LogBot is a bot for asynchronous collective logging and log writing over longer periods of time. The bot operates in a chat environment, from where it saves images, messages and other media files into a document (a web page): the log. Messages and pictures are shared with the other peers in the chat, and with a wider public, creating a form of continuous networked publishing.
The bot is made by members of Varia and is used hand in hand with event preparations`[1]`, collective research`[2][3]` or as a tool for publishing materials on the go`[4]`. The bot runs on a self-hosted XMPP chat infrastructure, hosted and maintained by members of Varia.
Each of the logs is also available as RSS feed, enabling feed-forwarding or other forms of re-publishing.
LogBot is small XMPP bot written in Python that is used in group chats. It uses the [xbotlib library](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/xbotlib) written by [decentral1se](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se).
logbot @folder<string>: Change the foldername of your log (by default, the roomname of the groupchat is used). Small warning: this changes the URL to your log page.
logbot @style<stylesheet>: Switch to another stylesheet. For example: logbot @style log. Available stylesheets include: timeline (default), float, opentab.
logbot @font<font>: Switch to another font. For example: logbot @font font. Available fonts include: polsku, notcouriersans; or select None to switch back to default serif.