Some of the essential things that separate a server from other computers is that first they are usually not where you are and second that often come without screen and keyboard. With homebrewservers this is particularly the case when using Single Board Computers (SBC).
Some of the essential things that separate a server from other computers is that first they are usually not where you are and second that often come without screen and keyboard. With homebrewservers this is particularly the case when using Single Board Computers (SBC).
In order to use a server you need to it over the network using the command-line interface or shell. This is usually done with a program called SSH which stands for Secure Shell.
In order to use a server you need to connect to it over the network using the command-line interface or shell. This is usually done with a program called SSH which stands for Secure Shell.
One of the more important and foundational skills needed for experimenting and
One of the more important and foundational skills needed for experimenting and
maintaining servers is understanding, using and troubleshooting SSH.
maintaining servers is understanding, using and troubleshooting SSH.