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mb b29c717920 '' updaten 1 year ago
myfirstgopher myfirstgopher 1 year ago
plaintext-partyline-txt-files plain text partyline as loose txt files 1 year ago
telnetzine added telnet zine ideas 1 year ago '' updaten 1 year ago

Possible starting points for exploring plaintext protocols...

         wWWWw               wWWWw
   vVVVv (___) wWWWw         (___)  vVVVv
   (___)  ~Y~  (___)  vVVVv   ~Y~   (___)
    ~Y~   \|    ~Y~   (___)    |/    ~Y~
    \|   \ |/   \| /  \~Y~/   \|    \ |/
   \\|// \\|// \\|/// \\|//  \\|// \\\|///