.
Ook de ruimte zelf is onderdeel van de collectieve infrastructuur. Hier beschikken leden over middelen zoals een elektronica depot, gereedschappen en werkbanken, en ook printfaciliteiten. Hieronder vindt je meer informatie over onze [fysieke hosting](#fysieke-hosting).
## Publiek programma
Vanuit het initiatief van de leden worden er verschillende [evenementen]( in Varia georganiseerd.
## Werkgroepen
De leden van Varia organiseren zich ook in kleinere werkgroepen. Op bepaalde dagen komen geïnteresseerden samen om te studeren, discussiëren of werken aan een specifiek onderwerp. Deze samenkomsten zijn soms ook toegankelijk voor het publiek.
De huidige werkgroepen zijn de [](, de Varia Bibliotheekgroep, Riso Group en
## Curriculum
Om vaardigheden binnen de groep te delen, biedt Varia een *curriculum* aan, gevormd door de praktijken en interesses van de leden.
Meer informatie is te vinden op [deze pagina](
## Open dagen
Tijdens onze (open dagen)[] organiseren we verschillende activiteiten, waaronder het installeren van Linux-besturingssystemen, het bespreken van gratis en open source ontwerpprogramma's en spelsessies.
# Fysieke hosting
Wij zijn gevestigd op de hoek van de Gouwstraat en de Wolphaertstraat in Charlois, Rotterdam. We gebruiken onze ruimte om evenementen te organiseren en die van anderen te hosten. Wat er in de ruimte gebeurt, wordt gedocumenteerd en opgeslagen in ons [archief]( Als je je herkent in de interesses en waarden van Varia, neem dan gerust contact met ons op via [info[@]]( voor meer informatie.
## Varia Bibliotheek
Er is een bescheiden fysieke bibliotheek in de ruimte, die tijdens publieke evenementen geraadpleegd kan worden.
## Printers
* Riso automatisch A3
* A0 roll inkjet plotter
* A0 roll pennenplotter A0 roll plotter
* A4 grijstinten laserprinter A4
* A4 puntmatrix-printer
## Rotterdam's Electronica Depot
Doordat veel van de onafhankelijke elektronicawinkels in Rotterdam hun deuren permanent hebben gesloten, is het bijna onmogelijk geworden om op de fiets te stappen en snel elektronische onderdelen te kopen. Als reactie hierop heeft *varia* het Rotterdamse Elektronicadepot* opgericht, een community resource waar leden tegen kostprijs onderdelen kunnen kopen.
# Online Hosting
Wij hosten meerdere tools en communicatie kanalen op de Varia-server. Ze zijn vrij te gebruiken door leden en Varia's directe omgeving, maar houd er wel rekening mee dat het doel van deze tools is om te experimenteren; ze zijn mogelijk onstabiel.
Varia host een server voor het gefederaliseerde chatprotocol XMPP, die de nieuwste functies ondersteunt.
<a href=';type=client'>
<img src='' alt='IM observatorium score' />
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Neem contact met ons op als u een account op onze server wilt hebben.
## Etherpad
[Etherpad]( is een open source collectieve online schrijftool die de leden gebruiken om notities te maken, teksten te schrijven en elkaar op de hoogte te houden.
## Etherdump
We werken met [Etherdump]( om een collectieve schrijfpraktijk om te zetten in een gezamenlijke publicatiepraktijk. Etherdump is een command line tool die de mogelijkheden van Etherpad uitbreidt door de pad in meerdere formaten te exporteren. Om de verbonden combinatie van publiceren en samenwerken met Etherdump te verkennen en te onderzoeken, hebben we een *fork* van het project onder de naam [Etherpump](
## Code repositories
Als onderdeel van hun praktijk schrijven Varia leden gesitueerde software die we publiceren op onze [Gitea instance](
# Licentie
Praktijken rondom kopiëren, toe-eigenen, piraterij en delen zijn op verschillende manieren rommelig: zowel politiek, juridisch, cultureel als ook economisch gezien. Varia (her)overweegt op dit moment een collectief licentiebeleid. Copyright is vaak niet de optie waar we voor willen gaan, maar ook open licenties sluiten niet altijd aan. De meningen hierover verschillen in de groep of per situatie en zetten aan tot vragen, overwegingen en zorgvuldigheid. Al het materieel dat we op dit moment publiceren valt daardoor op dit moment onder copyright, tenzij anders vermeld.


