An online landscape, built as a tool to explore the many aspects of the human voice.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1029 lines
32 KiB

/*! p5.dom.js v0.2.0 February 2, 2015 */
* <p>The web is much more than just canvas and p5.dom makes it easy to interact
* with other HTML5 objects, including text, hyperlink, image, input, video,
* audio, and webcam.</p>
* <p>There is a set of creation methods, DOM manipulation methods, and
* an extended p5.Element that supports a range of HTML elements. See the
* <a href="">
* beyond the canvas tutorial</a> for a full overview of how this addon works.
* <p>Methods and properties shown in black are part of the p5.js core, items in
* blue are part of the p5.dom library. You will need to include an extra file
* in order to access the blue functions. See the
* <a href="">using a library</a>
* section for information on how to include this library. p5.dom comes with
* <a href="">p5 complete</a> or you can download the single file
* <a href="">
* here</a>.</p>
* <p>See <a href="">tutorial: beyond the canvas]</a>
* for more info on how to use this libary.</a>
* @module p5.dom
* @submodule p5.dom
* @for p5.dom
* @main
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define('p5.dom', ['p5'], function (p5) { (factory(p5));});
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
}(this, function (p5) {
// =============================================================================
// p5 additions
// =============================================================================
* Searches the page for an element with given ID and returns it as
* a p5.Element. The DOM node itself can be accessed with .elt.
* Returns null if none found.
* @method getElement
* @param {String} id id of element to search for
* @return {Object/p5.Element|Null} p5.Element containing node found
p5.prototype.getElement = function (e) {
var res = document.getElementById(e);
if (res) {
return wrapElement(res);
} else {
return null;
* Searches the page for elements with given class and returns an
* array of p5.Elements. The DOM nodes themselves can be accessed
* with .elt. Returns an empty array if none found.
* @method getElements
* @param {String} class class name of elements to search for
* @return {Array} array of p5.Element wrapped nodes found
p5.prototype.getElements = function (e) {
var arr = [];
var res = document.getElementsByClassName(e);
if (res) {
for (var j = 0; j < res.length; j++) {
var obj = wrapElement(res[j]);
return arr;
* Helper function for getElement and getElements.
function wrapElement(elt) {
if (elt.tagName === "VIDEO" || elt.tagName === "AUDIO") {
return new p5.MediaElement(elt);
} else {
return new p5.Element(elt);
* Removes all elements created by p5, except any canvas / graphics
* elements created by createCanvas or createGraphics.
* Event handlers are removed, and element is removed from the DOM.
* @method removeElements
* @example
* <div class='norender'><code>
* function setup() {
* createCanvas(100, 100);
* createDiv('this is some text');
* createP('this is a paragraph');
* }
* function mousePressed() {
* removeElements(); // this will remove the div and p, not canvas
* }
* </code></div>
p5.prototype.removeElements = function (e) {
for (var i=0; i<this._elements.length; i++) {
if (!(this._elements[i].elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) {
* Helpers for create methods.
function addElement(elt, pInst, media) {
var node = pInst._userNode ? pInst._userNode : document.body;
var c = media ? new p5.MediaElement(elt) : new p5.Element(elt);
return c;
* Creates a &lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt; element in the DOM with given inner HTML.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createDiv
* @param {String} html inner HTML for element created
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
* Creates a &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; element in the DOM with given inner HTML. Used
* for paragraph length text.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createP
* @param {String} html inner HTML for element created
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
* Creates a &lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; element in the DOM with given inner HTML.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createSpan
* @param {String} html inner HTML for element created
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
var tags = ['div', 'p', 'span'];
tags.forEach(function(tag) {
var method = 'create' + tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.slice(1);
p5.prototype[method] = function(html) {
var elt = document.createElement(tag);
elt.innerHTML = typeof html === undefined ? "" : html;
return addElement(elt, this);
* Creates an &lt;img /&gt; element in the DOM with given src and
* alternate text.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createImg
* @param {String} src src path or url for image
* @param {String} alt alternate text to be used if image does not
* load
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
p5.prototype.createImg = function(src, alt) {
var elt = document.createElement('img');
elt.src = src;
if (typeof alt !== 'undefined') {
elt.alt = alt;
return addElement(elt, this);
* Creates an &lt;a&gt;&lt;/a&gt; element in the DOM for including a hyperlink.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createA
* @param {String} href url of page to link to
* @param {String} html inner html of link element to display
* @param {String} [target] target where new link should open,
* could be _blank, _self, _parent, _top.
