replace online dep

This commit is contained in:
Alex 2018-06-12 14:31:32 +02:00
parent 6f01632d40
commit 8f05ff95a7
10 changed files with 512 additions and 11 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ __pycache__/

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 36 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 25 KiB

app/static/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

app/static/js/jquery.marquee.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
* jQuery.marquee - scrolling text like old marquee element
* @author Aamir Afridi - aamirafridi(at)gmail(dot)com /
(function($) {
$.fn.marquee = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
// Extend the options if any provided
var o = $.extend({}, $.fn.marquee.defaults, options),
$this = $(this),
$marqueeWrapper, containerWidth, animationCss, verticalDir, elWidth,
loopCount = 3,
playState = 'animation-play-state',
css3AnimationIsSupported = false,
// Private methods
_prefixedEvent = function(element, type, callback) {
var pfx = ["webkit", "moz", "MS", "o", ""];
for (var p = 0; p < pfx.length; p++) {
if (!pfx[p]) type = type.toLowerCase();
element.addEventListener(pfx[p] + type, callback, false);
_objToString = function(obj) {
var tabjson = [];
for (var p in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
tabjson.push(p + ':' + obj[p]);
return '{' + tabjson.join(',') + '}';
_startAnimationWithDelay = function() {
$this.timer = setTimeout(animate, o.delayBeforeStart);
// Public methods
methods = {
pause: function() {
if (css3AnimationIsSupported && o.allowCss3Support) {
$marqueeWrapper.css(playState, 'paused');
} else {
// pause using pause plugin
if ($.fn.pause) {
// save the status
$'runningStatus', 'paused');
// fire event
resume: function() {
// resume using css3
if (css3AnimationIsSupported && o.allowCss3Support) {
$marqueeWrapper.css(playState, 'running');
} else {
// resume using pause plugin
if ($.fn.resume) {
// save the status
$'runningStatus', 'resumed');
// fire event
toggle: function() {
methods[$'runningStatus') == 'resumed' ? 'pause' : 'resume']();
destroy: function() {
// Clear timer
// Unbind all events
// Just unwrap the elements that has been added using this plugin
// Check for methods
if (typeof options === 'string') {
if ($.isFunction(methods[options])) {
// Following two IF statements to support public methods
if (!$marqueeWrapper) {
$marqueeWrapper = $this.find('.js-marquee-wrapper');
if ($'css3AnimationIsSupported') === true) {
css3AnimationIsSupported = true;
/* Check if element has data attributes. They have top priority
For details - Can't find a better solution :/
jQuery 1.3.2 doesn't support $.data().KEY hence writting the following */
var dataAttributes = {},
$.each(o, function(key, value) {
// Check if element has this data attribute
attr = $this.attr('data-' + key);
if (typeof attr !== 'undefined') {
// Now check if value is boolean or not
switch (attr) {
case 'true':
attr = true;
case 'false':
attr = false;
o[key] = attr;
// Reintroduce speed as an option. It calculates duration as a factor of the container width
// measured in pixels per second.
if (o.speed) {
o.duration = parseInt($this.width(), 10) / o.speed * 1000;
// Shortcut to see if direction is upward or downward
verticalDir = o.direction == 'up' || o.direction == 'down';
// no gap if not duplicated = o.duplicated ? parseInt( : 0;
// wrap inner content into a div
$this.wrapInner('<div class="js-marquee"></div>');
// Make copy of the element
var $el = $this.find('.js-marquee').css({
'float': 'left'
if (o.duplicated) {
// wrap both inner elements into one div
$this.wrapInner('<div style="width:100000px" class="js-marquee-wrapper"></div>');
// Save the reference of the wrapper
$marqueeWrapper = $this.find('.js-marquee-wrapper');
// If direction is up or down, get the height of main element
if (verticalDir) {
var containerHeight = $this.height();
// Change the CSS for js-marquee element
'float': 'none',
'margin-right': 0
// Remove bottom margin from 2nd element if duplicated
if (o.duplicated) $this.find('.js-marquee:last').css({
'margin-bottom': 0
var elHeight = $this.find('.js-marquee:first').height() +;
// adjust the animation duration according to the text length
if (o.startVisible && !o.duplicated) {
// Compute the complete animation duration and save it for later reference