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Title: collective statement
Slug: collective-statement
lang: en
# Collective statement
Varia is a collective-space[^1] in Rotterdam focused on everyday technologies.
We believe technology shouldn't be the exclusive domain of specialists. It affects everyone and should enable, rather than preclude, diverse ways of living. We understand everyday technology broadly; not just as computers, standards, or protocols, but also, for example, as cooking tools or musical instruments. Being involved in the fields of art, design, software & hardware, education and theoretical practices, we felt the need for a place where technology and social questions are linked; a place where collaboration, continuity, development, collective learning, curiosity and experiments are foregrounded.
Varia relates to preexisting formats such as hackerspaces, fab-labs and coworking spaces, but it recognizes their limits and actively tries to overcome them. Discussions about technology don't always address the power imbalance between multiple actors, such as large corporations and/or different kinds of users and developers, where class, race, gender and ability play a role. Within Varia, we try to make space for radically different ways of conceiving technology in its social context.
Among the questions we are concerned with are: How do we share knowledge and sustain our digital infrastructures while inter-depending on people or organisations? How can we think of inclusivity in relation to technology? Are old technologies really old-fashioned? How do we engage with obsolescence and sustainability?
Varia favours, without idealising, Free/Libre and Open Source Software (F/LOSS), free culture, open standards, lowtech and DIY/DIWO culture, because they offer the opportunity to shape a different present and leave the door open for desirable futures.
Varia is a collective-space for questions, opinions, interventions, help and action. For example, we facilitate server space, collective learning moments and thematic workgroups. Beside that, our space is used to regularly organize public events such as experimental musical encounters, worksessions and round table conversations with guests.
The collective cultural practice of Varia offers a solidary environment for the practices of the individual members, connecting disparate disciplines and areas of knowledge. This allows us to consider and develop different [social and technological infrastructures](/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html), while experimenting with and reflecting on them.
As a group, we do not aim to develop one unified voice, but embrace and welcome the multiplicity that makes up Varia. We are aware that our practices and processes don't always lead to a finished product and for this reason we wish to experiment with different modes of engaging, as well as ways of making public.
Varia feels at home in Rotterdam and aims to connect to local independent initiatives and urgencies. We think it is important to connect issues in our local environment to global discussions and vice versa. Varia collaborates with individuals, collectives, non-profit organisations, educational institutions, associations and international networks, that are curious about situating the interdependent relation between technological and current social emergencies.
[^1]: Varia is not merely a collective, nor merely a space. Varia is an interdependent concatenation of both.


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Title: collectief statement
Slug: collective-statement
lang: nl
# Collectief statement
Varia is een collectieve ruimte[^1] in Rotterdam die zich richt op alledaagse technologie.
Wij zijn van mening dat technologie niet het exclusieve domein van specialisten moet zijn. Technologie beïnvloedt iedereen en zou verschillende manieren van leven mogelijk moeten maken, in plaats van deze uit te sluiten. We vatten alledaagse technologie breed op; niet alleen computers, standaarden of protocollen horen daarbij, maar bijvoorbeeld ook kookgereedschappen of muziekinstrumenten. Vanuit onze achtergrond in kunst, ontwerp, software & hardware, onderwijs en theoretische praktijk, voelen we de behoefte om een plek te vormen waar technologie en sociale vragen met elkaar verbonden zijn; een plek waar samenwerking, continuïteit, ontwikkeling, collectief leren, nieuwsgierigheid en experiment voorop staan.
