
3.9 KiB

Title: Rotterdams Electronica Depot Date: 2017-04-09 Category: work group Slug: red-en lang: en tags: electronics

   ╠╦╝│ │ │  │ ├┤ ├┬┘ ││├─┤│││     
   ╩╚═└─┘ ┴  ┴ └─┘┴└──┴┘┴ ┴┴ ┴     
│misc parts       │misc parts     │
│                 │               │
│                 │               │
│                 │               │
│                 │               │
│                 │               │
│                 │               │
│IC's             │trim pots,     │octo couplers       │
│                 │               │EEPROMS             │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│transistors,     │resistors      │big resistors,      │
│empty boxes,     │big            │empty boxes,        │
│                 │               │FTDI,               │
│                 │               │arduino             │
│                 │               │oscilloscope parts  │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│transistors,     │resistors      │capacitors,         │
│diodes           │small          │transducers         │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
│                 │               │                    │
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Rotterdam Electronics Depot

Since many of the independent electronics stores in Rotterdam have permanently closed their doors, it has become nearly impossible to hop on a bike and quickly get some parts. In response to this Varia started the Rotterdam Electronics Depot, a community resource where members can purchase common parts parts at cost.

Become a member:

get in touch with us via the varia list

Opening and picking up

Opening times are dependent on the members. Pick up location is: Gouwstraat 3, 3082 BA, in Rotterdam