Varia's website
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

228 lines
6.5 KiB

""" PEP 610 """
import json
import re
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
__all__ = [
T = TypeVar("T")
DIRECT_URL_METADATA_NAME = "direct_url.json"
ENV_VAR_RE = re.compile(r"^\$\{[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\}(:\$\{[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\})?$")
class DirectUrlValidationError(Exception):
def _get(
d: Dict[str, Any], expected_type: Type[T], key: str, default: Optional[T] = None
) -> Optional[T]:
"""Get value from dictionary and verify expected type."""
if key not in d:
return default
value = d[key]
if not isinstance(value, expected_type):
raise DirectUrlValidationError(
"{!r} has unexpected type for {} (expected {})".format(
value, key, expected_type
return value
def _get_required(
d: Dict[str, Any], expected_type: Type[T], key: str, default: Optional[T] = None
) -> T:
value = _get(d, expected_type, key, default)
if value is None:
raise DirectUrlValidationError(f"{key} must have a value")
return value
def _exactly_one_of(infos: Iterable[Optional["InfoType"]]) -> "InfoType":
infos = [info for info in infos if info is not None]
if not infos:
raise DirectUrlValidationError(
"missing one of archive_info, dir_info, vcs_info"
if len(infos) > 1:
raise DirectUrlValidationError(
"more than one of archive_info, dir_info, vcs_info"
assert infos[0] is not None
return infos[0]
def _filter_none(**kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Make dict excluding None values."""
return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None}
class VcsInfo:
name = "vcs_info"
def __init__(
vcs: str,
commit_id: str,
requested_revision: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
self.vcs = vcs
self.requested_revision = requested_revision
self.commit_id = commit_id
def _from_dict(cls, d: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional["VcsInfo"]:
if d is None:
return None
return cls(
vcs=_get_required(d, str, "vcs"),
commit_id=_get_required(d, str, "commit_id"),
requested_revision=_get(d, str, "requested_revision"),
def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return _filter_none(
class ArchiveInfo:
name = "archive_info"
def __init__(
hash: Optional[str] = None,
hashes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> None:
if hash is not None:
# Auto-populate the hashes key to upgrade to the new format automatically.
# We don't back-populate the legacy hash key.
hash_name, hash_value = hash.split("=", 1)
except ValueError:
raise DirectUrlValidationError(
f"invalid archive_info.hash format: {hash!r}"
if hashes is None:
hashes = {hash_name: hash_value}
elif hash_name not in hash:
hashes = hashes.copy()
hashes[hash_name] = hash_value
self.hash = hash
self.hashes = hashes
def _from_dict(cls, d: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional["ArchiveInfo"]:
if d is None:
return None
return cls(hash=_get(d, str, "hash"), hashes=_get(d, dict, "hashes"))
def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return _filter_none(hash=self.hash, hashes=self.hashes)
class DirInfo:
name = "dir_info"
def __init__(
editable: bool = False,
) -> None:
self.editable = editable
def _from_dict(cls, d: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional["DirInfo"]:
if d is None:
return None
return cls(editable=_get_required(d, bool, "editable", default=False))
def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return _filter_none(editable=self.editable or None)
InfoType = Union[ArchiveInfo, DirInfo, VcsInfo]
class DirectUrl:
def __init__(
url: str,
info: InfoType,
subdirectory: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
self.url = url = info
self.subdirectory = subdirectory
def _remove_auth_from_netloc(self, netloc: str) -> str:
if "@" not in netloc:
return netloc
user_pass, netloc_no_user_pass = netloc.split("@", 1)
if (
isinstance(, VcsInfo)
and == "git"
and user_pass == "git"
return netloc
if ENV_VAR_RE.match(user_pass):
return netloc
return netloc_no_user_pass
def redacted_url(self) -> str:
"""url with user:password part removed unless it is formed with
environment variables as specified in PEP 610, or it is ``git``
in the case of a git URL.
purl = urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.url)
netloc = self._remove_auth_from_netloc(purl.netloc)
surl = urllib.parse.urlunsplit(
(purl.scheme, netloc, purl.path, purl.query, purl.fragment)
return surl
def validate(self) -> None:
def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "DirectUrl":
return DirectUrl(
url=_get_required(d, str, "url"),
subdirectory=_get(d, str, "subdirectory"),
ArchiveInfo._from_dict(_get(d, dict, "archive_info")),
DirInfo._from_dict(_get(d, dict, "dir_info")),
VcsInfo._from_dict(_get(d, dict, "vcs_info")),
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
res = _filter_none(
res[] =
return res
def from_json(cls, s: str) -> "DirectUrl":
return cls.from_dict(json.loads(s))
def to_json(self) -> str:
return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), sort_keys=True)
def is_local_editable(self) -> bool:
return isinstance(, DirInfo) and