De collectieve organisatievorm van Varia heeft overeenkomsten met bestaande collectieve ruimtes, zoals hackerspaces, fablabs en coworking-ruimtes, maar we zien ook de beperkingen van deze en willen daar graag aan voorbijgaan. Discussies over technologie richten zich niet altijd op de oneerlijke verdeling van macht tussen meerdere actoren, waaronder grote bedrijven en/of gebruikers en ontwikkelaars. Hierbij spelen klasse, ras, geslacht en vaardigheden een belangrijke rol. Binnen Varia proberen we ruimte te creeëren voor radicaal andere manieren om over technologie te denken in een social context.
Enkele van de vragen waar we ons mee bezighouden zijn: Hoe verhouden we ons tot onze digitale infrastructuur? Hoe gaan we om met vormen van afhankelijkheid zonder buitengesloten te worden? Hoe kunnen we inclusiviteit relateren aan technologie? Zijn oude technologieën echt ouderwets? Hoe gaan we om met veroudering en duurzaamheid?
Varia is voorstander van -- zonder deze bewegingen willen idealiseren -- Free/Libre en Open Source Software (F/LOSS), free culture, open standards, lowtech en DIY/DIWO-culture, omdat deze de mogelijkheid bieden om een ​​ander heden te vormen en de deur open te laten voor gewenste toekomsten.
Varia is een collectieve ruimte voor vragen, meningen, interventies, hulp en actie. We faciliteren onder andere serverruimte, collectieve leermomenten en thematische werkgroepen. Daarnaast wordt onze ruimte regelmatig gebruikt om openbare evenementen in te organiseren, waaronder experimentele muziekavonden, werksessies en rondetafelgesprekken met gasten.
De collectieve, culturele praktijk van Varia biedt een solidaire omgeving voor de praktijken van de individuele leden, door verschillende disciplines en kennisgebieden met elkaar te verbinden. Dit stelt ons in staat om verschillende [sociale en technologische infrastructuren te overwegen en te ontwikkelen](/pages/collective-infrastructures.html), terwijl we er tegelijkertijd mee experimenteren en erover nadenken.
Als groep willen we niet één verenigde stem ontwikkelen, maar de diversiteit waaruit Varia bestaat omarmen en verwelkomen. We zijn ons ervan bewust dat onze werkwijzen en processen niet altijd leiden tot een afgewerkt product. Om deze reden willen we blijven experimenteren met verschillende vormen van interactie en publicatie.
Varia voelt zich thuis in Rotterdam en zoekt aansluiting bij lokale, onafhankelijke initiatieven en urgenties. Wij vinden het belangrijk om problemen in onze lokale omgeving te verbinden met wereldwijde discussies en vice versa. Varia werkt samen met individuen, collectieven, organisaties zonder winstoogmerk, onderwijsinstellingen, verenigingen en internationale netwerken, die nieuwsgierig zijn naar het situeren van de samenhang tussen technologische en sociale kwesties.
[^1]: Varia is niet alleen een collectief, en niet alleen een ruimte. Varia is een verbonden combinatie van beide.


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Title: header
Date: 2017-04-09
Category: about
Slug: header
lang: en
<a class="h-card" rel="me" href="">*varia*</a> (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. As *varia* members, we maintain and facilitate [a collective infrastructure](/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html) from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. We work with free software, organise events and collaborate in different constellations. *varia* figures things out as they go, tries to keep [notes](, is [multilingual](/) and can be contacted at [info[@]](
<a class="h-card" rel="me" href="/en/pages/about.html">*varia*</a> (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. As *varia* members, we maintain and facilitate [a collective infrastructure](/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html) from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. We work with free software, organise events and collaborate in different constellations. *varia* figures things out as they go, tries to keep [notes](, is [multilingual](/) and can be contacted at [info[@]](


@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Title: header
Date: 2017-04-09
Category: about
Slug: header
lang: nl
<a class="h-card" rel="me" href="">*varia*</a> (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) is een ruimte voor het ontwikkelen van collectieve benaderingen rondom alledaagse technologie. *varia* leden onderhouden en faciliteren een collectieve infrastructuur<!-- (/pages/collective-infrastructures.html) --> om vragen, meningen, aanpassingen, hulp en actie te genereren. We gebruiken vrije software, organiseren evenementen en werken samen in verschillende constellaties. *varia* leert gaandeweg, maakt [notities](, is [meertalig](/en) en kan gecontacteerd worden via [info[@]](
<a class="h-card" rel="me" href="/pages/about.html">*varia*</a> (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) is een ruimte voor het ontwikkelen van collectieve benaderingen rondom alledaagse technologie. *varia* leden onderhouden en faciliteren een [collectieve infrastructuur](/pages/collective-infrastructures.html) om vragen, meningen, aanpassingen, hulp en actie te genereren. We gebruiken vrije software, organiseren evenementen en werken samen in verschillende constellaties. *varia* leert gaandeweg, maakt [notities](, is [meertalig](/en) en kan gecontacteerd worden via [info[@]](


@ -1,17 +1,28 @@
Title: membership
Date: 2017-11-21
Category: about
Slug: membership
Title: membership guidelines
Slug: membership-guidelines
lang: en
**Varia** works with a membership basis. This form allows for the possibility to bind members to the organization and to expand her. Members pay a monthly fixed contribution fee and in return take part in the activities that are organized, initiate events or try-outs, use the fascilities that are developed, and participate in one of the workgroups.