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
p5.prototype.createA = function(href, html, target) {
var elt = document.createElement('a');
elt.href = href;
elt.innerHTML = html;
if (target) = target;
return addElement(elt, this);
/** INPUT **/
* Creates a slider &lt;input&gt;&lt;/input&gt; element in the DOM.
* Use .size() to set the display length of the slider.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createSlider
* @param {Number} min minimum value of the slider
* @param {Number} max maximum value of the slider
* @param {Number} [value] default value of the slider
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
p5.prototype.createSlider = function(min, max, value, step) {
var elt = document.createElement('input');
elt.type = 'range';
elt.min = min;
elt.max = max;
if (step) elt.step = step;
if (value) elt.value = value;
return addElement(elt, this);
* Creates a &lt;button&gt;&lt;/button&gt; element in the DOM.
* Use .size() to set the display size of the button.
* Use .mousePressed() to specify behavior on press.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createButton
* @param {String} label label displayed on the button
* @param {String} [value] value of the button
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
p5.prototype.createButton = function(label, value) {
var elt = document.createElement('button');
elt.innerHTML = label;
elt.value = value;
if (value) elt.value = value;
return addElement(elt, this);
* Creates an &lt;input&gt;&lt;/input&gt; element in the DOM for text input.
* Use .size() to set the display length of the box.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createInput
* @param {Number} [value] default value of the input box
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
p5.prototype.createInput = function(value) {
var elt = document.createElement('input');
elt.type = 'text';
if (value) elt.value = value;
return addElement(elt, this);
* Creates an &lt;input&gt;&lt;/input&gt; element in the DOM of type 'file'.
* This allows users to select local files for use in a sketch.
* @method createFileInput
* @param {Function} [callback] callback function for when a file loaded
* @param {String} [multiple] optional to allow multiple files selected
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created DOM element
p5.prototype.createFileInput = function(callback, multiple) {
// Is the file stuff supported?
if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {
// Yup, we're ok and make an input file selector
var elt = document.createElement('input');
elt.type = 'file';
// If we get a second argument that evaluates to true
// then we are looking for multiple files
if (multiple) {
// Anything gets the job done
elt.multiple = 'multiple';
// Now let's handle when a file was selected
elt.addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect, false);
// Function to handle when a file is selected
// We're simplifying life and assuming that we always
// want to load every selected file
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
// These are the files
var files =;
// Load each one and trigger a callback
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var f = files[i];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = makeLoader(f);
function makeLoader(theFile) {
// Making a p5.File object
var p5file = new p5.File(theFile);
return function(e) { =;
// Text of data?
// This should likely be improved
if (f.type === 'text') {
} else {
return addElement(elt, this);
} else {
console.log('The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser. Cannot create element.');
function createMedia(pInst, type, src, callback) {
var elt = document.createElement(type);
if (typeof src === 'string') {
src = [src];
for (var i=0; i<src.length; i++) {
var source = document.createElement('source');
source.src = src[i];
if (typeof callback !== 'undefined') {
elt.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() {
var c = addElement(elt, pInst, true);
c.loadedmetadata = false;
// set width and height onload metadata
elt.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
c.width = elt.videoWidth;
c.height = elt.videoHeight;
c.loadedmetadata = true;
return c;
* Creates an HTML5 &lt;video&gt; element in the DOM for simple playback
* of audio/video. Shown by default, can be hidden with .hide()
* and drawn into canvas using video(). Appends to the container
* node if one is specified, otherwise appends to body. The first parameter
* can be either a single string path to a video file, or an array of string
* paths to different formats of the same video. This is useful for ensuring
* that your video can play across different browsers, as each supports
* different formats. See <a href="">this
* page for further information about supported formats.
* @method createVideo
* @param {String|Array} src path to a video file, or array of paths for
* supporting different browsers
* @param {Object} [callback] callback function to be called upon
* 'canplaythrough' event fire, that is, when the
* browser can play the media, and estimates that
* enough data has been loaded to play the media
* up to its end without having to stop for
* further buffering of content
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to video p5.Element
p5.prototype.createVideo = function(src, callback) {
return createMedia(this, 'video', src, callback);
* Creates a hidden HTML5 &lt;audio&gt; element in the DOM for simple audio
* playback. Appends to the container node if one is specified,
* otherwise appends to body. The first parameter
* can be either a single string path to a audio file, or an array of string
* paths to different formats of the same audio. This is useful for ensuring
* that your audio can play across different browsers, as each supports
* different formats. See <a href="">this
* page for further information about supported formats.