// formula is to: (Height of the text node + height of the main container / Height of the main container) * duration;
o._completeDuration = ((parseInt(elHeight, 10) + parseInt(containerHeight, 10)) / parseInt(containerHeight, 10)) * o.duration;
// formula is to: (Height of the text node / height of the main container) * duration
o.duration = (parseInt(elHeight, 10) / parseInt(containerHeight, 10)) * o.duration;
} else {
// formula is to: (Height of the text node + height of the main container / Height of the main container) * duration;
o.duration = ((parseInt(elHeight, 10) + parseInt(containerHeight, 10)) / parseInt(containerHeight, 10)) * o.duration;
} else {
// Save the width of the each element so we can use it in animation
elWidth = $this.find('.js-marquee:first').width() +;
// container width
containerWidth = $this.width();
// adjust the animation duration according to the text length
if (o.startVisible && !o.duplicated) {
// Compute the complete animation duration and save it for later reference
// formula is to: (Width of the text node + width of the main container / Width of the main container) * duration;
o._completeDuration = ((parseInt(elWidth, 10) + parseInt(containerWidth, 10)) / parseInt(containerWidth, 10)) * o.duration;
// (Width of the text node / width of the main container) * duration
o.duration = (parseInt(elWidth, 10) / parseInt(containerWidth, 10)) * o.duration;
} else {
// formula is to: (Width of the text node + width of the main container / Width of the main container) * duration;
o.duration = ((parseInt(elWidth, 10) + parseInt(containerWidth, 10)) / parseInt(containerWidth, 10)) * o.duration;
// if duplicated then reduce the duration
if (o.duplicated) {
o.duration = o.duration / 2;
if (o.allowCss3Support) {
elm = document.body || document.createElement('div'),
animationName = 'marqueeAnimation-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000),
domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms Khtml'.split(' '),
animationString = 'animation',
animationCss3Str = '',
keyframeString = '';
// Check css3 support
if ( !== undefined) {
keyframeString = '@keyframes ' + animationName + ' ';
css3AnimationIsSupported = true;
if (css3AnimationIsSupported === false) {
for (var i = 0; i < domPrefixes.length; i++) {
if ([domPrefixes[i] + 'AnimationName'] !== undefined) {
var prefix = '-' + domPrefixes[i].toLowerCase() + '-';
animationString = prefix + animationString;
playState = prefix + playState;
keyframeString = '@' + prefix + 'keyframes ' + animationName + ' ';
css3AnimationIsSupported = true;
if (css3AnimationIsSupported) {
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's ' + o.delayBeforeStart / 1000 + 's infinite ' + o.css3easing;
$'css3AnimationIsSupported', true);
var _rePositionVertically = function() {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateY(' + (o.direction == 'up' ? containerHeight + 'px' : '-' + elHeight + 'px') + ')');
_rePositionHorizontally = function() {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateX(' + (o.direction == 'left' ? containerWidth + 'px' : '-' + elWidth + 'px') + ')');
// if duplicated option is set to true than position the wrapper
if (o.duplicated) {
if (verticalDir) {
if (o.startVisible) {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateY(0)');
} else {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateY(' + (o.direction == 'up' ? containerHeight + 'px' : '-' + ((elHeight * 2) - + 'px') + ')');
} else {
if (o.startVisible) {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateX(0)');
} else {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateX(' + (o.direction == 'left' ? containerWidth + 'px' : '-' + ((elWidth * 2) - + 'px') + ')');
// If the text starts out visible we can skip the two initial loops
if (!o.startVisible) {
loopCount = 1;
} else if (o.startVisible) {
// We only have two different loops if marquee is duplicated and starts visible
loopCount = 2;
} else {
if (verticalDir) {
} else {
// Animate recursive method
var animate = function() {
if (o.duplicated) {
// When duplicated, the first loop will be scroll longer so double the duration
if (loopCount === 1) {
o._originalDuration = o.duration;
if (verticalDir) {
o.duration = o.direction == 'up' ? o.duration + (containerHeight / ((elHeight) / o.duration)) : o.duration * 2;
