See #8
413 lines
11 KiB
413 lines
11 KiB
// go-sh-manymanuals TODO
package main
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
pdf "github.com/johbar/go-poppler"
// filenameFilterMode searches by PDF file name.
const filenameFilterMode = "filename"
// contentFilterMode searches by PDF contents.
const contentFilterMode = "content"
// help is the command-line interface help output.
const help = `go-sh-manymanuals: TODO
-h output help
// minCharsUntilFilter is the minimum amount of characters that are
// required before the filtering logic commences actually filtering.
const minCharsUntilFilter = 2
// helpFlag is the help flag for the command-line interface.
var helpFlag bool
// handleCliFlags handles command-line flags.
func handleCliFlags() {
flag.BoolVar(&helpFlag, "h", false, "output help")
// readPDF reads the plain text contents of a PDF. This does not include the
// formatting. Only the content you see when you view it through a PDF reader.
// The library we're using makes use of the C bindings to the Poppler PDF
// library https://poppler.freedesktop.org which appears to offer a good mix of
// reliability and effectiveness.
func readPDF(name string) (string, error) {
doc, err := pdf.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer doc.Close()
var txt string
for i := 0; i < doc.GetNPages(); i++ {
txt += doc.GetPage(i).Text()
return txt, nil
// model offers the core of the state for the entire UI.
type model struct {
input textinput.Model // Fuzzy search interface
filterMode string // The filtering mode ("filename", "content")
datasheets []datasheet // All datasheets under cwd
datasheetNames []string // All datasheet names (caching)
datasheetsStyle lipgloss.Style // Style to use for listing datasheets
filteredDatasheets []string // Filtered view on all datasheets
loadDatasheetSpinner spinner.Model // Spinner to show while loading datasheets
datasheetsLoaded bool // Whether or not the datasheets are loaded or not
datasheetViewport viewport.Model // Viewport for the PDF content
datasheetViewportStyle lipgloss.Style // Style to show while showing datasheet viewport
indexSpinner spinner.Model // Spinner to show that content indexes are being loaded
querySpinner spinner.Model // Spinner to show that content is being queried
peers []peerdiscovery.Discovered // LAN peers
// datasheetFromName retrieves a datasheet via a name.
func (m model) datasheetFromName(name string) string {
for _, d := range m.datasheets {
if d.filename == name {
return d.contents
return ""
// toggleFilterMode toggles the filter mode.
func (m *model) toggleFilterMode() {
if m.filterMode == filenameFilterMode {
m.filterMode = contentFilterMode
} else {
m.filterMode = filenameFilterMode
func (m model) peerAddresses() []string {
var ps []string
for _, p := range m.peers {
ps = append(ps, p.Address)
return ps
// datasheet represents a datasheet on disk.
type datasheet struct {
filename string // The name of the file
absPath string // the absolute file path
contents string // the contents of the PDF
// initialModel constucts an initial state for the UI.
func initialModel(width int, height int) model {
input := textinput.New()
datasheetViewport := viewport.New(width/2+20, height/2)
datasheetViewportStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().
// NOTE: disable the default keymap, we don't want to be able to
// scroll on this viewport or control it in any view. it's
// read-only
datasheetViewport.KeyMap = viewport.KeyMap{}
loadDatasheetSpinner := spinner.New()
loadDatasheetSpinner.Spinner = spinner.Dot
loadDatasheetSpinner.Style = lipgloss.NewStyle().
datasheetsStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle().
Width(width/2 - 30).
Height(height/2 - 30).
m := model{
input: input,
filterMode: filenameFilterMode,
datasheetsLoaded: false,
loadDatasheetSpinner: loadDatasheetSpinner,
datasheetViewport: datasheetViewport,
datasheetViewportStyle: datasheetViewportStyle,
datasheetsStyle: datasheetsStyle,
return m
// loadedDatasheetsMsg signals to the UI that the datasheets have been loaded.
type loadedDatasheetsMsg struct {
datasheets []datasheet // Datasheets
datasheetNames []string // Filenames of all datasheets
// peerDiscoveredMsg signals to the UI that a peer was discovered.
type peerDiscoveredMsg struct {
discovered []peerdiscovery.Discovered // Discovered peers
// discoverPeers discovers LAN peers
func discoverPeers(m model) peerDiscoveredMsg {
var discovered []peerdiscovery.Discovered
// TODO: handle this error
discoveries, _ := peerdiscovery.Discover()
for _, discovery := range discoveries {
log.Printf("peer discovered: %s", discovery)
discovered = append(discovered, discovery)
return peerDiscoveredMsg{discovered: discovered}
// loadDatasheets loads the datasheets from disk. The UI shows a spinner while
// this is happening so that nobody gets bored.
func loadDatasheets(m model) loadedDatasheetsMsg {
var datasheets []datasheet
var datasheetNames []string
// TODO: have this gradually update the UI as files are walked/parsed instead
// of blocking until everything is done in one big go. the current loading
// spinner will be there for a while on actually many manuals
// TODO: handle error in interface?
