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A small XMPP bot written in Python that logs XMPP conversations into a HTML page, allowing collaborative log writing over time.

The bot is used in group chats, where it includes all images that are send to the group and all messages that include @logbot or logbot or logbot:.


How to use LogBot?

*Oh dear, logbot is here!*

(You can speak to the bot using @logbot or logbot:)
<image>: Your image is added to the log.
logbot @help: Print this message
logbot @add <message>: Add a message to the log.
logbot @delete <num>: Delete posts from the log. For example: @logbot @delete 5
logbot @title <string>: Set the title of your log.
logbot @style <element> <css-rule>: Edit the css of your log. For example: logbot @style body background-color: pink; [future-feature]
logbot @uptime: To check how long @logbot has been around
@bots: To see who is around :)

Situated tails