} else {
o.duration = o.direction == 'left' ? o.duration + (containerWidth / ((elWidth) / o.duration)) : o.duration * 2;
// Adjust the css3 animation as well
if (animationCss3Str) {
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's ' + o.delayBeforeStart / 1000 + 's ' + o.css3easing;
// On 2nd loop things back to normal, normal duration for the rest of animations
else if (loopCount === 2) {
o.duration = o._originalDuration;
// Adjust the css3 animation as well
if (animationCss3Str) {
animationName = animationName + '0';
keyframeString = $.trim(keyframeString) + '0 ';
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's 0s infinite ' + o.css3easing;
if (verticalDir) {
if (o.duplicated) {
// Adjust the starting point of animation only when first loops finishes
if (loopCount > 2) {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateY(' + (o.direction == 'up' ? 0 : '-' + elHeight + 'px') + ')');
animationCss = {
'transform': 'translateY(' + (o.direction == 'up' ? '-' + elHeight + 'px' : 0) + ')'
} else if (o.startVisible) {
// This loop moves the marquee out of the container
if (loopCount === 2) {
// Adjust the css3 animation as well
if (animationCss3Str) {
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's ' + o.delayBeforeStart / 1000 + 's ' + o.css3easing;
animationCss = {
'transform': 'translateY(' + (o.direction == 'up' ? '-' + elHeight + 'px' : containerHeight + 'px') + ')'
} else if (loopCount === 3) {
// Set the duration for the animation that will run forever
o.duration = o._completeDuration;
// Adjust the css3 animation as well
if (animationCss3Str) {
animationName = animationName + '0';
keyframeString = $.trim(keyframeString) + '0 ';
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's 0s infinite ' + o.css3easing;
} else {
animationCss = {
'transform': 'translateY(' + (o.direction == 'up' ? '-' + ($marqueeWrapper.height()) + 'px' : containerHeight + 'px') + ')'
} else {
if (o.duplicated) {
// Adjust the starting point of animation only when first loops finishes
if (loopCount > 2) {
$marqueeWrapper.css('transform', 'translateX(' + (o.direction == 'left' ? 0 : '-' + elWidth + 'px') + ')');
animationCss = {
'transform': 'translateX(' + (o.direction == 'left' ? '-' + elWidth + 'px' : 0) + ')'
} else if (o.startVisible) {
// This loop moves the marquee out of the container
if (loopCount === 2) {
// Adjust the css3 animation as well
if (animationCss3Str) {
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's ' + o.delayBeforeStart / 1000 + 's ' + o.css3easing;
animationCss = {
'transform': 'translateX(' + (o.direction == 'left' ? '-' + elWidth + 'px' : containerWidth + 'px') + ')'
} else if (loopCount === 3) {
// Set the duration for the animation that will run forever
o.duration = o._completeDuration;
// Adjust the css3 animation as well
if (animationCss3Str) {
animationName = animationName + '0';
keyframeString = $.trim(keyframeString) + '0 ';
animationCss3Str = animationName + ' ' + o.duration / 1000 + 's 0s infinite ' + o.css3easing;
} else {
animationCss = {
'transform': 'translateX(' + (o.direction == 'left' ? '-' + elWidth + 'px' : containerWidth + 'px') + ')'
// fire event
// If css3 support is available than do it with css3, otherwise use jQuery as fallback
if (css3AnimationIsSupported) {
// Add css3 animation to the element
$marqueeWrapper.css(animationString, animationCss3Str);
var keyframeCss = keyframeString + ' { 100% ' + _objToString(animationCss) + '}',
$styles = $marqueeWrapper.find('style');
// Now add the keyframe animation to the marquee element
if ($styles.length !== 0) {
// Bug fixed for jQuery 1.3.x - Instead of using .last(), use following
} else {
$('head').append('<style>' + keyframeCss + '</style>');
// Animation iteration event
_prefixedEvent($marqueeWrapper[0], "AnimationIteration", function() {
// Animation stopped
_prefixedEvent($marqueeWrapper[0], "AnimationEnd", function() {
} else {
// Start animating
$marqueeWrapper.animate(animationCss, o.duration, o.easing, function() {
// fire event
// animate again
if (o.pauseOnCycle) {
} else {
// save the status
$'runningStatus', 'resumed');
// bind pause and resume events
$this.bind('pause', methods.pause);
$this.bind('resume', methods.resume);
if (o.pauseOnHover) {
