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Ludivine Loiseau
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Ludivine Loiseau.
Type design information compiled and maintained by Luc Devroye.">
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<P><font style="font: 10pt/15pt larger sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps "><a href="fonts.html">TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE</a> </font> <font class="regular" ; color="#aaaaaa"> last updated on
Tue Mar 5 05:19:08 EST 2024
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<P>FONT RECOGNITION VIA <a href="http://fontmoose.devroye.org"><font color="FF3097">FONT MOOSE</font></a></font>
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<P align="right"><a href="fonts.html"><font style="font: 10pt/15pt larger sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps ">LUC DEVROYE</font></a>
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<P>Ludivine Loiseau
<img class="imgsmaller" src="LudivineLoiseau--NotCourierSans--2010.jpg" align="right" valign="top" hspace="10" >
<BR clear="all"><P>Born in Besan&ccedil;on, France, in 1983, Ludivine graduated from Ecole Estienne in Paris in 2006 and now lives and works in Brussels as a freelance graphic artist and illustrator for the Speculoos agency. Font creations include the handwritten Alphajet (2005) and the Ethiopian/Latin/Turkish/Hebrew mixed experimental font <a href="LudivineLoiseau-Kassidy-1-s.jpg">Kassidy</a>. In 2008, she made <a href="LudivineLoiseau--NotCourierSans--2009.jpg">NotCourier</a> <a href="LudivineLoiseau--NotCourierSans--2010.jpg">Sans</a> (<a href="http://fontlibrary.org/media/files/OSP/411">Open Font Library</a>, a free typewriter family based on Nimbus Mono; Cyrillic glyphs added by Valek Filippov). <P> <a href="http://kernest.com/designers/ludivine-loiseau">Kernest link</a>.
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<font style="font: 10pt/20pt serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps">EXTERNAL LINKS</font><BR>
<a href="http://www.ludi.be">Ludivine Loiseau</a><BR>
<a href="https://www.myfonts.com/search/+Ludivine Loiseau">MyFonts search</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.fonts.com/search/all-fonts?searchtext=Ludivine+Loiseau&Searchin=all-fonts">Monotype search</a><BR>
<a href="https://www.fontspring.com/search?q=Ludivine+Loiseau">Fontspring search</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22%22+%22Ludivine Loiseau%22&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=">Google search</a><BR><BR>
<font style="font: 10pt/20pt serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps">INTERNAL LINKS</font><BR>
<a href="designers.html">Type designers</a> &#10687;
<a href="longdesigners-index.html">Type designers</a> &#10687;
<a href="belgiumfonts-index.html">The Belgian type scene</a> &#10687;
<a href="france-index.html">Type design in France</a> &#10687;
<a href="experimental-index.html">Experimental type</a> &#10687;
<a href="handwriting-index.html">Handwriting fonts</a> &#10687;
<a href="typewriter-index.html">Typewriter fonts</a> &#10687;
<a href="opensourcefonts-index.html">Open source fonts</a> &#10687;
<a href="courier-index.html">Courier and derived typefaces</a> &#10687;
<TR> <TD VALIGN=top BGCOLOR="#eeeeee" WIDTH="21%"> <HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE> </TD> <TD VALIGN=top BGCOLOR="#cccccc" WIDTH="79%" > <HR SIZE=1 NOSHADE> </TD> </TR>
<a href="https://www.myfonts.com/search/ Ludivine Loiseau Kassidy 1 s/fonts"/><img src="LudivineLoiseau-Kassidy-1-s.jpg" align="left" hspace="0" vspace="10"></a><BR clear="all"><font style="font: 14pt/20pt larger sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps">file name: Ludivine Loiseau Kassidy 1 s</font> <BR><BR>
<a href="https://www.myfonts.com/search/ Ludivine Loiseau Not Courier Sans 2009/fonts"/><img src="LudivineLoiseau--NotCourierSans--2009.jpg" align="left" hspace="0" vspace="10"></a><BR clear="all"><font style="font: 14pt/20pt larger sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps">file name: Ludivine Loiseau Not Courier Sans 2009</font> <BR><BR>
<a href="https://www.myfonts.com/search/ Ludovine Loiseau Not Courier Sans 2008/fonts"/><img src="LudovineLoiseau--NotCourierSans-2008.png" align="left" hspace="0" vspace="10"></a><BR clear="all"><font style="font: 14pt/20pt larger sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps">file name: Ludovine Loiseau Not Courier Sans 2008</font> <BR><BR>
<a href="https://www.myfonts.com/search/ Ludivine Loiseau Not Courier Sans 2010/fonts"/><img src="LudivineLoiseau--NotCourierSans--2010.jpg" align="left" hspace="0" vspace="10"></a><BR clear="all"><font style="font: 14pt/20pt larger sans-serif ; font-weight: bold ; font-variant: small-caps">file name: Ludivine Loiseau Not Courier Sans 2010</font> <BR><BR>
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Luc Devroye &#10687; School of Computer Science &#10687; McGill University Montreal, Canada H3A 2K6 &#10687; <A HREF="mailto:lucdevroye@gmail.com">lucdevroye@gmail.com</A> &#10687; <A HREF="index.html">http://luc.devroye.org</A> &#10687; <a href="fonts.html">http://luc.devroye.org/fonts.html</a>