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<meta property="og:description" content="During the next edition of South Explorer Varia will host its second annual open day. Expect an afternoon full of heated discussions, sound installations and retro video games. These include Idione Dynamic’s ‘What Remains’ and Mathijs van Oosterhoudt’s ‘Strange Fruits’. Furthermore, Thomas Walskaar will conduct interviews for his …" />
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<p><a class="h-card" rel="me" href="/en/pages/about.html"><em>varia</em></a> (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. As <em>varia</em> members, we maintain and facilitate <a href="/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html">a collective infrastructure</a> from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. We work with free software, organise events and collaborate in different constellations. <em>varia</em> figures things out as they go, tries to keep <a href="">notes</a>, is <a href="/">multilingual</a> and can be contacted at <a href="">info[@]</a>.</p>
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Open Day @ Varia
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<div class="article-event-start">2019-04-13 12:00:00</div>
<div>Published at 13 April 2019</div>
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Written by
<a style="visibility:hidden;" rel="author" class="p-author h-card">Varia</a>
<time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-04-13 00:00:00+02:00"></time>
<a class="u-url" href="openday2019.html"></a>
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<p>During the next edition of <a href="">South Explorer</a> Varia will host its second annual open day. Expect an afternoon full of heated discussions, sound installations and retro video games. These include <a href="">Idione Dynamic’s</a> ‘What Remains’ and Mathijs van Oosterhoudt’s <a href="">‘Strange Fruits’</a>. Furthermore, Thomas Walskaar will conduct interviews for his new project <a href="">‘Hidden Levels’</a> and Niek Hilkmann will present a new sound installation ‘Venice on the Maas’ in Varia's basement. Join us from 12 till 6!</p>
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