A text-based bookmark manager rendered in a web page
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

7.0 KiB


Work in progress, if you encounter any issues regarding installation or understanding what this is all about, please send an email to contact@martinlemaire.fr or open an issue here and i'll be happy to answer

A browsable webpage generated from a textual database you might want to use as a browser homepage. You can edit the database by editing the file called BOOKMARKS or by running the provided script called edit_bookmarks_dmenu.sh (requires dmenu). The script can be ran from the command line but I suggest to bind it to a keystroke combination.

If you want to try with an example BOOKMARKS database (32kb) :

curl -O https://martinlemaire.fr/signet.sh/BOOKMARKS


git clone https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/clemtre/signet.sh.git
chmod +x signet.sh

It produces the following html document :

index.html a browsable bookmark manager A sample of its corresponding textual database, in the form of blankline separated records with key/value fields :


URL: http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/HEX_(Unifont)
Name: HEX (Unifont) - Just Solve the File Format Problem
Tags: bbb, hex
Date: 1704636690
Color: Pink

URL: http://robhagemans.github.io/monobit/
Name: Hoard of bitfonts
Description: Bitmap fonts collection
Tags: bitmap, fonts
Date: 1704639859

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wish_(Unix_shell)
Name: wish (Unix shell) - Wikipedia
Description:  a Tcl interpreter extended with Tk commands for unix.
Tags: gui, wish, tcl
Date: 1704646543

URL: https://www.kreativekorp.com/
Name: Rebecca G. Bettencourt
Tags: RGB, people, hide
Date: 1704648764

Given this database, signet will color the first link in pink and hide the last one because of its "hide" tag.



Signet.sh is a shell script parsing a bookmark database to a webpage. It uses awk inside a here-doc declaration redirected to an html file.

I have created this script because I found the bookmarks manager from firefox not great to use, to the point where I did not have the habit to bookmark my browsing journeys. Firefox stores bookmarks in a sqlite which is not human readable. Although it allows an export in json and html, I wanted something text based and personal.

Bookmarks database format

Only a Url is required, the rest of the fields are optional :

  • URL : the url pasted from the clipboard (exits if no url given)
  • Name : grabs from the bookmarked page with curl
  • Description : a description from the user
  • Tags : comma separated keywords
  • Date : posix time of the bookmarked link
  • Color : css color (name, hex, rgb etc...)

index.html structure