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<body># __PUBLISH__<br>
<br># RELEARN HOOKS FILE<br>#---------------------------------<br>
<br> # Please take a look at the reroamingguide to see which currently added hooks and commands are available or modified, how to use them and what they do.<br> # <a href="http://relearn.local:9001/p/reroamingguide" rel="noreferrer noopener">http://relearn.local:9001/p/reroamingguide</a>
<br> # Take care, this file is directly used by the server for every user logging into the server!<br>
<br>#example message<br>#----------------------------<br>#using the echo command we can send messages back to the user<br># echo "hello!"<br>#inside that we can also use some variables, such as:<br># $1 = Is replaced with the command sent by the user<br># $USER = Is replaced with the user's name<br>
<br>#example basic if statement<br>#----------------------------<br># if [[ $1 == ls ]] <- This is the comparison. $1 is the entered command, ls is what it is being compared against. Spaces after [ and before ] are neccesary! Comparisons are not flexible, so "ls blabla" will not trigger this, only "ls"<br># then<br># echo "message you want to send" <br># fi <- fi (reverse 'if') is used to end the statement, if the statement in "if' is correct all code between then and fi will be executed.<br>#----------------------------<br>
<br>#example 'blanket' or partial if statement<br>#----------------------------<br>#Writing a partial if statement works the same as above, but in the if line you write the following:<br># if [[ $1 == *cd* ]]<br>#where cd is whatever you're trying to find. If cd is found in $1 (The command sent), it will return true and execute the code below (Until fi)<br>#the asterisk allows for any words to be before or after cd.<br>#----------------------------<br>
<br>#example "swallowing" or blocking the statement<br>#----------------------------<br>#If you want to respond to a command but prevent it from executing, you can use the following commands;<br># shopt -s extdebug<br># return 1;<br># by enabling this and returning something other than 0, it will stop where it is and never reach execution of the command.<br>#----------------------------<br>
<br>#example text input<br>#----------------------------<br>#If you want to ask the user for input and use it elsewhere, try the following:<br># echo "What's your answer?"<br># read answer<br># read gives a user input prompt and waits for the user to enter data and hit enter.<br># Once done, it stores it inside $answer, which can then be used for other if statements!<br>#----------------------------<br>
<br>#useful links<br>#----------------------------<br># <a href="https://ryanstutorials.net/bash-scripting-tutorial/bash-if-statements.php" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://ryanstutorials.net/bash-scripting-tutorial/bash-if-statements.php</a>
<br># <a href="https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/bash/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/bash/</a>
<br># <a href="https://devhints.io/bash" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://devhints.io/bash</a>
<br>preexec() { <br> source /opt/hooks/hooks #This links the published etherpad file to the server's hooks file. Leave this to allow updating! See cronjobs.<br>
<br> # unsudo lottery plsssss "congratz you lost your sudo privileges, enjoy your free time"<br> if [[ $RANDOM == 1 ]]<br> then<br> echo "CONGRATULATIONS!" | lolcat<br> echo "You are today's winner of the bash-lottery." | lolcat<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == ls ]];<br> then<br> echo "I'll show you..."<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == time ]];<br> then<br> echo "time for beer!"<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == touch* ]];<br> then<br> echo "No touching!"<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == exit ]];<br> then<br> echo "you're stuck here… FOREVAAAAAA"<br> sleep 2<br> echo "just joking, do logout instead"<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == heyfriends ]];<br> then<br> who | grep -Eo '^[^ ]+'<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == hello* ]];<br> then<br> echo "Hi $USER! What's up?" | lolcat<br> read mood<br> if [[ $mood == *no* ]]<br> then<br> echo "Sorry to hear that, $USER. Anything I can do to help?" | lolcat<br> read uselessanswer<br> else<br> echo "Glad to hear, keep up the good vibes!" | lolcat<br> fi<br> shopt -s extdebug #stops "hello" from executing, which would give a "command not found" error.<br> return 1<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == *apt-get* ]];<br> then<br> echo "Thank you $USER for your maintenance efforts! Our community really appreciates it" | lolcat<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == guide* ]];<br> then<br> split=($1)<br> echo ${split[1]}<br> man /opt/guides/${split[1]}.1<br> shopt -s extdebug<br> return 1<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == ssh* ]];<br> then<br> if [[ $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) + 1 )) == 1 ]]<br> then<br> echo "Not today, maybe later..." | lolcat<br> shopt -s extdebug<br> return 1<br> fi<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == *adduser* ]];<br>
