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Varia's XPPL

The XPUB library living at Varia.


Bork It

You'll need to run an RQLite database first:

$ apt update && apt install -y make
$ make install-rqlite
$ make rqlited

Then get Pipenv and run the development server with:

$ pipenv install --dev --three
$ pipenv run devserver

If you need to check the database contents, run:

$ make rqlite

And then run .help for which commands are available.

Test It

$ pipenv run tox

Refer to the tox.ini for configuration options.

Deploy It

See ansible/README.md for this.

Maintain It

The XPPL is made up of a few parts:

  • The Flask application and it's dependencies.
  • The RQLite database.
  • The Syncthing integration for uploads.
  • The Nginx reverse proxy.
  • The Let's Encrypt web certificates.

If you know Ansible (it's just YAML), you can just read the entire configuration.

On the varia.zone machine, you can check the running services with:

$ sudo supervisorctl status all    # check all services
$ sudo supervisorctl stop xppl:*   # stop all XPPL services
$ sudo supervisorctl start xppl:*  # start all XPPL services

You can also view the error logs with:

$ sudo supervisorctl tail xppl:xppl-flask stderr
$ sudo supervisorctl tail xppl:xppl-rqlite stderr

The /var/xppl/xppl/uploads folder is managed by the Varia Syncthing UI.

The RQLite database is located at /var/xppl/rqlite/node.1. No cluster is configured.

No backups are configured right now.