forked from varia/
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id: 8253 2019-04-15 10:01:10Z milde $
# Author: Thomas SJ Kang <>
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
# New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please
# read <>. Two files must be
# translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in
# docutils/parsers/rst/languages.
Korean-language mappings for language-dependent features of
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
directives = {
# language-dependent: fixed
u'집중': 'attention',
u'주의': 'caution',
u'코드': 'code',
u'코드-블록': 'code',
u'소스코드': 'code',
u'위험': 'danger',
u'오류': 'error',
u'실마리': 'hint',
u'중요한': 'important',
u'비고': 'note',
u'팁': 'tip',
u'경고': 'warning',
u'권고': 'admonition',
u'사이드바': 'sidebar',
u'주제': 'topic',
u'라인-블록': 'line-block',
u'파싱된-리터럴': 'parsed-literal',
u'지시문': 'rubric',
u'제명': 'epigraph',
u'하이라이': 'highlights',
u'발췌문': 'pull-quote',
u'합성어': 'compound',
u'컨테이너': 'container',
#u'질문': 'questions',
u'표': 'table',
u'csv-표': 'csv-table',
u'list-표': 'list-table',
#u'qa': 'questions',
#u'faq': 'questions',
u'메타': 'meta',
u'수학': 'math',
#u'이미지맵': 'imagemap',
u'이미지': 'image',
u'도표': 'figure',
u'포함': 'include',
'raw': 'raw',
u'대신하다': 'replace',
'unicode': 'unicode',
u'날짜': 'date',
'class': 'class',
u'역할': 'role',
u'기본-역할': 'default-role',
u'제목': 'title',
u'내용': 'contents',
'sectnum': 'sectnum',
u'섹션-번호-매기기': 'sectnum',
u'머리말': 'header',
u'꼬리말': 'footer',
#u'긱주': 'footnotes',
#u'인용구': 'citations',
u'목표-노트': 'target-notes',
u'restructuredtext 테스트 지시어': 'restructuredtext-test-directive'}
"""Korean name to registered (in directives/ directive name
roles = {
# language-dependent: fixed
u'약어': 'abbreviation',
u'ab': 'abbreviation',
u'두음문자': 'acronym',
u'ac': 'acronym',
u'코드': 'code',
u'색인': 'index',
u'i': 'index',
u'다리-글자': 'subscript',
u'sub': 'subscript',
u'어깨-글자': 'superscript',
u'sup': 'superscript',
u'제목-참조': 'title-reference',
u'제목': 'title-reference',
u't': 'title-reference',
u'pep-참조': 'pep-reference',
u'pep': 'pep-reference',
u'rfc-참조': 'rfc-reference',
u'rfc': 'rfc-reference',
u'강조': 'emphasis',
u'굵게': 'strong',
u'기울기': 'literal',
u'수학': 'math',
u'명명된-참조': 'named-reference',
u'익명-참조': 'anonymous-reference',
u'각주-참조': 'footnote-reference',
u'인용-참조': 'citation-reference',
u'대리-참조': 'substitution-reference',
u'대상': 'target',
u'uri-참조': 'uri-reference',
u'uri': 'uri-reference',
u'url': 'uri-reference',
'raw': 'raw',}
"""Mapping of Korean role names to canonical role names for interpreted text.