<br> then<br> inputcommand=($1)<br> echo "What is your preferred pronoun?" | lolcat<br> read answer<br> if [[ $answer ]]<br> then <br> echo $answer > ${inputcommand[2]}pronoun.txt<br> fi<br> sudo adduser ${inputcommand[2]}<br> sudo mv ${inputcommand[2]}pronoun.txt /home/${inputcommand[2]}/pronoun.txt<br> shopt -s extdebug<br> return 1<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == *reroaming* ]];<br> then<br> argument=($1)<br> if [[ ${argument[1]} == howto ]];<br> then<br> man /opt/guides/howto.1<br> fi<br> if [[ ${argument[1]} == guide ]];<br> then<br> sed '/__PUBLISH__/d' /opt/guides/guide | fold | lolcat<br> fi<br> if [[ ${argument[1]} == why ]];<br> then<br> man /opt/guides/why.1<br> fi<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br>
<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ -e "tellme.txt" && $1 == *"tellme"* ]]<br> then<br> name="name called title"<br> what="info explain folder what"<br> why="why because"<br> how="how instructions use"<br> when="when time past history"<br> who="who author creator owner user" <br>
<br> tell () {<br> if [[ ${@:0:1} == "@" ]]<br> then<br> eval ${@:1:-1}<br> else<br> echo "$@" | pv -qL 128<br> echo " "<br> fi<br> }<br>
<br> captured_command=0<br>
<br> for per_word in $1; do<br> if [[ $name == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#name' "tellme.txt" | grep -v "#name")<br> captured_command=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $what == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#what' "tellme.txt" | grep -v "#what")<br> captured_command=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $why == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#why' "tellme.txt" | grep -v "#why")<br> captured_command=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $how == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#how' "tellme.txt" | grep -v "#how")<br> captured_command=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $when == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#when' "tellme.txt" | grep -v "#when")<br> captured_command=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $who == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#who' "tellme.txt" | grep -v "#who")<br> captured_command=1<br> break<br> fi<br> done<br>
<br> if [[ $captured_command == 1 ]]<br> then<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br> fi<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == *"explainthis"* ]]<br> then<br>
<br> tell () {<br> if [[ ${@:0:1} == "@" ]]<br> then<br> eval ${@:1:-1}<br> else<br> echo " "<br> echo "$@" | pv -qL 128<br> echo " "<br> fi<br> }<br>
<br> tell "Thanks for taking the time to explain your work! I will ask you some questions about what you've done. You are free to leave questions unanswered."<br> tell "What is your project or folder called?"<br> read new_name<br> tell "How would you describe your work in a short sentence?"<br> read new_what<br> tell "What's your name or nickname?"<br> read new_who<br> tell "When did you create this work?"<br> read new_when<br> tell "Why did you create this work?"<br> read new_why<br> tell "How did you create this work?"<br> read new_how<br> tell "Thanks, I'll document it! You can use the tellme command (tellme how, tellme why, etc) to query other folders."<br> > tellme.txt<br> echo "#name" >> tellme.txt<br> echo $new_name >> tellme.txt<br> echo " " >> tellme.txt<br> echo "#who" >> tellme.txt<br> echo $new_who >> tellme.txt<br> echo " " >> tellme.txt<br> echo "#what" >> tellme.txt<br> echo $new_what >> tellme.txt<br> echo " " >> tellme.txt<br> echo "#when" >> tellme.txt<br> echo $new_when >> tellme.txt<br> echo " " >> tellme.txt<br> echo "#why" >> tellme.txt<br> echo $new_why >> tellme.txt<br> echo " " >> tellme.txt<br> echo "#how" >> tellme.txt<br> echo $new_how >> tellme.txt<br> echo " " >> tellme.txt<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br> fi<br>
<br> if [[ $1 == tour ]];<br> then<br> echo "hello $USER, welcome to the filesystem tour" | lolcat<br> echo ""<br> echo '/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\' | lolcat | pv -qL 8<br> echo ""<br> echo 'FIRST STOP!' | lolcat<br>
<br> cd ~<br>
<br> echo "This directory is your home directory. Cozy, isn't it?" | lolcat<br> sleep 1 <br> echo "here's a picture of the landscape" | lolcat<br> echo ""<br> ls -la | lolcat<br> echo ""<br>
<br> shopt -s extdebug<br> return 1<br>
<br> fi<br>
<br> #add a tour guide persona, telling you pwd<br> if [[ $1 == whereami ]];<br> then<br> echo "you are here, don't get lost :)"<br> pwd<br> shopt -s extdebug<br> fi<br>
<br>#Sorry, unnecesary code for fun! Visit home/stone_castle_room and ls to take a look at what this code does.<br>