_ = filepath.Walk(".", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
name := info.Name()
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "pdf") {
// TODO: handle error in interface?
// TODO: don't read them all up front while blocking?
// we could run this in a goroutine somewhere
// this currently slows down startup time
contents, _ := readPDF(path)
datasheet := datasheet{
filename: name,
absPath: path,
contents: contents,
datasheets = append(datasheets, datasheet)
datasheetNames = append(datasheetNames, name)
return nil
return loadedDatasheetsMsg{
datasheets: datasheets,
datasheetNames: datasheetNames,
// Init initialises the program.
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return tea.Batch(
func() tea.Msg { return loadDatasheets(m) },
func() tea.Msg { return discoverPeers(m) },
// filterDatasheetContents filters datasheet by content from user input.
func filterDatasheetContents(m model) []string {
// TODO: implement indexing work beforehand
// wait for datasheetsLoaded to go true
// then iterate m.datasheets and index them
// for this function, wait until Enter is hit to fire the query,
// run the query, fire the spinner and block any other queries
// coming in. return the list hits that come back from the query
return []string{}
// filterDatasheetNames filters datasheet names based on user input.
func filterDatasheetNames(m model) []string {
search := m.input.Value()
if !(len(search) >= minCharsUntilFilter) {
return m.datasheetNames
var matchedDatasheets []string
matches := fuzzy.Find(search, m.datasheetNames)
for _, match := range matches {
matchedDatasheets = append(matchedDatasheets, match.Str)
if len(matches) > 0 {
return matchedDatasheets
return m.datasheetNames
// Update updates the program state.
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
var (
cmd tea.Cmd
cmds []tea.Cmd
m.input, cmd = m.input.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.datasheetViewport, cmd = m.datasheetViewport.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
m.loadDatasheetSpinner, cmd = m.loadDatasheetSpinner.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
if m.input.Focused() && m.datasheetsLoaded {
if m.filterMode == filenameFilterMode {
m.filteredDatasheets = filterDatasheetNames(m)
} else {
m.filteredDatasheets = filterDatasheetContents(m)
// TODO: implement cursor for scrolling up/down filtered
// results so we can view the PDF contents as desired
// it's currently just the last one (closest to input)
lastDatasheet := m.filteredDatasheets[len(m.filteredDatasheets)-1]
viewportText := m.datasheetFromName(lastDatasheet)
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case loadedDatasheetsMsg:
m.datasheets = msg.datasheets
m.datasheetNames = msg.datasheetNames
m.filteredDatasheets = msg.datasheetNames
selectedDatasheet := msg.datasheets[len(msg.datasheets)-1]
m.datasheetsLoaded = true
case peerDiscoveredMsg:
m.peers = msg.discovered
cmds = append(cmds, func() tea.Msg { return discoverPeers(m) })
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
// TODO: handle terminal resizing
// resize listing / viewport
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "ctrl+c":
return m, tea.Quit
case "tab":
case "o":
selectedDatasheet := m.datasheets[len(m.datasheets)-1]
// TODO: handle error
_ = xdg.Open(selectedDatasheet.absPath)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
// View outputs the program state for viewing.
func (m model) View() string {
body := strings.Builder{}
var sheets string
if !m.datasheetsLoaded {
sheets = fmt.Sprintf("%s gathering datasheets...", m.loadDatasheetSpinner.View())
} else {
// TODO: paginate / trim view to last 10 or something?
sheets = strings.Join(m.filteredDatasheets, "\n")
// TODO: style further with lipgloss, e.g. borders, margins, etc.
panes := lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(
body.WriteString("\n" + m.input.View())
mode := "filter: "
if m.filterMode == filenameFilterMode {
mode += "filename"
} else {
// TODO make this mode actually work once we figure out bleve
mode += "content (FIXME)"
body.WriteString("\n" + mode)
help := "[ctrl-c]: quit | [tab]: filter mode | [o]: open"
body.WriteString("\n" + help)
peers := fmt.Sprintf("peers: %s", strings.Join(m.peerAddresses(), "|"))
body.WriteString("\n" + peers)
return body.String()
// main is the command-line entrypoint.
func main() {
if helpFlag {
f, err := tea.LogToFile("debug.log", "debug")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
width, height, err := term.GetSize(0)
if err != nil {
p := tea.NewProgram(
initialModel(width, height),
if err := p.Start(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("oops, something went wrong: %v", err)