# Members' rights and obligations
The space at the Gouwstraat functions as a working and meeting place where members meet during organized events or accidental encounters, and where non-members are welcome to join.
Varia is a member based organisation.
Members pay a monthly fee, but also contribute with their time and energy. They join the monthly member meetings and can become part of the board to focus on a series of specific responsibilities. Membership is based on mutual trust and solidarity: if once in a while a member can't contribute to Varia (financially or ortherwise) this doesn't lead to an immediate ban but to a conversation regarding possible solutions, as members are aware that lack of contribution is not sustainable in the long run.
Members take care of the space, of each other and of visitors (cfr. our [Code of Conduct]()). They can also use the space and organize events, keeping in mind the collective ambitions of Varia and its surroundings.
Members are often contacted informally by external parties curious about Varia or willing to collaborate. We expect members to be transparent about the opportunities created through Varia, such as project commissions or invitations for a talk or a workshop. When a member generates income through Varia, 15% of it is invested into a (common fund* to support members' initiated activities: concerts, exchange trips, equipment purchases, etc.
Members have a key to the space. Varia is not a shared studio space, but members can work there. This means they cannot occupy the space with their belongings permanently and have the responsibility to clean after themselves. This is because the space is used for a variety of activities, ranging from screenings to meetings, and a lot more.
# Who can be a member
Membership can be pursued by those interested in developing a collective approach to studying, modifying and experimenting with everyday technologies.
Current members have a background in art, design, software studies, musicology, choreography, cooking, theoretical and social practices. New members don't need to have similar backgrounds; what counts is that they are willing to bring their interests and expertise into Varia's collective practice.
# Becoming a member
If you are interested in becoming a member, feel free to take a look at the priorities and attitude of Varia, found in the [Code of Conduct]() and [Our Context]() documents as they currently stand. You are welcome to state your interest by getting in contact with us via or in person, upon which we may introduce you to our application procedure. Varia reserves the right to accept or decline your application, but will however attempt transparency throughout the process.
While we are eager to find new peers, we acknowledge that an enjoyable group dynamics is decisive for the inclusion of new members. Currently, we do not have the capacity to add too many new members to the group. We aim to balance the size of the group and the desire of new members to join.
# Members
Danny van der Kleij (care member),
Dennis de Bel (care member),
Lídia Pereira (care member),
Manetta Berends (care member),
Niek Hilkmann (care member),
Roel Roscam Abbing (care member)


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Title: membership
Date: 2017-11-21
Category: about
Slug: membership
Title: lidmaatschap richtlijnen
Slug: membership-guidelines
lang: nl
**Varia** werkt met een ledenmodel. Deze vorm biedt de mogelijkheid om leden te binden aan de organisatie en deze uit te breiden. Deze leden betalen een maandelijkse vaste bijdrage en kunnen in ruil daarvoor deelnemen aan de activiteiten die worden georganiseerd, zelf evenementen of try-outs initiëren, gebruik maken van de fasciliteiten, en deelnemen aan een van de werkgroepen.
