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<h2>Get Your Focus Back</h2>
<h5>with Distraction Free Instagram</h5>
<div class="hero__cta">
<a href="download.html">
<button class="hero__cta__button">Download</button>
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Currently exclusive <br />
to Android users
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Take charge of your digital well-being today.
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<img src="assets/instagram_logo_dark.svg" alt="DFinstagram" />
<p class="hero__info">
"Break free from endless scrolling and reclaim your time with
Distraction Free Instagram! Designed to help you stay connected
without the addictive clutter, our app lets you disable distracting
features like the endless feed and explore page with ease. Take
control of your social media experience and stay focused on what
matters most."
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See tutorial below 👇
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<div class="aboutus">
<h2>About Us</h2>
Distraction Free Instagram is your gateway to a more intentional
digital experience. Recognizing the addictive tendencies fostered by
conventional social media platforms like Instagram, we've crafted a
solution to empower users in regaining control of their online habits.
By selectively disabling features such as the endless feed, explore
page, reels, and shopping section, our app allows you to focus on what
truly matters: genuine connections with friends and family.
Exclusively available for Android users, transitioning to Distraction
Free Instagram is a straightforward process. Simply uninstall
Instagram and replace it with DFinstagram by accessing the downloaded
file through your file explorer. Our commitment extends beyond just
providing an alternative; we're dedicated to supporting you in your
journey towards a healthier relationship with social media.
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