  • 登録日 Mar 23, 2018
JavaScript 0 0

Repo for non destructive e-scooter intervention materials

最終更新 2年前

Shell 0 0

netchatte is a netcat based terminal chat program, inspired by 'unnamed project' and made during the first tangible clouds worksession 18th → 21st May 2022 in Brussels (

最終更新 2年前

Python 0 0

Makes your laptop hinge squeek!

最終更新 3年前

Experiments in audio-visual transmissions (tags: radio, PAL, sstv)

最終更新 3年前

How to fool your GPS enabled devices using Software Defined Radio, in this case using the HackRF One.

最終更新 3年前

Using Arduino Pro Micro to send keystrokes to iOS devices using Apple's OTG-USB cable and Arduino. Useful for scripting sequences, auto-liking, what-not etc.

最終更新 3年前

Captive portal serving files from SPIFFS, updatable Over-The-Air.

最終更新 4年前

Place to store the code and config used for the next-Iterations live event.

最終更新 4年前

Make use of that physical button on the side of your laptop to run scripts instead of only turning your wifi on/off.

最終更新 4年前

Repo for Arduino + NRF24L based walkie talkie.

最終更新 4年前

Capturing TCP/IP packets from iOS devices

最終更新 4年前

SVG 0 0

最終更新 4年前

A complete Eurorack-compatible synth (case, psu, modules) for 100 euro in materials.

最終更新 5年前

Text 0 0

LimeSDRMini experiments, examples and diy documentation.

最終更新 6年前

repo for instructions and code to produce a audio (wav) player from a simple sd card and an attiny(85) avr chip

最終更新 6年前