$this.bind('mouseenter', methods.pause);
$this.bind('mouseleave', methods.resume);
// If css3 animation is supported than call animate method at once
if (css3AnimationIsSupported && o.allowCss3Support) {
} else {
// Starts the recursive method
}; // End of Plugin
// Public: plugin defaults options
$.fn.marquee.defaults = {
// If you wish to always animate using jQuery
allowCss3Support: true,
// works when allowCss3Support is set to true - for full list see
css3easing: 'linear',
// requires jQuery easing plugin. Default is 'linear'
easing: 'linear',
// pause time before the next animation turn in milliseconds
delayBeforeStart: 1000,
// 'left', 'right', 'up' or 'down'
direction: 'left',
// true or false - should the marquee be duplicated to show an effect of continues flow
duplicated: false,
// duration in milliseconds of the marquee in milliseconds
duration: 5000,
// gap in pixels between the tickers
gap: 20,
// on cycle pause the marquee
pauseOnCycle: false,
// on hover pause the marquee - using jQuery plugin
pauseOnHover: false,
// the marquee is visible initially positioned next to the border towards it will be moving
startVisible: false

app/static/js/jquery.marquee.min.js vendored Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* jQuery.marquee - scrolling text like old marquee element
* @author Aamir Afridi - aamirafridi(at)gmail(dot)com /
(function(f){f.fn.marquee=function(x){return this.each(function(){var a=f.extend({},f.fn.marquee.defaults,x),b=f(this),c,t,e=3,y="animation-play-state",p=!1,E=function(a,b,c){for(var e=["webkit","moz","MS","o",""],d=0;d<e.length;d++)e[d]||(b=b.toLowerCase()),a.addEventListener(e[d]+b,c,!1)},F=function(a){var b=[],c;for(c in a)a.hasOwnProperty(c)&&b.push(c+":"+a[c]);b.push();return"{"+b.join(",")+"}"},l={pause:function(){p&&a.allowCss3Support?c.css(y,"paused"):f.fn.pause&&c.pause();"runningStatus",
"paused");b.trigger("paused")},resume:function(){p&&a.allowCss3Support?c.css(y,"running"):f.fn.resume&&c.resume();"runningStatus","resumed");b.trigger("resumed")},toggle:function(){l["resumed""runningStatus")?"pause":"resume"]()},destroy:function(){clearTimeout(b.timer);b.find("*").addBack().unbind();b.html(b.find(".js-marquee:first").html())}};if("string"===typeof x)f.isFunction(l[x])&&(c||(c=b.find(".js-marquee-wrapper")),!"css3AnimationIsSupported")&&(p=!0),l[x]());else{var u;
f.each(a,function(c,d){u=b.attr("data-"+c);if("undefined"!==typeof u){switch(u){case "true":u=!0;break;case "false":u=!1}a[c]=u}});a.speed&&(a.duration=parseInt(b.width(),10)/a.speed*1E3);var v="up"==a.direction||"down"==a.direction;;b.wrapInner('<div class="js-marquee"></div>');var h=b.find(".js-marquee").css({"margin-right","float":"left"});a.duplicated&&h.clone(!0).appendTo(b);b.wrapInner('<div style="width:100000px" class="js-marquee-wrapper"></div>');
c=b.find(".js-marquee-wrapper");if(v){var k=b.height();c.removeAttr("style");b.height(k);b.find(".js-marquee").css({"float":"none","margin-bottom","margin-right":0});a.duplicated&&b.find(".js-marquee:last").css({"margin-bottom":0});var q=b.find(".js-marquee:first").height();a.startVisible&&!a.duplicated?(a._completeDuration=(parseInt(q,10)+parseInt(k,10))/parseInt(k,10)*a.duration,a.duration*=parseInt(q,10)/parseInt(k,10)):a.duration*=(parseInt(q,10)+parseInt(k,10))/parseInt(k,10)}else{var m=
b.find(".js-marquee:first").width();var n=b.width();a.startVisible&&!a.duplicated?(a._completeDuration=(parseInt(m,10)+parseInt(n,10))/parseInt(n,10)*a.duration,a.duration*=parseInt(m,10)/parseInt(n,10)):a.duration*=(parseInt(m,10)+parseInt(n,10))/parseInt(n,10)}a.duplicated&&(a.duration/=2);if(a.allowCss3Support){h=document.body||document.createElement("div");var g="marqueeAnimation-"+Math.floor(1E7*Math.random()),A=["Webkit","Moz","O","ms","Khtml"],B="animation",d="",r="";
(r="@keyframes "+g+" ",p=!0);if(!1===p)for(var z=0;z<A.length;z++)if(void 0![A[z]+"AnimationName"]){h="-"+A[z].toLowerCase()+"-";B=h+B;y=h+y;r="@"+h+"keyframes "+g+" ";p=!0;break}p&&(d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s "+a.delayBeforeStart/1E3+"s infinite "+a.css3easing,"css3AnimationIsSupported",!0))}var C=function(){c.css("transform","translateY("+("up"==a.direction?k+"px":"-"+q+"px")+")")},D=function(){c.css("transform","translateX("+("left"==a.direction?n+"px":"-"+m+"px")+")")};a.duplicated?
