Experiments in audio-visual transmissions (tags: radio, PAL, sstv)

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

a small tool for Wikipedia article quality inspection using ORES

Updated 5 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

Experimental communication tools (televex screen + televex print)

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

A place to stream on the world wide web

Updated 4 years ago

Makes your laptop hinge squeek!

Updated 3 years ago

logging availability and stats of solar.lowtechmagazine.com

Updated 6 years ago

Cursive plaintext bannermaker turn-based snake

Updated 4 months ago

NSIS 0 0

Abandoned GUI Prototype ™

Updated 3 months ago

A text-based bookmark manager rendered in a web page

Updated 4 months ago

repo for instructions and code to produce a audio (wav) player from a simple sd card and an attiny(85) avr chip

Updated 6 years ago

a flask exercise and search machine prototype

Updated 6 years ago

a set of script to predict passes and make automated recordings of satellites. Intended to be run headless on an SoC. Original forked from https://github.com/va7eex/Pi_WXRX Improvements made for https://keet.space

Updated 7 years ago

Simple interface by Angeliki and Cristina used & misused for various workshops.

Updated 4 years ago

Generating portfolios from pads again!

Updated 5 years ago

exploring & testing reportlab to make PDFs with Python

Updated 4 years ago

Relearn 2021 website

Updated 3 years ago