* @method createAudio
* @param {String|Array} src path to an audio file, or array of paths for
* supporting different browsers
* @param {Object} [callback] callback function to be called upon
* 'canplaythrough' event fire, that is, when the
* browser can play the media, and estimates that
* enough data has been loaded to play the media
* up to its end without having to stop for
* further buffering of content
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to audio p5.Element
p5.prototype.createAudio = function(src, callback) {
return createMedia(this, 'audio', src, callback);
p5.prototype.VIDEO = 'video';
p5.prototype.AUDIO = 'audio';
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||
* Creates a new &lt;video&gt; element that contains the audio/video feed
* from a webcam. This can be drawn onto the canvas using video(). More
* specific properties of the stream can be passing in a Constraints object.
* See the
* <a href="">W3C
* spec</a> for possible properties. Note that not all of these are supported
* by all browsers.
* @method createCapture
* @param {String/Constant|Object} type type of capture, either VIDEO or
* AUDIO if none specified, default both,
* or a Constraints boject
* @param {Function} callback function to be called once
* stream has loaded
* @return {Object/p5.Element} capture video p5.Element
* @example
* <div><class='norender'><code>
* var capture;
* function setup() {
* createCanvas(480, 120);
* capture = createCapture(VIDEO);
* }
* function draw() {
* image(capture, 0, 0, width, width*capture.height/capture.width);
* filter(INVERT);
* }
* </code></div>
* <div><class='norender'><code>
* function setup() {
* createCanvas(480, 120);
* var constraints = {
* video: {
* mandatory: {
* minWidth: 1280,
* minHeight: 720
* },
* optional: [
* { maxFrameRate: 10 }
* ]
* },
* audio: true
* };
* createCapture(constraints, function(stream) {
* console.log(stream);
* });
* }
* </code></div>
p5.prototype.createCapture = function() {
var useVideo = true;
var useAudio = true;
var constraints;
var cb;
for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] === p5.prototype.VIDEO) {
useAudio = false;
} else if (arguments[i] === p5.prototype.AUDIO) {
useVideo = false;
} else if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') {
constraints = arguments[i];
} else if (typeof arguments[i] === 'function') {
cb = arguments[i];
if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
var elt = document.createElement('video');
if (!constraints) {
constraints = {video: useVideo, audio: useAudio};
navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, function(stream) {
elt.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream);;
if (cb) {
}, function(e) { console.log(e); });
} else {
throw 'getUserMedia not supported in this browser';
var c = addElement(elt, this, true);
c.loadedmetadata = false;
// set width and height onload metadata
elt.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
c.width = elt.videoWidth;
c.height = elt.videoHeight;
c.loadedmetadata = true;
return c;
* Creates element with given tag in the DOM with given content.
* Appends to the container node if one is specified, otherwise
* appends to body.
* @method createElement
* @param {String} tag tag for the new element
* @param {String} [content] html content to be inserted into the element
* @return {Object/p5.Element} pointer to p5.Element holding created
* node
p5.prototype.createElement = function(tag, content) {
var elt = document.createElement(tag);
if (typeof content !== 'undefined') {
elt.innerHTML = content;
return addElement(elt, this);
// =============================================================================
// p5.Element additions
// =============================================================================
* Adds specified class to the element.
* @for p5.Element
* @method addClass
* @param {String} class name of class to add
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.Element.prototype.addClass = function(c) {
if (this.elt.className) {
// PEND don't add class more than once
//var regex = new RegExp('[^a-zA-Z\d:]?'+c+'[^a-zA-Z\d:]?');
//if ([^a-zA-Z\d:]?hi[^a-zA-Z\d:]?/) === -1) {
this.elt.className = this.elt.className+' '+c;
} else {
this.elt.className = c;
return this;
* Removes specified class from the element.
* @method removeClass
* @param {String} class name of class to remove
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.Element.prototype.removeClass = function(c) {
var regex = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s)'+c+'(?!\\S)');
this.elt.className = this.elt.className.replace(regex, '');
this.elt.className = this.elt.className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); //prettify (optional)
return this;
* Attaches the element as a child to the parent specified.
