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<strong>Read & Repair feat. Digital Solidarity Networks</strong>
<br><<a href="http://varia.zone/en/rr-digi-soli-networks.html" rel="noreferrer noopener">http://varia.zone/en/rr-digi-soli-networks.html</a>><br>Sunday, 28th June 2020. 15:00-17:00 CEST<br>
<br>---------------------------------------------------<br>A few things you should know about this space:<br>- The pads are not indexed by search engines, but anyone who knows its URL is welcome to read and edit it. It is indexed on the Varia website here <<a href="https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/</a>><br>- Varia makes its own backups, meaning the contents of all pads sit on our hard drives potentially indefinitely.<br>- The availability of the pads is subject to cosmic events, spilled drinks and personal energies.<br>- Both the physical and digital spaces of Varia are subject to our Code of Conduct <<a href="https://varia.zone/en/pages/code-of-conduct.html" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://varia.zone/en/pages/code-of-conduct.html</a>><br>
<strong>» Be supportive. </strong>Be curious. Consider that nobody knows you besides what you write. Meaning, be extra nice with your words. <br>
<strong>» If you have a question, ask.</strong> This is an experiment in reading together from a distance.<br>
<strong>» Don't delete text </strong>from other people, just add. <br>---------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>The guests for the upcoming Sunday are the custodians of the <em>Digital Solidarity Networks</em> pad <<a href="https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/digital-solidarity-networks" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/digital-solidarity-networks</a>>. <em>Digital Solidarity Networks</em> started as a listing of tools, practices and readings for convivial digital solidarity amongst individuals, institutions and collectives. The initiative lives as an online collaborative writing space, where people come together to collect and discuss examples of collective digital alternative practices.<br>
<strong>We will read the following texts:</strong>
<ul class="bullet">
<em>Myriam Aouragh, Seda Gürses, Jara Rocha, Femke Snelting -</em> "Let's first get things done! on division of labour and technopolitical practices of delegation in times of crisis"(<<a href="http://twentysix.fibreculturejournal.org/fcj-196-lets-first-get-things-done-on-division-of-labour-and-techno-political-practices-of-delegation-in-times-of-crisis/" rel="noreferrer noopener">http://twentysix.fibreculturejournal.org/fcj-196-lets-first-get-things-done-on-division-of-labour-and-techno-political-practices-of-delegation-in-times-of-crisis/</a>>)</li>
<em>Spider Alex -</em> "Underneath and on the sidelines: Sustaining feminist infrastructures using speculative fiction"(<<a href="https://iterations.space/underneath-and-on-the-sidelines-sustaining-feminist-infrastructures-using-speculative-fiction/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://iterations.space/underneath-and-on-the-sidelines-sustaining-feminist-infrastructures-using-speculative-fiction/</a>>)</li>
<em>Josh Gabert-Doyon</em> - "On paranoia and reparative reading"(<<a href="https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4597-paranoia-and-the-coronavirus-how-eve-sedgwick-s-affect-theory-persists-through-quarantine-and-self-isolation" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4597-paranoia-and-the-coronavirus-how-eve-sedgwick-s-affect-theory-persists-through-quarantine-and-self-isolation</a>>)</li>
<br>Welcome to this Read & Repair Session. <br>
<br>To begin we are going to individually, but together, spend 1.5hrs reading - 30minutes per text - during which we will collect sentences from them. The sentences we collect are things that resonate with you, incite your curiousity, your doubts and questions, things you agree with, disagree with, or want to know more about.<br>
<br>We will individually, but together, copy paste them into this document and put them into a semi-coherent text order based on how the sentences or paragraphs speak (or don't!) to each other. Afterwards we take this collectively made text and and move it into a color-full pad to discuss our words together.<br>
<br>During our copy paste reading we have come up with some Magic Words to help us edit. Instructions for their use are below. You are free at any time to add your own Magic Word into the Spellbook, with a short introduction on how to cast your spell so that others can use it too.<br>
<u>Spellbook for Copy Paste Reading</u>
<br>Magic Words are used by this collaborative text editor to enact certain commands, for example __PUBLISH__ at the bottom of this pad is indexing it on this page: <a href="https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://etherdump.vvvvvvaria.org/</a> They are little spells that can be used anywhere on the pad to indicate how we want to interact with the text. New magic words can be added, used, reused or altered during the reading time.<br>
