  • Joined on Nov 24, 2017

a flask exercise and search machine prototype

Updated 6 years ago

a small tool for Wikipedia article quality inspection using ORES

Updated 5 years ago

Python 0 0

an ActivityPub testing area in Flask

Updated 4 years ago

a mastodon api prototyping area

Updated 6 years ago

Files for the publication & poster for Data Workers, an exhibition by Algolit. http://www.algolit.net/index.php/Data_Workers

Updated 5 years ago

Python 0 0

various cross-reading prototypes

Updated 5 years ago

Python 0 0

distribusi is a content management system for the web that produces static pages based on the file system.

Updated 5 years ago

Notes, references, snippets and more coming from the Generative Conditions project by Joana and Manetta

Updated 4 years ago

Python 0 0

a python library to draw with ASCII (but with Unicode)

Updated 3 years ago

Python 0 0

This is a repository full of Flask fun, created for the GDA sprint in March 2020 by Danny & Manetta.

Updated 4 years ago

annotation tools for making the iterations publication (Manetta & Jara) - https://iterations.space/

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

exploring & testing reportlab to make PDFs with Python

Updated 4 years ago

The making of a publication for the 2020 edition of the AMRO festival organised by Servus. (Alice & Manetta are working on this.)

Updated 3 years ago

Tools for generating the Volumetric Regimes book https://volumetricregimes.xyz/ (wiki-to-print, using Paged.js)

Updated 2 years ago