Browse Source

added ascii-art-but-with-unicode repo, multi columns, and sinus VARIA ascii art

televex 3 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 144
  4. 16
  5. 1


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "tools/ascii-art-but-with-unicode"]
path = tools/ascii-art-but-with-unicode
url =


@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ feedparser


@ -14,51 +14,71 @@ now =
while True:
os.system("toilet --gay -w 125 -W --filter border:gay \ \ \ VARIA\ \ \ ")
#os.system("toilet --gay -w 125 -W --filter border:gay \ \ \ \ \ VARIA\ \ \ \ \ ")
os.system("./venv/bin/python3 tools/ascii-art-but-with-unicode/ | lolcat -a -d 1")
abouts = ["""
Varia is een collectieve ruimte1 in Rotterdam die zich richt op alledaagse technologie.
Wij zijn van mening dat technologie niet het exclusieve domein van specialisten moet zijn.
Technologie beinvloedt iedereen en zou verschillende manieren van leven mogelijk moeten
maken, in plaats van deze uit te sluiten. We vatten alledaagse technologie breed op;
niet alleen computers, standaarden of protocollen horen daarbij, maar bijvoorbeeld ook
kookgereedschappen of muziekinstrumenten.
Vanuit onze achtergrond in kunst, ontwerp, software & hardware, onderwijs en theoretische
praktijk, voelen we de behoefte om een plek te vormen waar technologie en sociale vragen
met elkaar verbonden zijn; een plek waar samenwerking, continuteit, ontwikkeling,
collectief leren, nieuwsgierigheid en experiment voorop staan.
Varia is een collectieve ruimte in Rotterdam
die zich richt op alledaagse technologie.
Wij zijn van mening dat technologie niet het
exclusieve domein van specialisten moet zijn.
Technologie beinvloedt iedereen en zou verschil-
lende manieren van leven mogelijk moeten maken,
in plaats van deze uit te sluiten. We vatten
alledaagse technologie breed op; niet alleen
computers, standaarden of protocollen horen
daarbij, maar bijvoorbeeld ook kookgereedschap
of muziekinstrumenten.
Vanuit onze achtergrond in kunst, ontwerp,
software & hardware, onderwijs en theoretische
praktijken, voelen we de behoefte om een plek
te vormen waar technologie en sociale vragen
met elkaar verbonden zijn; een plek waar
samenwerking, continuteit, ontwikkeling,
collectief leren, nieuwsgierigheid en experi-
ment voorop staan.
--- ··················································································
Varia is a collective-space in Rotterdam focused on everyday technologies. ··················································································
--- ··················································································
We believe technology should not be the exclusive domain of specialists. ··················································································
It affects everyone and should enable, rather than preclude, diverse ways of living. ··················································································
We understand everyday technology broadly; not just as computers, standards, or ··················································································
protocols, but also, for example, as cooking tools or musical instruments. ··················································································
--- ··················································································
Being involved in the fields of art, design, software & hardware, education ··················································································
and theoretical practices, we felt the need for a place where technology and ··················································································
social questions are linked; a place where collaboration, continuity, development, ··················································································
collective learning, curiosity and experiments are foregrounded. ··················································································
--- ··················································································
Varia is a collective-space in Rotterdam
focused on everyday technologies.
We believe technology should not be the
exclusive domain of specialists. It affects
everyone and should enable, rather than
preclude, diverse ways of living. We under-
stand everyday technology broadly; not just
as computers, standards, or protocols, but
also, for example, as cooking tools or
musical instruments.
Being involved in the fields of art, design,
software & hardware, education and theoretical
practices, we felt the need for a place where
technology and social questions are linked; a
place where collaboration, continuity, develop-
ment, collective learning, curiosity and ex-
periments are foregrounded.
# for lang in abouts:
# for line in lang.split('\n'):
# os.system(f"echo '{ line }' | lolcat -a")
# print("")
# time.sleep(10)
# os.system(f"echo '{ line }' | lolcat -a -d 1")
os.system("./venv/bin/python3 tools/ascii-art-but-with-unicode/ | lolcat -a -d 1")
for c in gcal.walk():
@ -69,44 +89,54 @@ collective learning, curiosity and experiments are foregrounded.
if date > now:
os.system("toilet --gay -w 125 -W --filter border:gay \ COMING UP\ \ ")
# An attempt to keep TeleVex running throughout the night
# (even if the Multifeeder/server is not available)
url = ''
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
multifeeder = json.loads(response)
url = ''
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
multifeeder = json.loads(response)
multifeeder = []
os.system("toilet -f script -w 125 --gay Zzz... the server sleeps.")
for post in multifeeder:
# Clean up the title of the RSS & Calendar
title = title.lower().strip().replace('\n','')
rss_title = post["title"].lower().strip().replace('\n','')
title_check = title.lower().strip().replace('\n','')
rss_title_check = post["title"].lower().strip().replace('\n','')
if title == rss_title:
if title_check == rss_title_check:
description = pypandoc.convert_text(post["summary"], 'plain', format='html')
os.system("toilet --gay -w 125 -W --filter border:gay \ \ \ COMING UP\ \ \ \ ")
description = pypandoc.convert_text(post["summary"], 'plain', format='html',extra_args=['--columns=64'])
# Send the event to the terminal·
os.system(f"toilet -f mono12 --gay -w 125 -W --filter border:gay '{ title }'")
# Title
os.system(f"toilet -f big --gay -w 125 '{ title }'")
# Date
print(date.strftime("%A %d %B %Y (%H:%M:%S)"))
# Description
lines = [line for line in description.split('\n')]
for line in lines:
# HACKY!!!
line = line.replace('&', '\&')
line = line.replace('(', '\(')
line = line.replace(')', '\)')
line = line.replace(';', '\;')
line = line.replace('"', '\"')
line = line.replace("'", "\'")
os.system(f"echo { line } | lolcat -a")
line = line.replace('\n', '')
#line = line.replace('(', '(')
#line = line.replace(')', ')')
#line = line.replace(';', '\;')
#line = line.replace('"', '\"')
#line = line.replace("'", "\'")
os.system(f"echo '{ line }' | lolcat -a -d 1")


@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Varia is een collectieve ruimte in Rotterdam die zich richt op alledaagse technologie.
Wij zijn van mening dat technologie niet het exclusieve domein van specialisten moet zijn. Technologie beinvloedt iedereen en zou verschillende manieren van leven mogelijk moeten maken, in plaats van deze uit te sluiten. We vatten alledaagse technologie breed op; niet alleen computers, standaarden of protocollen horen daarbij, maar bijvoorbeeld ook kookgereedschap of muziekinstrumenten.
Vanuit onze achtergrond in kunst, ontwerp, software & hardware, onderwijs en theoretische praktijken, voelen we de behoefte om een plek te vormen waar technologie en sociale vragen met elkaar verbonden zijn; een plek waar samenwerking, continuteit, ontwikkeling, collectief leren, nieuwsgierigheid en experiment voorop staan.
Varia is a collective-space in Rotterdam focused on everyday technologies.
We believe technology should not be the exclusive domain of specialists. It affects everyone and should enable, rather than preclude, diverse ways of living. We understand everyday technology broadly; not just as computers, standards, or protocols, but also, for example, as cooking tools or musical instruments.
Being involved in the fields of art, design, software & hardware, education and theoretical practices, we felt the need for a place where technology and social questions are linked; a place where collaboration, continuity, development, collective learning, curiosity and experiments are foregrounded.


@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8723ac945f14363581c849a2fc8b41bcd58f0af9