* Accepts either a string ID, DOM node, or p5.Element
* @method child
* @param {String|Object} child the ID, DOM node, or p5.Element
* to add to the current element
* @return {p5.Element}
* @example
* <div class='norender'><code>
* var div0 = createDiv('this is the parent');
* var div1 = createDiv('this is the child');
* div0.child(div1); // use p5.Element
* </code></div>
* <div class='norender'><code>
* var div0 = createDiv('this is the parent');
* var div1 = createDiv('this is the child');
* div0.child('apples'); // use id
* </code></div>
* <div class='norender'><code>
* var div0 = createDiv('this is the parent');
* var elt = document.getElementById('myChildDiv');
* div0.child(elt); // use element from page
* </code></div>
p5.Element.prototype.child = function(c) {
if (typeof c === 'string') {
c = document.getElementById(c);
} else if (c instanceof p5.Element) {
c = c.elt;
return this;
* If an argument is given, sets the inner HTML of the element,
* replacing any existing html. If no arguments are given, returns
* the inner HTML of the element.
* @for p5.Element
* @method html
* @param {String} [html] the HTML to be placed inside the element
* @return {p5.Element|String}
p5.Element.prototype.html = function(html) {
if (typeof html !== 'undefined') {
this.elt.innerHTML = html;
return this;
} else {
return this.elt.innerHTML;
* Sets the position of the element relative to (0, 0) of the
* window. Essentially, sets position:absolute and left and top
* properties of style.
* @method position
* @param {Number} x x-position relative to upper left of window
* @param {Number} y y-position relative to upper left of window
* @return {p5.Element}
* @example
* <div><code class='norender'>
* function setup() {
* var cnv = createCanvas(100, 100);
* // positions canvas 50px to right and 100px
* // below upper left corner of the window
* cnv.position(50, 100);
* }
* </code></div>
p5.Element.prototype.position = function(x, y) { = 'absolute'; = x+'px'; = y+'px';
return this;
* Sets the given style (css) property of the element with the given value.
* If no value is specified, returns the value of the given property,
* or undefined if the property is not.
* @method style
* @param {String} property property to be set
* @param {String} [value] value to assign to property
* @return {String|p5.Element} value of property, if no value is specified
* or p5.Element
* @example
* <div><code class="norender">
* var myDiv = createDiv("I like pandas.");
*"color", "#ff0000");
*"font-size", "18px");
* </code></div>
*/ = function(prop, val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
var attrs = prop.split(';');
for (var i=0; i<attrs.length; i++) {
var parts = attrs[i].split(':');
if (parts[0] && parts[1]) {[parts[0].trim()] = parts[1].trim();
// console.log(
} else {[prop] = val;
return this;
* Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an existing attribute
* on the specified element. If no value is specified, returns the
* value of the given attribute, or null if attribute is not set.
* @method attribute
* @param {String} attr attribute to set
* @param {String} [value] value to assign to attribute
* @return {String|p5.Element} value of attribute, if no value is
* specified or p5.Element
* @example
* <div class="norender"><code>
* var myDiv = createDiv("I like pandas.");
*myDiv.attribute("align", "center");
* </code></div>
p5.Element.prototype.attribute = function(attr, value) {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return this.elt.getAttribute(attr);
} else {
this.elt.setAttribute(attr, value);
return this;
* Either returns the value of the element if no arguments
* given, or sets the value of the element.
* @method value
* @param {String|Number} [value]
* @return {String|p5.Element} value of element, if no value is
* specified or p5.Element
p5.Element.prototype.value = function() {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
this.elt.value = arguments[0];
return this;
} else {
if (this.elt.type === 'range') {
return parseFloat(this.elt.value);
else return this.elt.value;
* Shows the current element. Essentially, setting display:block for the style.
* @method show
* @return {p5.Element}
*/ = function() { = 'block';
return this;
* Hides the current element. Essentially, setting display:none for the style.
* @method hide
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.Element.prototype.hide = function() { = 'none';
return this;
* Sets the width and height of the element. AUTO can be used to
* only adjust one dimension.
* @method size
* @param {Number} w width of the element
* @param {Number} h height of the element
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.Element.prototype.size = function(w, h) {
var aW = w;
var aH = h;
var AUTO = p5.prototype.AUTO;
if (aW !== AUTO || aH !== AUTO) {
if (aW === AUTO) {
aW = h * this.width / this.height;
} else if (aH === AUTO) {
aH = w * this.height / this.width;
// set diff for cnv vs normal div
if (this.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
var j = {};
var k = this.elt.getContext('2d');
for (var prop in k) {
j[prop] = k[prop];
this.elt.setAttribute('width', aW * this._pInst._pixelDensity);
this.elt.setAttribute('height', aH * this._pInst._pixelDensity);
this.elt.setAttribute('style', 'width:' + aW + 'px !important; height:' + aH + 'px !important;');
this._pInst.scale(this._pInst._pixelDensity, this._pInst._pixelDensity);
for (var prop in j) {
this.elt.getContext('2d')[prop] = j[prop];
} else { = aW+'px !important'; = aH+'px !important';
this.elt.width = aW;
this.elt.height = aH;
} = 'hidden';
this.width = this.elt.offsetWidth;
this.height = this.elt.offsetHeight;
if (this._pInst) { // main canvas associated with p5 instance
if (this._pInst._curElement.elt === this.elt) {
this._pInst._setProperty('width', this.elt.offsetWidth);
this._pInst._setProperty('height', this.elt.offsetHeight);
return this;
* Removes the element and deregisters all listeners.
