Experimental communication tools (televex screen + televex print) https://televex.vvvvvvaria.org/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.2 KiB

import sys, os, re, json
from datetime import datetime, date
import html2text
from escpos import printer
from tools.asciiWriter.text import make_column
from tools.asciiWriter.utils import merge, print_lines, make_lines, translate
def connect():
# Get the printer's USB initializing code with $ sudo lsbusb
lp = printer.Usb(0x4b8,0xe15)
lp_printer = True
lp = None
lp_printer = False
return lp, lp_printer
def database(db):
if not os.path.exists(db):
with open(db, 'w') as f:
f.write(json.dumps({ "printed" : [] }, indent=4))
return db
def html2plain(html):
# remove HTML tags
txt = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', html)
# make line breaks
# https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/mb/ascii-art-but-with-unicode
width = 48
layers = []
lines, remaining = make_column(txt, line_width=width)
merged = merge(width, len(lines), ' ', layers)
txt = ''
for line in merged:
txt += '{}\n'.format(''.join(line))
return txt
def update_db(txt, source, db, post=None):
items = json.loads(open(db).read())
items = { "printed" : [] } # Hmm ...
# save the publishing date of this post
if post:
year = post['published_parsed'][0]
month = post['published_parsed'][1]
day = post['published_parsed'][2]
post_date = date(year, month, day)
date_str = post_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
post = None
post_date = datetime.now()
date_str = post_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
# clean txt from HTML tags
txt = html2plain(txt)
# add txt to database
# and check if this item is new
item = {
'source' : source,
'date' : date_str,
'printed' : txt
if item not in items['printed']:
new_item = True
with open(db, 'w') as out:
out.write(json.dumps(items, indent=4))
new_item = False
return new_item, txt
def print_now(txt, source, db, post=None, lp=None, lp_printer=None):
# check if this is a new item
new_item, txt = update_db(txt, source, db, post=post)
# if this item is new
# then print!
if new_item == True:
if lp_printer == True:
# or print in the terminal!
sys.stderr.write('Printing output to the terminal:\n\n'+txt+'\n\n')