
Updated 1 year ago

🏃 🤫 📚

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 1 month ago

Updated 2 years ago

The tool relates to the project "No Annotation* is a Alone"; a series of annotative interventions upon the rigidity of PDF, to challenge established protocols.

Updated 2 years ago

visual production for new EP release by Digital Selves (https://lwlsn.github.io/digitalselves-web/) commissioned by Cherche Encore (http://cherche-encore.info/).

Updated 2 years ago

A low-tech content management system for the web

Updated 3 years ago

JavaScript 0 0

Multifeeder/RSS feeds → selection + CSS + template → PDF (very beta)

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Distribusi is a content management system for the web that produces static pages based on the file system.

Updated 3 days ago

distribusi-verse: medium-tech web app content management system for the web

Updated 3 weeks ago

Updated 3 years ago

For discussing issues and fixing things!

Updated 3 years ago

pad-to-print workflow to make the post-script of the 3rd Obfuscation Workshop

Updated 9 months ago

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

This script makes Hugo page bundles out of Hashtag feeds on a Mastodon Hometown or Glitchsoc instance.

Updated 3 years ago

Distribusi is a content management system for the web that produces static pages based on the file system.

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago