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<body>__PUBLISH__ <br>= Idea is to reboot the radio station. =<br>
<br>== Things to do: ==<br>
<br>* Download more tracks, add more tracks. <br>* Proper https (cert in icecast?)<br>* Cronjobs for automation of specials and other things. Making playlists etc.<br>* Use ActivityPub for Special shows, so that you can follow an announcement bot.<br>
<ul class="indent">
<li>* <a href="https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/testing/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/testing/</a>
<li>* or Kroeg, see below</li>
<li>* also download links?</li>
</ul>* Redesign front page with disclaimer, timetable and follow button<br>*<br>
<br>== working with rust and kroeg ==<br>
<ul class="bullet">
<li>currently have rustc(rust compiler, rustup (installer) and cargo(package manager) installed.</li>
<li>switched to the nightly version or rustc (for Kroeg)</li>
<li>trying to install diesel_cli (maybe missing postgresql) </li>
<li>Diesel is a Query Builder for Rust (users::table.load(&connection) in Rust code execute SELECT * FROM users; in for example mySQL)<ul class="bullet">
<li>The problem here was missing libpq-dev, kind of badly documented by Diesel</li>
<li>installation steps not very clear.</li>
<li>diesel cli finally installed with:</li>
<li>cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres"</li>
<br>== Rabbit Hole section ==<br>It's the middle of the night in Bacolod:<br>
<br>Current problems with using Kroeg.<br>*Very limited knowledge of Rust + rust ecosystem<br>*Very limited knowledge of Postgresql<br>
<br>Starting to do a tutorial in Rust, actually need better way of working in VIM<br>*installing NEOVIM<br>**It needs a bundler for plugins like Vundle?<br>**Its there : <a href="https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim</a>
<br>***no wait here: <a href="https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim</a>
<br>*wrote a vimrc file, combining bits from dein.vim and <br>
<a href="http://nerditya.com/code/guide-to-neovim/" rel="noreferrer noopener">http://nerditya.com/code/guide-to-neovim/</a>
<br>vim actually looks kinda neato now.<br>
<br>vim is great until you have a directory of multiple files.<br>the amount of different(often not working) answers to how to paste from one file to another is kinda stupid.<br>
<br>Still true:<br> And the reality is that vi is amazing when you have to type a lot, and generate tons of code. You know what sort of programmers generate tons of code?<br>
<ul class="indent">
<ul class="indent">
<li> -> Mediocre programmers.</li>
</ul> Also true:<br> While vim glorifies typing, because that’s the only thing that it can do, the rest of editors go beyond 1960 in computing and use a mouse.<br> hmmm?<br>
<ul class="indent">
<li> Vim is a piece of crap because the amount of things you have to learn to use it proficiently have no valid use outside it.</li>
<br>back to rust<br>
<a href="https://static.rust-lang.org/doc/master/book/getting-started.html" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://static.rust-lang.org/doc/master/book/getting-started.html</a>
<br>Aha! Cargo is Rust’s build system and package manager<br>install vim plugin for .toml syntax too..<br>
<br>cargo new cargo_test --bin<br>makes a:<br> * new git repo<br> * with inside a folder for src<br> * and a toml file for dependencies<br> * thats pretty cool<br>
<br>added a dependency to my first cargo.toml file,<br>
<ul class="indent">
<li>rand v0.3.0</li>
</ul>Cargo build, then updates your crate index, downloads the needed dependencies, compiles them, plus your own src.<br>**Crates.io. Crates.io is where people in the Rust ecosystem post their open source Rust projects for others to use.<br>** half way here:<a href="https://static.rust-lang.org/doc/master/book/guessing-game.html" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://static.rust-lang.org/doc/master/book/guessing-game.html</a>
<br>** ok done with this tutorial<br>
<br>=== Rabbit hole number 2 The Rocket section ===<br>Rocket has launched from <a href="http://localhost:8000" rel="noreferrer noopener">http://localhost:8000</a>
<br>Epiphany moment:<br>* Rewrite the radio website with Rocket, can help me get rid of the https problem by putting the enitre webpage in Rocket<br>* Stream and all.<br>* And get rid of Jquery too. <br>
<br>following this.<br>
<a href="https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/overview/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://rocket.rs/v0.4/guide/overview/</a>
<br>Nice, its easy to make routes with this, but I don't need them<br>
<br>Templating is what I need, and rocket has Tera and handlebars<br>
<a href="https://github.com/Keats/tera" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://github.com/Keats/tera</a> Templating, it seems pretty straightforward.<br>it's basically Jinja2 but for Rust. Just need to load the old Radio website en replace the ANSI art inside the pre tag<br>and load the track info in some other place, maybe this time also occasionally generate track download links?<br>
<a href="https://handlebarsjs.com/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://handlebarsjs.com/</a>
<br>I don't like the marketing of this, but maybe this is a more straightforward solution, also because JS based<br>might be good to use for reloading the track info without reloading the page.<br>