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Title: Prosody server support for A/V calls with Conversations
Date: 2020-05-04
Tags: xmpp, chat, coturn, instant messaging, prosody, audio/video calls
Slug: server-support-for-audio-video-calls
Summary: Configure support for audio/video calls with Prosody,
Category: instant messaging
5 years ago
Status: draft
In april 2020 Conversations [released a new version with support for end-to-end encrypted audio/video calls](https://github.com/iNPUTmice/Conversations/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#version-280), bringing that functionality to one of the most widely used XMPP clients. For A/V calls to work you need to enable server-side support. This guide will help you doing that.
5 years ago
We will first install and configure [Coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn). It is a libre STUN/TURN server that helps establish peer connections across firewalls for media streams such as calls. Then we will configure Prosody so that it can give temporary credentials to an XMPP clients to login to Coturn.
Like the other guides, this one assumes Debian stable running on the server, the fact that you will end up hosting a few of your friends and that you have some basic skills working on a linux command line.
Furthermore it assumes you have already installed and configured Prosody. If you haven't, take a look at our guide ['Configuring an XMPP server for secure, mobile instant messaging']({filename}configuring_an_xmpp_server_prosody_0.11.md) first.
Set up firewall
To make your server communicate make sure following ports are open in your firewall for UDP traffic:
3478 (TURN)
5349 (TURN + TLS)
49152-65535 (UDP endpoints for clients)
5 years ago
Set up Coturn
5 years ago
First install Coturn
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install coturn
After installing first make a backup of the existing configuration:
$ sudo mv /etc/turnserver.conf /etc/turnserver.conf.bak
5 years ago
Then download the configuration by [the homebrewserver.club](https://homebrewserver.club/downloads/turnserver.conf):
$ cd ~
$ wget https://homebrewserver.club/downloads/turnserver.conf -O turnserver.conf
The file looks like this:
5 years ago
## Minimal version of /etc/turnserver.conf
## For more options and info see the original /etc/turnserver.conf.bak
# Which porst to listen on, make sure the corresponding ports are accepting UDP connections on your firewall
# Your external IP, needed for some connections
listening-ip=CUSTOMIZE THIS
5 years ago
# Your domain name
# Ports that client can connect to. Again make sure they are open for UDP connections on your firewall
# For the connection with Prosody. Generate a long passphrase for the secret.
static-auth-secret=CUSTOMIZE THIS
#Paths to Let's Encrypt certificates
# Log to syslog
# For security:
# disallow server fingerprinting
#dissalow connections on lo interface
# disable command-line access
Now time for some config. You need to edit `/etc/tunserver.conf` in a few places.
First, add your external IP-address to `listening-ip`. If you don't know it, you can find out using the following command:
$ curl https://ifconfig.co
5 years ago
After that make sure `realm` points to the domain name of the server.
Then, set `static-auth-secret` to a decently long passphrase. You can also generate one with:
5 years ago
$ openssl rand -base64 30
5 years ago
Take note of it because we will need this secret later.
Finally, edit the paths to the Let's Encrypt certificates to whatever you've set in ['Configuring an XMPP server for secure, mobile instant messaging']({filename}configuring_an_xmpp_server_prosody_0.11.md#enabling-https).
Once you are done move it in to place:
$ sudo mv turnserver.conf /etc/turnserver.conf
Update & set up Prosody
5 years ago
First update your Prosody modules:
$ apt-get install mercurial
$ cd /usr/src/prosody-modules
$ hg pull
$ hg update
Then edit your prosody config in `/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua`:
First add `turncredentials` to the `modules_enabled` section.
Then, before the 'Virtual Hosts' section, add:
5 years ago
turncredentials_host = "myserver.org"
5 years ago
And replace the value of `turncredentials_secret` with the value of `static-auth-secret` in `/etc/turnserver.conf` and `turncredentials_host` with your domain name.
Finishing up
Start `coturn` and enable it start on boot
$ sudo systemctl enable --now coturn
Restart `prosody`
$ /etc/init.d/prosody restart
Finally to see if it works, you can check your server with the web-based [Conversations Compliance tester](https://compliance.conversations.im/)
In case you run in to issues have a look at the [notes by Daniel Gultsch](https://gist.github.com/iNPUTmice/a28c438d9bbf3f4a3d4c663ffaa224d9) for how to debug issues. Furthermore you can try either the [Conversations.im](xmpp:conversations@conference.siacs.eu?join) or [Homebrewserver.club](hbsc@muc.lurk.org?join) channels.
Thanks & Acknowledgements
Based on [example config by Wiktor Kwapisiewicz](https://github.com/wiktor-k/coturn), and the [Prosody documentation](https://prosody.im/doc/coturn)