* @method remove
* @example
* <div class='norender'><code>
* var myDiv = createDiv('this is some text');
* myDiv.remove();
* </code></div>
p5.Element.prototype.remove = function() {
// deregister events
for (var ev in this._events) {
this.elt.removeEventListener(ev, this._events[ev]);
if (this.elt.parentNode) {
// =============================================================================
// p5.MediaElement additions
// =============================================================================
* Extends p5.Element to handle audio and video. In addition to the methods
* of p5.Element, it also contains methods for controlling media. It is not
* called directly, but p5.MediaElements are created by calling createVideo,
* createAudio, and createCapture.
* @class p5.MediaElement
* @constructor
* @param {String} elt DOM node that is wrapped
* @param {Object} [pInst] pointer to p5 instance
p5.MediaElement = function(elt, pInst) {, elt, pInst);
p5.MediaElement.prototype = Object.create(p5.Element.prototype);
* Play an HTML5 media element.
* @method play
* @return {p5.Element}
*/ = function() {
if (this.elt.currentTime === this.elt.duration) {
this.elt.currentTime = 0;
return this;
* Stops an HTML5 media element (sets current time to zero).
* @method stop
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.MediaElement.prototype.stop = function() {
this.elt.currentTime = 0;
return this;
* Pauses an HTML5 media element.
* @method pause
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.MediaElement.prototype.pause = function() {
return this;
* Set 'loop' to true for an HTML5 media element, and starts playing.
* @method loop
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.MediaElement.prototype.loop = function() {
this.elt.setAttribute('loop', true);;
return this;
* Set 'loop' to false for an HTML5 media element. Element will stop
* when it reaches the end.
* @method noLoop
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.MediaElement.prototype.noLoop = function() {
this.elt.setAttribute('loop', false);
return this;
* Set HTML5 media element to autoplay or not.
* @method autoplay
* @param {Boolean} autoplay whether the element should autoplay
* @return {p5.Element}
p5.MediaElement.prototype.autoplay = function(val) {
this.elt.setAttribute('autoplay', val);
return this;
* Sets volume for this HTML5 media element. If no argument is given,
* returns the current volume.
* @param {Number} [val] volume between 0.0 and 1.0
* @return {Number|p5.MediaElement} current volume or p5.MediaElement
* @method volume
p5.MediaElement.prototype.volume = function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
return this.elt.volume;
} else {
this.elt.volume = val;
* If no arguments are given, returns the current time of the elmeent.
* If an argument is given the current time of the element is set to it.
* @method time
* @param {Number} [time] time to jump to (in seconds)
* @return {Number|p5.MediaElement} current time (in seconds)
* or p5.MediaElement
p5.MediaElement.prototype.time = function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
return this.elt.currentTime;
} else {
this.elt.currentTime = val;
* Returns the duration of the HTML5 media element.
* @method duration
* @return {Number} duration
p5.MediaElement.prototype.duration = function() {
return this.elt.duration;
p5.MediaElement.prototype.pixels = [];
p5.MediaElement.prototype.loadPixels = function() {
if (this.loadedmetadata) { // wait for metadata for w/h
if (!this.canvas) {
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas.width = this.width;
this.canvas.height = this.height;
this.drawingContext = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
this.drawingContext.drawImage(this.elt, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);;
return this;
p5.MediaElement.prototype.updatePixels = function(x, y, w, h){
if (this.loadedmetadata) { // wait for metadata, x, y, w, h);
return this;
p5.MediaElement.prototype.get = function(x, y, w, h){
if (this.loadedmetadata) { // wait for metadata
return, x, y, w, h);
} else return [0, 0, 0, 255];
p5.MediaElement.prototype.set = function(x, y, imgOrCol){
if (this.loadedmetadata) { // wait for metadata, x, y, imgOrCol);