# Rechten en plichten van leden
De ruimte aan de Gouwstraat functioneert als een werk- en ontmoetingsplek, waar leden elkaar ontmoeten tijdens georganiseerde evenementen of spontane ontmoetingen en niet-leden welkom zijn om aan te sluiten en lid te worden.
Leden dragen niet alleen financieel bij aan Varia, maar ook met tijd en energie. Ze nemen deel aan de maandelijkse ledenvergaderingen en kunnen onderdeel worden van het bestuur om specifieke verantwoordelijkheden op zich te nemen. Lidmaatschap is gebaseerd op wederzijds vertrouwen en solidariteit: als een lid af en toe niet kan bijdragen aan Varia (financieel of anderszins), leidt dit niet tot een onmiddellijke repercussie, maar zal er eerst naar mogelijke oplossingen wordt gekeken. We zijn ons er wel van bewust dat een gebrek aan bijdrage op de lange termijn niet houdbaar is voor de groep als geheel.
# Leden
Danny van der Kleij (care member),
Dennis de Bel (care member),
Manetta Berends (care member),
Niek Hilkmann (care member),
Roel Roscam Abbing (care member)
Leden dragen zorg voor de ruimte, voor elkaar en voor bezoekers (zie onze [Code of Conduct]()). Ze kunnen de collectieve ruimte van Varia gebruiken en daar evenementen organiseren, rekening houdend met de collectieve ambities van Varia en haar omgeving.
Leden worden vaak informeel gecontacteerd door externe partijen die nieuwsgierig zijn naar Varia of die met ons willen samenwerken. We verwachten van leden dat ze open zijn over de kansen die uit Varia voortkomen, zoals projectopdrachten of uitnodigingen voor een lezing of workshop. Wanneer een lid inkomsten genereert via Varia, wordt 15% daarvan geïnvesteerd in Varia's *common fund*, waarvan we onder andere de door Varia geïnitieerde activiteiten mogelijk maken: concerten, uitwisselingsreizen, aankopen van apparatuur, enz.
Leden hebben een sleutel van onze collectieve ruimte. Varia is geen gedeelde studioruimte, maar leden kunnen er wel werken. Dit betekent dat zij, met hun spullen, niet permanent hun intrek in de ruimte kunnen nemen en de verantwoordelijkheid hebben om de ruimte schoon en presentabel te houden. Dit is nodig omdat de ruimte wordt gebruikt voor een verscheidenheid aan activiteiten, variërend van filmvertoningen, workshops, vergaderingen en meer...
# Wie kan lid worden?
Lidmaatschap kan worden verkregen wanneer men geïnteresseerd is in het ontwikkelen van een collectieve benadering in het bestuderen, aanpassen en experimenteren met alledaagse technologieën.
De huidige leden hebben een achtergrond in kunst, design, softwarestudies, musicologie, choreografie, koken, theoretische en sociale praktijken. Nieuwe leden hoeven geen vergelijkbare achtergrond te hebben; wat telt is dat ze bereid zijn hun interesses en expertise in de collectieve praktijk van Varia binnen te brengen.
# Hoe wordt je lid?
Als je geïnteresseerd bent om lid te worden, verwijzen we je graag naar Varia's [Code of Conduct]() en [Onze Context]() documenten, om op de hoogte te komen van waar we voor staan en wat we belangrijk vinden. We staan open voor contact via en zijn ook benaderbaar tijdens onze evenementen. Hierna kunnen we je meer vertellen over onze aanmeldingsprocedure. Varia behoudt zich het recht om aanvragen te accepteren of af te wijzen, maar zal desondanks zoveel mogelijk transparantie proberen te geven over het verloop van het proces.
Hoewel we openstaan voor het uitbreiden van onze groep, zien we een plezierige collectieve dynamiek als doorslaggevend wanneer het aankomt op het aannemen van nieuwe leden. Momenteel hebben we niet de capaciteit om te veel nieuwe leden aan Varia toe te voegen. We streven ernaar een evenwicht te vinden tussen de grootte van de groep en de wens van nieuwe leden om lid te worden.


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