<strong>__CHOIR__</strong> We will use this term when something is repeated in our copypasting, instead of adding the text again we can use this magic word to signify our pasting (our voice) in time with anothers pasting (their speech)<br>
<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong> If a sentence or paragraph is raising questions or flags, we can use this magic word to take it with us into discussion.<br>
<strong>__POW__</strong> We can use this term when we think what the author is saying is very powerful, effective and/or affective.<br>
<strong>__NOOO__</strong> This signifies a feeling of doom when reading.<br>
<strong>__AEOOUUWA__</strong> We can use this term to share our joy or enthusiasm for a particular phrasing of an idea.<br>
<strong>__APPEND__</strong> We can use this term to add sentences/words from other references that are not part of the 3 of today.<br>
<strong>__BLEURGH__ </strong>A feeling of disgust.<br>
<strong>__AGGLUTINATE__ </strong>A new word from compounds e.g. "patriarchalism" (patriarchy + capitalism)<br>
<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong> Add word to our session's "vocabulary".<br>
<br>**********************************************************************************<br>Add your copy paste from <u>FCJ-196 Let’s First Get Things Done! On Division of Labour and Techno-political Practices of Delegation in Times of Crisis</u>
<strong> Below</strong>
<br> It is towards such 'sneaky moments'<strong>__POW__</strong> in which the ongoing divide between those engaged in struggles of social justice and those struggling for just technologies have been reshaped that we want to lend our attention.<br> At historical junctures, like the ones we find ourselves in now, hegemonic hierarchies are simultaneously challenged and reinvented. Sometimes they are aggressively imposed, but often they are subtly reproduced; this is what we have come to refer to as ‘sneaky moments.’<br>
<br>We came to recognise how we mimicked<strong>__AEOOUUWA__</strong> the same logic of what we identified and critiqued as a normative western male-dominated approaches that naturalise hegemonic divisions of labor justified by a quest for efficiency<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>we will have to reconfigure these divisions of labour between 'activists' and 'techies'.<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>Time is never objective, and cannot be a standard empirical guideline, as our perceptions of time differ relative to personal struggles in a particular moment.<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>Our own occasional utterances of things like ‘Oh, lets first get things done!’ made us realise we were all projecting from our particular—professional, political, personal—contexts. We came to recognise how we mimicked the same logic of what we identified and critiqued as a normative western male-dominated approaches that naturalise hegemonic divisions of labor justified by a quest for efficiency.<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>The framing of corporate platforms as liberation technologies has overshadowed critiques of the profit agendas embedded in these monopsonies (Mejias, 2012)<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>how can we prevent tech-activists from becoming coopted by policy makers with geopolitical interests<strong> __CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>Conflict management on social platforms, however, does not lend itself well to automation and requires expensive human labour <strong>__NOOO__ </strong>
<br>It is as if we are all placed within a matrix categorised by time and history; setting and locality; and technology, where each constellation brings another understanding of efficiency and urgency.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>These platforms serve to capture attempts at resistance through the seamless integration of political projects into the communication-entertainment complex (Dean, 2009). <strong>__NOOO__ </strong>
<br>in moments of crisis, as people leveraged these technologies to establish new alliances for radical change, the platforms run by these multinational corporations were elevated in mainstream media to the status of ‘liberation technologies’ (Mejias, 2012).<strong>__BLEURGH____NOOO__</strong>
<br>It is at this juncture that the necessity and desire for a convergence between those ‘groups that wish to use the media instrumentally to draw attention to their political efforts versus those who wish to change the media system itself’ (Carroll and Hackett, 2006) became a matter of urgency.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>Certain people do their activism with political change as the objective, and technology as the tool. For others, politics and justice is their context but a certain improvement in the tool itself is the objective.<br>
<br>For instance, with the Arab uprisings we learned that a proper assessment of the political implications of the Internet depends on two different characteristics of technology: as a tool for activists (operational, for example, coding or designing promotion material) and as a space for activists (mobilisation, for example, expanding networks, archiving) (Aouragh, 2012). <br>
