many many many Varia's websites, work in progress:
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
6.9 KiB

.. row::
.. column::
:width: 3
.. class:: list-unstyled
* |asterisk| : asterisk
* |plus| : plus
* |euro| : euro
* |minus| : minus
* |cloud| : cloud
* |envelope| : envelope
* |pencil| : pencil
* |glass| : glass
* |music| : music
* |search| : search
* |heart| : heart
* |star| : star
* |star-empty| : star-empty
* |user| : user
* |film| : film
* |th-large| : th-large
* |th| : th
* |th-list| : th-list
* |ok| : ok
* |remove| : remove
* |zoom-in| : zoom-in
* |zoom-out| : zoom-out
* |off| : off
* |signal| : signal
* |cog| : cog
* |trash| : trash
* |home| : home
* |file| : file
* |time| : time
* |road| : road
* |download-alt| : download-alt
* |download| : download
* |upload| : upload
* |inbox| : inbox
* |play-circle| : play-circle
* |repeat| : repeat
* |refresh| : refresh
* |list-alt| : list-alt
* |lock| : lock
* |flag| : flag
* |headphones| : headphones
* |volume-off| : volume-off
* |volume-down| : volume-down
* |volume-up| : volume-up
* |qrcode| : qrcode
* |barcode| : barcode
* |tag| : tag
* |tags| : tags
* |book| : book
* |bookmark| : bookmark
.. column::
:width: 3
.. class:: list-unstyled
* |print| : print
* |camera| : camera
* |font| : font
* |bold| : bold
* |italic| : italic
* |text-height| : text-height
* |text-width| : text-width
* |align-left| : align-left
* |align-center| : align-center
* |align-right| : align-right
* |align-justify| : align-justify
* |list| : list
* |indent-left| : indent-left
* |indent-right| : indent-right
* |facetime-video| : facetime-video
* |picture| : picture
* |map-marker| : map-marker
* |adjust| : adjust
* |tint| : tint
* |edit| : edit
* |share| : share
* |check| : check
* |move| : move
* |step-backward| : step-backward
* |fast-backward| : fast-backward
* |backward| : backward
* |play| : play
* |pause| : pause
* |stop| : stop
* |forward| : forward
* |fast-forward| : fast-forward
* |step-forward| : step-forward
* |eject| : eject
* |chevron-left| : chevron-left
* |chevron-right| : chevron-right
* |plus-sign| : plus-sign
* |minus-sign| : minus-sign
* |remove-sign| : remove-sign
* |ok-sign| : ok-sign
* |question-sign| : question-sign
* |info-sign| : info-sign
* |screenshot| : screenshot
* |remove-circle| : remove-circle
* |ok-circle| : ok-circle
* |ban-circle| : ban-circle
* |arrow-left| : arrow-left
* |arrow-right| : arrow-right
* |arrow-up| : arrow-up
* |arrow-down| : arrow-down
* |share-alt| : share-alt
.. column::
:width: 3
.. class:: list-unstyled
* |resize-full| : resize-full
* |resize-small| : resize-small
* |exclamation-sign| : exclamation-sign
* |gift| : gift
* |leaf| : leaf
* |fire| : fire
* |eye-open| : eye-open
* |eye-close| : eye-close
* |warning-sign| : warning-sign
* |plane| : plane
* |calendar| : calendar
* |random| : random
* |comment| : comment
* |magnet| : magnet
* |chevron-up| : chevron-up
* |chevron-down| : chevron-down
* |retweet| : retweet
* |shopping-cart| : shopping-cart
* |folder-close| : folder-close
* |folder-open| : folder-open
* |resize-vertical| : resize-vertical
* |resize-horizontal| : resize-horizontal
* |hdd| : hdd
* |bullhorn| : bullhorn
* |bell| : bell
* |certificate| : certificate
* |thumbs-up| : thumbs-up
* |thumbs-down| : thumbs-down
* |hand-right| : hand-right
* |hand-left| : hand-left
* |hand-up| : hand-up
* |hand-down| : hand-down
* |circle-arrow-right| : circle-arrow-right
* |circle-arrow-left| : circle-arrow-left
* |circle-arrow-up| : circle-arrow-up
* |circle-arrow-down| : circle-arrow-down
* |globe| : globe
* |wrench| : wrench
* |tasks| : tasks
* |filter| : filter
* |briefcase| : briefcase
* |fullscreen| : fullscreen
* |dashboard| : dashboard
* |paperclip| : paperclip
* |heart-empty| : heart-empty
* |link| : link
* |phone| : phone
* |pushpin| : pushpin
* |usd| : usd
* |gbp| : gbp
.. column::
:width: 3
.. class:: list-unstyled
* |sort| : sort
* |sort-by-alphabet| : sort-by-alphabet
* |sort-by-alphabet-alt| : sort-by-alphabet-alt
* |sort-by-order| : sort-by-order
* |sort-by-order-alt| : sort-by-order-alt
* |sort-by-attributes| : sort-by-attributes
* |sort-by-attributes-alt| : sort-by-attributes-alt
* |unchecked| : unchecked
* |expand| : expand
* |collapse-down| : collapse-down
* |collapse-up| : collapse-up
* |log-in| : log-in
* |flash| : flash
* |log-out| : log-out
* |new-window| : new-window
* |record| : record
* |save| : save
* |open| : open
* |saved| : saved
* |import| : import
* |export| : export
* |send| : send
* |floppy-disk| : floppy-disk
* |floppy-saved| : floppy-saved
* |floppy-remove| : floppy-remove
* |floppy-save| : floppy-save
* |floppy-open| : floppy-open
* |credit-card| : credit-card
* |transfer| : transfer
* |cutlery| : cutlery
* |header| : header
* |compressed| : compressed
* |earphone| : earphone
* |phone-alt| : phone-alt
* |tower| : tower
* |stats| : stats
* |sd-video| : sd-video
* |hd-video| : hd-video
* |subtitles| : subtitles
* |sound-stereo| : sound-stereo
* |sound-dolby| : sound-dolby
* |sound-5-1| : sound-5-1
* |sound-6-1| : sound-6-1
* |sound-7-1| : sound-7-1
* |copyright-mark| : copyright-mark
* |registration-mark| : registration-mark
* |cloud-download| : cloud-download
* |cloud-upload| : cloud-upload
* |tree-conifer| : tree-conifer
* |tree-deciduous| : tree-deciduous