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Sun Aug 26 17:36:49 EDT 2018
<h3> Bell Labs pages from long ago </h3>
<P> This page mirrors some of the information
that used to be on my Bell Labs site.
Much of it is very dusty indeed.
Caveat downloader.
<P> <li>Awk is now hosted at
<a href="https://github.com/onetrueawk/awk">Github</a>.
<li><a href="partitioning.pdf">An Efficient Heuristic Procedure for Partitioning Graphs</a>
(<i>Bell System Technical Journal</i>, February, 1970).
<li><a href="tsp.pdf">An Effective Heuristic
Algorithm for the Travelling-Salesman Problem</a>
(<i>OperationscResearch</i>, March, 1973).
<a HREF="notfavorite.html">Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language</a> (April, 1981).
<a HREF="/cm/cs/who/bwk/wise/index.html">WiSE - A Wireless System Engineering Tool</A>,
an application of computational geometry, optimization
and visualization to wireless.
<li><a HREF="tcltk95.workshop.pdf">Experience with Tcl/Tk for Scientific and Engineering Visualization</A>,
programming issues in the wireless work above;
a version appeared in the Tcl/Tk Workshop, Toronto, 1995.
<a HREF="interps/interpreters.pdf">Timing Trials, or, the Trials of Timing:
Experiments with Scripting and User-Interface Languages</A>,
with Chris Van Wyk, describes experiments to see how fast various scripting
and user interface languages,
from Awk to Visual Basic, run on a spectrum of representative tasks.
<li><a href="awkc++.pdf">An AWK to C++ Translator</a>,
describing an early experiment; published in the
Usenix C++ conference in 1991 but hard to find.
<li>Information about the
<a HREF=https://www.ampl.com/ampl>AMPL modeling language</A>
for mathematical optimization.
You can <a href="https://www.ampl.com/TRYAMPL">try AMPL</a> on your own
optimization problems or examples from
<a HREF="https://www.ampl.com/BOOK">the AMPL book</A>;
the second edition was published November 2002 and is now available for
free download.
<li>Examples from <em>The AWK Programming Language</em> by Aho,
Kernighan, and Weinberger <a HREF="awkcode.txt">as text (120KB)</a>
or <a HREF="awkcode.zip">zipped (30KB)</a>.
<li>The example code from <em>The Unix Programming Environment</em>
by Kernighan and Pike:
<a HREF="unixprogenv.tar.gz"> gzipped tar file</a>;
<a href="unixprogenv.zip"> zip file</a>.
<li>Source for
<a HREF="hoc.sh">the hoc calculator from <em>The Unix Programming Environment</em></a>
by Kernighan and Pike.
<li><a href="toolstape"><i>Software Tools</i> programs</a>
<li><a href="pascaltools.txt"><i>Software Tools in Pascal</i> programs</a>
<li>Source for <a HREF="learn.tar.gz">learn</a>,
the original Unix computer-aided instruction program. This works but is
mostly of historical interest; it dates from 1979.
<li> <a HREF="anim.cstr132.pdf">Algorithm animation</a> (with Jon Bentley).