(v?a.startVisible?c.css("transform","translateY(0)"):c.css("transform","translateY("+("up"==a.direction?k+"px":"-"+(2*"px")+")"):a.startVisible?c.css("transform","translateX(0)"):c.css("transform","translateX("+("left"==a.direction?n+"px":"-"+(2*"px")+")"),a.startVisible||(e=1)):a.startVisible?e=2:v?C():D();var w=function(){a.duplicated&&(1===e?(a._originalDuration=a.duration,a.duration=v?"up"==a.direction?a.duration+k/(q/a.duration):2*a.duration:"left"==a.direction?a.duration+n/
(m/a.duration):2*a.duration,d&&(d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s "+a.delayBeforeStart/1E3+"s "+a.css3easing),e++):2===e&&(a.duration=a._originalDuration,d&&(g+="0",r=f.trim(r)+"0 ",d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s 0s infinite "+a.css3easing),e++));v?a.duplicated?(2<e&&c.css("transform","translateY("+("up"==a.direction?0:"-"+q+"px")+")"),t={transform:"translateY("+("up"==a.direction?"-"+q+"px":0)+")"}):a.startVisible?2===e?(d&&(d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s "+a.delayBeforeStart/1E3+"s "+a.css3easing),t={transform:"translateY("+
("up"==a.direction?"-"+q+"px":k+"px")+")"},e++):3===e&&(a.duration=a._completeDuration,d&&(g+="0",r=f.trim(r)+"0 ",d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s 0s infinite "+a.css3easing),C()):(C(),t={transform:"translateY("+("up"==a.direction?"-"+c.height()+"px":k+"px")+")"}):a.duplicated?(2<e&&c.css("transform","translateX("+("left"==a.direction?0:"-"+m+"px")+")"),t={transform:"translateX("+("left"==a.direction?"-"+m+"px":0)+")"}):a.startVisible?2===e?(d&&(d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s "+a.delayBeforeStart/1E3+"s "+a.css3easing),
t={transform:"translateX("+("left"==a.direction?"-"+m+"px":n+"px")+")"},e++):3===e&&(a.duration=a._completeDuration,d&&(g+="0",r=f.trim(r)+"0 ",d=g+" "+a.duration/1E3+"s 0s infinite "+a.css3easing),D()):(D(),t={transform:"translateX("+("left"==a.direction?"-"+m+"px":n+"px")+")"});b.trigger("beforeStarting");if(p){c.css(B,d);var h=r+" { 100% "+F(t)+"}",l=c.find("style");0!==l.length?l.filter(":last").html(h):f("head").append("<style>"+h+"</style>");E(c[0],"AnimationIteration",function(){b.trigger("finished")});
E(c[0],"AnimationEnd",function(){w();b.trigger("finished")})}else c.animate(t,a.duration,a.easing,function(){b.trigger("finished");a.pauseOnCycle?b.timer=setTimeout(w,a.delayBeforeStart):w()});"runningStatus","resumed")};b.bind("pause",l.pause);b.bind("resume",l.resume);a.pauseOnHover&&(b.bind("mouseenter",l.pause),b.bind("mouseleave",l.resume));p&&a.allowCss3Support?w():b.timer=setTimeout(w,a.delayBeforeStart)}})};f.fn.marquee.defaults={allowCss3Support:!0,css3easing:"linear",easing:"linear",

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.js">
{% block css %} {% endblock%}
@ -43,16 +42,16 @@
{% block js %} {% endblock%}
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js") }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.js") }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/jquery.marquee.min.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/jquery.tablesorter.js") }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/app.js") }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/vendor/") }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/vendor/vue.min.js") }}"></script>
function convertTime(inTime){
var time = inTime;
time = time.match(/(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)\s*(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
@ -121,9 +120,6 @@ socket.on('channel-' +, function(msg) {
// Add new message to HTML
let my_messages = app.messages;

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js") }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/app.js") }}"></script>
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ url_for("static", filename="js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom/jquery-ui.js") }}"></script>
$( function() {
var currentZoom = $('#scape_container').css('zoom');