<br>‘sneaky moments’<strong> __GLOSSARY__</strong>
<br>**********************************************************************************<br>Add your copy paste from <em>
<u>Spider Alex -</u>
<u> "Underneath and on the sidelines: Sustaining feminist infrastructures using speculative fiction</u>
<br>They have been used to share the way in which speculative fiction can sustain our efforts to create community, feminist infrastructures. Sometimes, they enabled a community to identify its unease and focus on what needed healing, while at other times they served to counterbalance structural violence caused by <strong>
<strong>__GLOSSARY____AGGLUTINATE__</strong>(that criminal alliance of patriarchy and capitalism); at yet others they also allowed us to take a breather together so that we can continue being watchful of possible futures; and in other cases, they were a trigger for activating ecosystems inhabited by narratives, fictional characters and calls for transformational collective action.<br>
<br>To build a community one must go back to a territory where the community is made and unmade, constituted by a variety of thinking-feeling beings, crews, willingness, experiences, trajectories, subjectivities and dissonances <strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>speculative fiction <strong>__GLOSSARY__ </strong>(to sustain our efforts to create infrastructures)<br>
<br>digital infrapuncture <strong>__APPEND__</strong>
<br>One of the values of the community lies in how many mistakes are allowed per path. It also brings about techniques, tools, know-how and infrastructure. Another of its values stems from how much we are allowed to dream and speculate together.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br> A polymorphous monster called community that always sets down roots in a territory and a landscape.<strong>__NOOO____AEOOUUWA__</strong>
<br>What needs to be established, systematised, documented? What should not be considered or not broached? What should be regulated and governed?<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>Together, we multi-manage a <strong>
<em>live infrastructure</em>
<br>One of the values of the community lies in how many mistakes are allowed per path.<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>feminist infrastructure, which is found <strong>
<em>underneath and on the sidelines</em>
</strong>,<strong>__GLOSSARY____POW__</strong> is often precarious and sometimes difficult to see. But it is widespread and disseminated, and at its core is the value and affection that the people, machines and ecosystems that constitute it offer each other.<strong>__AEOOUUWA__</strong>
<br>We are talking about infrastructures that focus on what we believe are basic necessities, such as: electricity, water, poo, piss, connectivity, compost, sewage, organic/electronic/industrial waste, housing, the production of material and immaterial things; and sometimes this is processed by making food and drink.<br>
<br>fear and shame imposed by the <strong>
</strong> system<strong>__BLEURGH____NOOO__</strong>
<br>How can we achieve it, when we have always been told that infrastructure will either kill you or enslave you? <strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>By <strong>
<em>feminist infrastructures</em>__GLOSSARY__</strong> we mean feminist struggles – everything that is sustained and shored up by more or less stable resources – so they can develop and move forward. By <strong>
<em>resources</em>__CANWEDISCUSS__ </strong>we mean techniques, technologies and processes (analogue, digital, social) including safe spaces, shelters, libraries, trustworthy sisterhood networks<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>, servers, yellow pages, repositories, bots, documentation and memory tools, encyclopaedias, HerStories, techniques for life, spells<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>, rituals<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong> and exorcisms<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>.<strong>__CHOIR__</strong>
<br>One of the values of the community lies in <em>how many mistakes are allowed per path</em>. <strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<em>instrumental sedimentation<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong> in the objects produced by artisans4 […] Technology is a set of macro-technical processes (in other words, processes that are bigger than human beings and the community of a hamlet)</em>
<br>We believe that the feminist infrastructure, which is found <strong>
<em>underneath and on the sidelines</em>
</strong>, is often precarious and sometimes difficult to see.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS____CHOIR__</strong>
<br>Women and fellow feminists have always been there, underneath and on the sidelines, sharing <strong>
<em>techniques for life</em>
</strong> and making <strong>
<em>appropriate technologies</em>
