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<p><a class="h-card" rel="me" href="/en/pages/about.html"><em>varia</em></a> (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam) is a space for developing collective approaches to everyday technology. As <em>varia</em> members, we maintain and facilitate <a href="/en/pages/collective-infrastructures.html">a collective infrastructure</a> from which we generate questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. We work with free software, organise events and collaborate in different constellations. <em>varia</em> figures things out as they go, tries to keep <a href="">notes</a>, is <a href="/">multilingual</a> and can be contacted at <a href="">info[@]</a>.</p>
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<span class="entry-title"><a href="/en/the-network-we-de-served.html" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to The Network We (de)Served, (XPUB Special Issue #08)">The Network We (de)Served, (XPUB Special Issue #08)</a></span>
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04 April 2019
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<div class="summary event"><p>Dear guest,</p>
<p>We traveled from home to home by bicycle, setting up homeservers. As friends and companions on this Infrastructour, we studied our routers over drinks served by our hosts. Where possible we installed our servers in our homes, in other cases we had to depend on another member of …</p>
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