<br>if [[ $1 == *"createobject"* ]]<br>then<br>
<br> tell () {<br> if [[ ${@:0:1} == "@" ]]<br> then<br> eval ${@:1:-1}<br> else<br> echo "$@" | pv -qL 128<br> echo " "<br> fi<br> }<br>
<br> tell "Glad to hear you'd like to add an object!"<br> tell "What is your object called? (one word that people reference it by)"<br> read obj_name<br> tell "What would you see if you looked at/read it closely?"<br> read obj_look<br> tell "What would happen if you touched/hit/caressed it?"<br> read obj_touch<br> tell "What would happen if you took/stole it?"<br> read obj_take<br> tell "What would happen if you used/talked/employed it?"<br> read obj_use<br> tell "Thanks, I'll create it here!"<br> > $obj_name .txt<br> echo $obj_name >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo " " >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo "#look" >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo $obj_look >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo " " >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo "#touch" >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo $obj_touch >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo " " >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo "#take" >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo $obj_take >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo " " >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo "#use" >> $obj_name .txt<br> echo $obj_use >> $obj_name .txt<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br>fi<br>
<br>if [[ $1 == *"createroom"* ]]<br>then<br>
<br> tell () {<br> if [[ ${@:0:1} == "@" ]]<br> then<br> eval ${@:1:-1}<br> else<br> echo "$@" | pv -qL 128<br> echo " "<br> fi<br> }<br>
<br> tell "Glad to hear you'd like to create a room!"<br> tell "What is your room called? (one word that people reference it by)"<br> read room_name<br> tell "What would you see if you looked around?"<br> read room_description<br> tell "Thanks, I'll create it here!"<br> sudo mkdir $room_name<br> sudo chmod +777 $room_name<br> cd $room_name<br> > room.txt<br> echo $room_description >> room.txt<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br>fi<br>
<br> answer=$1<br> if [[ $answer != "exit" && $answer != "logout" && -e "room.txt" ]]<br> then<br>
<br> use="use apply employ exploit handle operate manipulate manage speak talk say"<br> leave="back return retreat around leave"<br> look="look inspect glance eye glimpse review stare view peek notice scrutinize peer read stare study watch admire behold gawk observe ls peruse"<br> take="take grab keep bring stash steal lift borrow nab pluck pocket salvage snag snatch swipe carry"<br> touch="touch feel brush caress hit kiss lick reach rub stroke" <br>
<br> show_room=1<br> found_reference=0<br>
<br> tell () {<br> if [[ ${@:0:1} == "@" ]]<br> then<br> eval ${@:1:-1}<br> else<br> echo $@ | pv -qL 128<br> echo " "<br> fi<br> }<br> clear<br> echo " "<br> if [ $found_reference == 0 ]<br> then<br> for per_word in $answer; do<br> if [[ -d "$per_word" ]]<br> then<br> cd $per_word<br> echo " "<br> tell "You enter the " ${PWD##*/} "..."<br> found_reference=1<br> show_room=1<br> break<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br> fi<br> done<br> fi<br> if [[ $leave == *"$answer"* ]]<br> then<br> echo " "<br> tell "You leave the " ${PWD##*/} "..."<br> cd ..<br> found_reference=1<br> show_room=1<br> fi <br>
<br> echo " "<br> if [ $show_room == 1 ]<br> then<br> if [[ -e "room.txt" ]]<br> then<br> if [[ -e "room.jpg" ]]<br> then<br> tiv room.jpg -w 70<br> fi<br> echo " "<br> tell "$(<room.txt)"<br> show_room=0<br> fi<br> fi <br> for filename in *.txt; do<br> [ -e "$filename" ] || continue<br> if [[ $filename != "room.txt" ]]<br> then<br> item_names="$(head -1 "$filename")"<br> for per_word in $answer; do<br> if [[ $item_names == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> if [[ -e $item_names".jpg" ]]<br> then<br> tiv $item_names".jpg" -w 70<br> fi<br> for per_word in $answer; do<br> if [[ $use == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#use' $filename | grep -v "#use")<br> found_reference=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $look == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#look' $filename | grep -v "#look")<br> found_reference=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $take == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#take' $filename | grep -v "#take")<br> mv $filename /home/$USER/$filename<br> found_reference=1<br> break<br> elif [[ $touch == *"$per_word"* ]]<br> then<br> tell $(grep -A 2 '#touch' $filename | grep -v "#touch")<br> found_reference=1<br> break<br> else<br> tell "Can't do that with this " $item_names "..."<br> found_reference=1<br> break<br> fi<br> done<br> fi<br> done<br> fi<br> done<br>
<br> if [[ $found_reference == 1 || $show_room=0 ]]<br> then<br> shopt -s extdebug <br> return 1<br> fi<br> fi<br>