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Toward a Minor Tech 2023-02-02 11:00 writings wiki-to-print, newspaper, creative crowd, publication toward-a-minor-tech en 2023-02-02 11:00 1h 30m /images/toward-a-minor-tech.jpg Varia has been invited to work on the production of the 12th edition of this *Peer-reviewed Newspaper*, a publication series of research/PhD workshops investigating contemporary digital culture. The newspaper is made within a wiki-to-print environment and will be presented during the Transmediale festival on Thursday 2nd of February.

Toward a Minor Tech is out. :)

Varia has been invited to work on the production of the 12th edition of this Peer-reviewed Newspaper, a publication series of research/PhD workshops investigating contemporary digital culture. The newspaper is made within a wiki-to-print environment and will be presented during the Transmediale festival on Thursday 2nd of February.


A Peer-reviewed Newspaper
Volume 12, Issue 1, 2023

Edited by all authors
Published by Digital Aesthetics Research Center, Aarhus University

Organised in collaboration with Centre for the Study of the Networked Image, London South Bank University; King's College, London; transmediale, Berlin; Film & Media/FAS, Queen's University; and Varia, Rotterdam.

The publication was generated with wiki-to-print hosted on Creative Crowd, by Varia.

Publishing licence: CC4r -

Printing: Drukkerij Tripiti, Rotterdam. Printed in an edition of 2000 copies.
Design: Manetta Berends & Simon Browne (Varia)
Fonts: All fonts used in this newspaper are published freely under the SIL Open Font License:, apart from Authentic Sans, which is published under the WTFPL:

  • Authentic Sans
  • Computer Modern
  • Degheest Types
  • Junicode Condensed
  • Latitude
  • Lucette
  • Redaction

ISSN: 2245-7593 (Print)
ISSN: 2245-7607 (PDF)