<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>(rooted in an idiosyncrasy that neither contaminates nor remains), ‘slow’ technologies<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>, age-old technologies<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>, ‘minor technologies’<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>, and free technologies in pursuit of the sovereignty and autonomy of the communities that develop them.<br>
<em>proletarianisation defined as the rebuffing of artisans, was only possible on a massive scale because of the science that was being developed. This science, far from being speculative, was deeply rooted in the reality of “it is a fact”</em>
<br>(move fast and break things)<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>According to Elleflâne, an <em>‘adequate technology and also appropriate, copied, obtained. […] describes those technologies best suited to the environmental, cultural and economic context; requiring few resources; implying the least costs; with a low environmental impact; low levels of maintenance; created using local skills, tools and materials; and that can be locally repaired, modified and transformed. At the end of the day, which community does not need technology to be efficient, understandable and adapted to its own environmental, cultural and economic context?’</em>
<br>What has no name cannot exist, and so we extend an invitation for the creation of new vocabularies and techniques to explore these futuretopias<strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong> and feminist infrastructures<br>
<br>What has no name cannot exist<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>Pooship <strong>__AGGLUTINATE____GLOSSARY__</strong>(<em>Ecosec</em>): To become an expert in managing our shit, in the literal and figurative sense, along the whole chain involved in expelling it, collecting it, taking it away and composting it. To redignify it as a sign of luck and fertiliser for the earth/soil.<strong>__AEOOUUWA____CHOIR__</strong>
<br>Community infrastructure and feminist infrastructure share common points as well as some of the stresses that affect them.<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>But what is it that draws a sensitive line between techniques and technologies, and why is this important for feminist infrastructures? <strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__ (but not a priority perhaps)</strong>
<br>Lastly, we list other possible techniques9 that we have found in our speculative fictions: visioning, recounting our dreams and nightmares, relating our memories, meditating, daydreaming, branching out, creating memories of the future, rescuing and exorcising unwritten pasts, writing down what is missing, suturing cracks<strong>__AEOOUUWA__</strong> , travelling through our bodies, creating restorative processes, healing traumas, limiting imposed narratives, automatic writing.<br>
<br>Technique is not necessarily technology, but technology is made by absorbing techniques. In systemisation induced by the production of technologies, techniques for life are often completely omitted and destroyed: Those which offered us other ways of understanding our relationship with our surroundings and the values we convey in that relationship. <strong>__POW____CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>An infrastructure tends to (re)generate and (a)cumulate, and the alchemy that results from this stress must be periodically re-examined in order to drain or water/nourish it in time.<strong>__CHOIR____APPEND_BLOODLETTING____CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>In the established and the speculative we find a way to release ourselves from the myth of science and technological progress. <strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>Very few take part in dreaming it <strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>Modern science and ‘new’ technologies are based on distancing, destroying or absorbing techniques necessary for life, and they stop us from finding the access, shortcuts and paths to our appropriate technologies. <strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>processes of autopoiesis<strong> __CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>**********************************************************************************<br>Add your copy paste from<em> Josh Gabert-Doyon</em> - "<u>On paranoia and reparative reading</u>" <strong>Below</strong>
<br> it should be noted that Gilead, the pharmaceutical company at the forefront of developing a coronavirus vaccine, also owned the patent to Truvada, better known as PrEP, a preventative HIV drug only made available in the UK this week after an incredibly hard-fought campaign by activists.<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>For Sedgwick, the two modes of reading are not antithetical, instead the reparative mode of reading is something of a continuation of the paranoid.<br>
<br>And through that paranoia, there has been a political effort to read the crisis under the rubric of what the theorist Eve Kosofosky Sedgwick would describe as “reparative”. <br>
