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Title: Listening To The Cracks Date: 2024-10-26 Category: event Tags: Listening, Cracks, Common, Dirt, Homebrewing Slug: listeningtothecracks lang: en event_start: 2024-10-26 16:00 event_duration: 2h featured_image: /images/listeningtothecracks.gif summary: "Listening to the Cracks" is a research project that explores the often-inaudible sounds of urban nature. Together with Matthias Hurtl and Yoana Buzova, participants will engage in a listening session in Gouwplein, Oud-Charlois, to uncover voices and frequencies that are typically overlooked or dismissed as nuisances.

Date: Saturday, 26 October 2024
Start: 16:00h CET
Duration: ongeveer 2 uur
Entrance: Gratis, inclusief koffie/thee
Location: Varia (Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam)

Humans and non-human animals coexist in urban spaces, yet our relationship remains largely asymmetrical. "Listening to the Cracks" is a research project that explores the often-inaudible sounds of urban nature. Together with Matthias Hurtl and Yoana Buzova, participants will engage in a listening session at Gouwplein, Oud-Charlois, to uncover voices and frequencies that are typically overlooked or dismissed as nuisances. Through field recordings and species identification, participants will temporarily immerse themselves in different parts of the day and night, inviting them to reconsider our relationship with non-human species and challenge established power dynamics.

In addition to the soundscape, we will share reflections from our research, drawing on readings in theory and philosophy to frame the experience. We want to invite sound to become thought, for participants to reflect on the ways we listen, how we understand our environments, and how power is distributed between human and non-human species.

Who, what and when do we hear? In times of multiple crises, have we ceased to listen to the voices of others? If we learned to better listen, could the human attitude transform into a more attentive sharing of our habitats and cohabitation in awareness.