<br>a lense of defiant paranoia<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>When it comes to what knowledge is to be gained by this kind of conspiratorial reading, don’t we already know that the lives of disabled people are undervalued by our health system, that the tenants are unfairly evicted, the precariat locked out of the privileges once universally afforded?<strong>__NOOO____CHOIR__</strong>
<br>Suspicious reading can also build the grounds for shared opposition and resistance that emerges from the reparative affective mode, and a reparative mode of reading the crisis.<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>Paranoia, as an effect and as a mode of reading, is “anticipatory”, it’s “reflexive and mimetic...plac[ing] its faith in exposure”.<br>
<br>Reparative reading requires a healthy degree of paranoia, but also non-paranoid methods: it offers a political strategy and productive way forward for our moment of paranoia fixation.<br>
<br>reparative reading <strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong> (?)(!) (+1)(+1)<strong> __CHOIR__</strong>
<ul class="indent">
<li><><strong> __GLOSSARY__ (can a symbol be part of the glossary?)</strong> This is where her idea of reparative reading begins. Reparative reading requires a healthy degree of paranoia, but also non-paranoid methods: it offers a political strategy and productive way forward for our moment of paranoia fixation. </li>
<li><> (...) the process of drawing a suspicious eye to the unfolding of the crisis offers the basis for shared political action.</li>
<li><> helping to shift the conditions of political possibility.</li>
<li><> In reparative reading, we “seek new environments of sensation for the objects they study by displacing critical attachments once forced by correction, rejection, and anger with those crafted by affection, gratitude, solidarity, and love.”</li>
<br>financialisation has conjured its own paranoid reading, where theorists seek to untangle the web of legal mechanisms and offshore accounts that allow the financial system to dominate all other modes of life. <br>
<br>Suspicious reading can also build the grounds for shared opposition and resistance that emerges from the reparative affective mode, and a reparative mode of reading the crisis.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>ideological frailty <strong>__GLOSSARY__</strong>
<br>from Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations to Adam Curtis’ soothing voice-over, we’re already well acquainted with the sort of reading necessary to make sense of our slow-moving dystopia.<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>Anne Boyer writes about coronavirus in a recent newsletter: “These are the same types who say the only thing to fear is fear, which of course is not true, because fear educates our care for each other -- we fear a sick person might be made sicker, or that a poor person's life might be made even more miserable, and we do whatever we can to protect them because we fear a version of human life in which everyone lives for themselves only.”<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>Looking back on the legacy of AIDS activism Sedgwick writes: “what we can best learn from such [reparative] practices are, perhaps, the many ways selves and communities succeed in extracting sustenance from the objects of a culture – even of a culture whose avowed desire has often been to not sustain them.”<strong>__NOOO__</strong>
<br>To read coronavirus reparatively is to engage with the new forms of solidarity we develop through our periods of self-isolation and social distancing.<strong>__POW__</strong>
<br>the “queer possibility” that we don’t repeat destructive patterns that we’ve come across in large-scale resets: don’t make the same mistakes paranoia has led us into before.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>We act paranoid as a defence against loss.<br>
<br>And there are reasons to practice paranoid reading beyond just the fact that they may provide “true knowledge”. <strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>In reparative reading, we “seek new environments of sensation for the objects they study by displacing critical attachments once forced by correction, rejection, and anger with those crafted by affection, gratitude, solidarity, and love.” <strong>__AEOOUUWA____AEOOUUWA____AEOOUUWA__</strong>
<br>Sedgwick writes of the “queer possibility” that we don’t repeat destructive patterns that we’ve come across in large-scale resets: don’t make the same mistakes paranoia has led us into before.<strong>__CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>paranoid reading <strong>__GLOSSARY__ </strong>(?) (specially in close relation to reparative reading)<br>
<br>very nice how text 2 and text 3 started to speak to each other <br>digital infrapuncture: (an <strong>__AGGLUTINATE__</strong> !) (proposed by Deb Verhoeven) to point to moments of stress in infrastructures<br>
<br>depressing feelings occured when reading: <em>that we don’t repeat destructive patterns that we’ve come across in large-scale resets</em> (isn't this what is happening...)<br>
<br>the 3rd text is written in March 2020: so the moment of most paranoid-ness probably!<br>
<br>The whole text is not really reparative actually....<br>
<br>not shying away from the practicalities and contexts of being part of a community<br>2nd text: hopeful because it is practical (rather read about handling poo then about biometrical data)<br>
<br>reparative reading vs speculative fiction<br>
<br>* how can we prevent tech-activists from becoming coopted by policy makers with geopolitical interests<strong> __CANWEDISCUSS__</strong>
<br>coopted as in: working for? or working with big-tech tools?<br>
<br>tech activists vs activists for justice<br>
<br>"appropriate" technologies, to point to local situations, what is "radical" in relation to that infrastructure<br>for example in Romania there is not enough money to work on alternative networks<br>
<br>would be great to challenge the notion of "alternative modes of distribution" a bit<br>
<br>phones & affordability<br>ref to the ADEF summercamp last year, when a group tried to make a mesh network, but each device needed different adaptations in order to make it work<br>in the end many compromises needed to be made, <br>question of time, "it takes time to work on infrastructure" and again affordability<br>"it killed my dreams" about mesh networks <br>
<br>ref to Technological Sovereignty <a href="https://sobtec.gitbooks.io/sobtec2/" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://sobtec.gitbooks.io/sobtec2/</a>
<br>city wifi networks<br>local networks<br>mesh networks<br>
<br>technique vs/& technoly<br>
<br>technique... <br>
<ul class="indent">
<li>informal, </li>
<li>both knowledge and tools, </li>
<li>sedimentations produced in the ..., </li>
<li>craftmanship, </li>
<li>or feel comfortable to use something in a very specific way?, </li>
<li>technique as in intimate relationship between tool and the user, </li>
<ul class="indent">
<li>formalized?, </li>
<li>generalization, </li>
<li>being remote from the technique?, </li>
<li>there is some "totalizing" part in the phrase "technology" as we expect it to work everywhere and for anyone, </li>
<li>processes that are bigger then human beings</li>
<ul class="indent">
<li>"According to Biagini and Carnino, technique is <em>‘both knowledge and tools, in other words, a set of informal processes and their instrumental sedimentation in the objects produced by artisans4 […] Technology is a set of macro-technical processes (in other words, processes that are bigger than human beings and the community of a hamlet) that are made possible thanks to the coming together of science and technology.’"</em>
<br>a hamlet: in English, a town without a religion? in French, too small snippets of a village that are too small to be on their own?<br>
<br>'techies'<br>technician ? tech- as technique?<br>technologist ? tech- as technology? but connotates something academic<br>technocrat ? (joke)<br>techship ! (as in pooship)<br>
<br>A <strong>technologist</strong> is a person who specializes in using technology.[1] While similar to a technician, the two are not the same.[2] Where both are employed, a technician works for a technologist.[2] A technician is someone with <strong>a basic knowledge of a technology</strong>. A technologist is someone <strong>who completely understands the technology and other technologies</strong> that can be applied.[2] In the field of health care, for example, both may be called a "lab tech".[3] While they may have overlapping duties, a laboratory or lab technician performs the duties he or she is trained for.[3] The lab technologist is the project manager who supervises the lab.[3]<br>
<a href="https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technologist" rel="noreferrer noopener">https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technologist</a>
<br>> very hierarchal<br>
<br>returning structure two-group-dualisms ...<br>
<br>activists --- techies<br>activist for social change --- tech activists<br>
<br>technologist --- technician<br>
<br>'techies' activists<br> 🤝 <br> appropriate technologies<br>
<br>After summer R&R sessions:<br>
<br>- Steve, maybe around annotations?<br>- Read-in?<br>- Matthew Stadler? (founder of publication studio, involved in the Portland)<br>- Clara? (on radical transcriptions?)<br>
<br>Would be nice to shift roles in the library workgroup, so that it is not only one person that organises a R&R session, but also others can invite someone to host one?<br>
<br>workgroup library...<br>practical things around the library @ Varia<br>
<br>combining R&R public moments with WG library workmoments?<br>we can try this out in the session of August<br>
<br>Ref to Cybernetics Library: "check in" system<br>reverse catalog system, where people can check in a book, that can be read in a specific place<br>
<br>Ref to Luke's idea about federated radical library throughout Rotterdam <br>How to "trace" books?<br>How to inject a trace of the route of the book?<br>
<br>Danny is working on a system to make a webpage of an ethercalc that hosts the catalog<br>